Alright guys. I have another idea. If you want to skip the background (because I am told I tend to ramble. I can't help it) and get right to the point, scroll down to this symbol >>> You guys might have seen me around both pitching ideas for mods and asking questions about how to do one thing or another. A few of you might have received requests from me for permission to use assets from your mods. I have the itch. I want to create. Most of the "mods" or patches I have made thus far require permissions from the original creators to post and... well, that is harder than making the patches themselves. I don't think they will object, but actually getting in contact with them is proving difficult. Trying to explain what I want to do is equally difficult. People tend not to understand me. Maybe because I ramble? Anyway, I digress... Taking a break from that, I decided to contact jenncave about requesting a patch for her excellent "Sanctuary Lite" so that it would work with "Sanctuary Water Overhaul" from fluffycub69. jenncave suggested that I try it myself, saying such a fix would not be very difficult. I admit, I am a tad overwhelmed by the CK. Most of the changes I made were in xEdit or editing dds files. But, taking her vote of confidence, I loaded up a few youtube CK tuts and learned how to navigate in the render window with the god-awful controls. I managed to fix the issue and also remove the wooden bridge for a concrete one. But then I got to thinking... >>> Instead of repairing the holes and tears, what if I "created" a hole or "cave" and then set that cave up so that I can FINALLY use the Vault-Tech kit underground somewhere OTHER than the caves at Vault 88? It would essentially just be a hole in the ground to start, but I might add a vault door and a single room where you can start building from. But first, I need to figure out how to make that hole. Any suggestions on how to get started on something like this?