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About G33k3dGam3r

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    United States

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  1. I think what he means is he wants one updated to include all the items added by the DLCs, with that being said http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42977/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42977/? both include items added in the DLC's, the latter being made by someone with your exact problem as the original weightless mod did not include a few items or the DLC's items
  2. Do you know where i can find a guide to help me with all this, I really would like to actually start making my own mods and I have a ton of models that I would love to add to skyrim or just make them game ready.
  3. I can work up some unique models for the rings if you want. Threw the Denstagmer's Ring together, just the base model as of now still need to do some more work on it
  4. So after a long break, Im back to modeling and I whip up a replica of the Ash Statues from Morrowind. Now I have no clue when it comes to UV Mapping and texture, been telling myself im gonna learn, but that never happens so I was wondering if anyone could help me get the model in the game.
  5. I believe a look a like version was added in lonesome road named the US army general outfit
  6. You could probably make it work, maybe this group became outcasts for a different reason. The DC group did it to stick to the old ways, maybe the Mojave group does it because of what Veronica says the to survive they must adapt to the changeing world
  7. i will see if i can work up a model.
  8. Recently I made a Deadmau5 Mouse head model, and with some help I was able to get it converted to a .nif format, it has a real basic texture to it that looks horrible, im hoping some one can help me get a better texture for it, The Nif file can be found Here, massive thanks to Quetzlsacatanango for converting the model into a .nif Any help will be greatly appreciated. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/2680494-1332632372.jpg This is how it looks now, I am hoping someone can make it look a lot better
  9. Well Tribalizer did an amazing job on it and released it RAGE Wingstick
  10. http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/6108/falloutnv20120324173848.jpg Thanks so much for your help.
  11. I have the model in blender, its UV mapped and has a very simple texture, i just need some help getting it in the game, You can download the file from my modders resource (Link), I would really like to have this playable in the game
  12. Unfortunately we never could get the game to display a separate map with another texture on it as well as the original. as it stands the the texture still only works as a replacer.
  13. Alright salt at times can be a little hard to come by, how did the earliest people get salt, they mined it, So what im thinking is, a mod that either creates a few salt mines or adds a few veins of salt rock to existing mines, Each vein of salt rock when mined should give any where between 3 - 5 salt rocks which either through the alchemy crafting menu or the cooking menu allows you to grind it down and purify it in to salt piles Breakdown 1 Salt vein when mined gives 3 - 5 salt rocks 1 salt rock when ground down gives 2 salt piles
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