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About YanL

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    Fallout New Vegas and Super Metroid

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  1. I've been trying to make New Vegas work properly since 2016. I have not yet succeeded. In Win7 runs SO smoothy. Good luck to those who do not have the option of dual boot. edit: forget to say. Fallout 4 works well. Never tried Skyrim or Fallout 3, even having both games.
  2. yes. the name of the helmet is the same. The world model (when you drop the thing in the ground) are also the lanius old helmet design, but the helmet when the player use it, is the one that you chose.
  3. Hey man, your mod https://ufile.io/kvnow Extract this in your new vegas folder (where it have the .exe) and use a mod manager to turn on the legatehelmetnobeard.esp You can find your helmet in Victor´s Shack, in goodspring. Have fun ^^
  4. For Pete´s sake, one of those custom bodys :rolleyes: Did not read the thread. Yeah, there´s no fun AT ALL to mess around with a thing with millions of vertices and also wait for 10 minutes to import or export the meshes. Anyway, I set up as far as my patience endured. It's a step in the right direction, but the panties need to be straightened out. There are some clipping in this things on the legs. Another thing, there is a gap between the wrist and the hand. I guess it's because these bodies use different hands? If not, I do not know what happened. The file ==> https://ufile.io/wp2dr The rest is up to you lol EDIT: Oh, I remember now. I forget to fix the color skin in nifskope, so you will need to do that too. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_2
  5. not a problem, this can be done very quick. So, the one in the middle, then? http://i64.tinypic.com/2m7sx84.png p.s: I fix the broken horn. Also, this "second beard" in the face, I can´t get rid off. Is part of the texture.
  6. Jokerine's site have such mod. https://jokerineborealis.tumblr.com/tagged/fnv Somewhere there.
  7. Well, you can dress Raul like Hancock hehe. I made his outfit in this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/63745 And this mod have the hat https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/63817
  8. Oh no. You can't do that in Nifskope, you need something like Blender or 3DS Max :)
  9. sure buddy. https://ufile.io/oz32j Extract the file in your New Vegas Folder
  10. You need only the Geck, for New Vegas. Download here. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Main_Page tutorial to install and open the geck, and create your own plugin http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Bethsoft_Tutorial_GECK_Setup tutorial to create a perk http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_create_a_perk videos to load multiple masters (you need to load Lonesome Road because Burden to bear is a perk from there, but if you wanna load another dlc, you will need to load multiple masters), see this
  11. I took a look at the corresponding session and saw that it has several quests mods =/ What do the op wants, a new one; dlc size; each month?
  12. this "ranger gunslinger" is not a vanilla armor. Who is the author?
  13. edit: no, sorry, I can not help now. Maybe in the future.
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