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  1. Quite frankly, the Energy Cell cost for processing scrap is just obscene. 90k per hour for the first step alone. Turning that processed scrap into usable materials uses another 92k per hour. Solar arrays generate 10.5k Energy Cells per hour ... You need 18 arrays to meet demands (with some change.) 18 arrays take up a HUGE amount of space, not to mention all the extra storage modules you'll need just to hold those cells! (aside: I have designed a self sufficient station that has 4 advanced electronics factories as the end product, the whole sprawling organization is powered by a single solar array! This just highlights the stupidity going on here!) Research has lead me to the revelation that the whole scrap mechanic was released in tandem with a DLC which added a system that grants a ridiculous bonus to energy cell production. Well I think I figured out why the devs made this system so bat shirt mental! Their solution to the problem they created is dumb. It needs fixing. Could somebody out there make a mod that reduces the cost by, say, a factor of 10? That way we'd only need 2 arrays which considering the consumption rate of other factories... is a little much but frankly much much better.
  2. Both genders please, we don't want to just sexually objectify virtual women here! :devil: Oooh, and some for the MECs! http://cdn.meme.am/instances2/500x/4738255.jpg
  3. For number 3 try this mod: Armor Stat Customiser http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/181/? It even lets you mod kevlar. Both versions of it.
  4. My working theory is that they initially intened to use a melee item to knock out aliens for interrogations ala EU, but later scrapped it. Either the skulljack came later or was a natural progression from the stasis lance and they used the same code lines.
  5. I actually found how to increase the skull jack uses. Can't remember which file it was, but the line was for something called a "stasis lance". I upped the uses to 2 to see what would happen and boom! Skull jack had 2 uses (for both modes, using one mode wouldn't drain the other either!) EDIT: looking up which file i edited, i just found out where to edit the hit chance! in the GameCore file, look for [XComGame.X2AbilityToHitCalc_StasisLance]. EDIT2: aaand the uses is in the GameData_SoldierSkills, look for [XComGame.X2AbilityCharges_StasisLance]
  6. A mod was just released on steam that does exactly that. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639374879
  7. My copy is a bit buggy with civilian deaths. [gunshot impacts civ] [civ model disappears] Wilhelm! [brief pause] [civ body appears crumpled on floor] I've just learned to live with it.
  8. It's been said, but I'll say it again. Conventional weapon skins for the upper tier weapons.
  9. This mod effectivly does what you want. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623051340
  10. My gunslinger rolled holotargetting, which only affects his seldom used sniper rifle. Is it possible to mod holotargetting to proc on pistol shots?
  11. RH Ironsights Thanks, for the tip. :thumbsup:
  12. We are not alone. Recharger Pistol Check out the bug section, it's officialy buggy! :rolleyes:
  13. If any of you have tried to use the recharger pistol's Iron Sights then you know that they are misaligned making aiming in 1st person impossible. Are there any talented modelers out there who can fix this vexxing issue?
  14. I find it odd that the reloading bench only lets you breakdown standard ammo, and not all the special kinds of ammo (such as hollow points or surpluss). I've seen a few mods that add new ammo types, but I'm only interested in breaking down the vinilla ammo types without adding more types of ammo. Could somebody make a mod that does this please?
  15. I've recently reinstalled Fallout 3 and added Broken Steel and Point Lookout, and I've noticed that I can no longer shoot grenades out of the sky (comes up with 0% to hit). Things I've tried: I removed all my mods - nothin'. I removed the DLCs - nothin'. Reinstalled the game without patching it up - Success! Patched up the game using Live for Windows - Broke it again :wallbash: I've looked around, but I couldn't find anything here on Nexus to fix this. Is there anything to fix this? I would appreciate a link if there is :thanks:
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