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About TheAlmightyOS

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  1. Hi all! I created a bit of a mashup of various PA HUD mods for my own use. Long story short, I took a screenshot to show off some WIPAG armor on Danse and people liked the HUD and suggested I post it. This isn't my own work. The only thing I can claim is color-rotating the ammo/core numbers and mixing and matching the dds files. So I sent messages to the various mod authors asking permission. So far, no dice. They have not even read my messages yet. I was wondering if there might be a better way to contact these guys. Any ideas? Mods used in Mashup: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7252 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10937 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8289 (There is one more that I can't put my finger on right now. It is where I got those ammo/core numbers from. When I get home and look at my notes I will update post to include that one as well. If you recognize it or it's yours PLEASE contact me!)
  2. Hum... sort of want... depends what they make. Don't have much use for mugs or t-shirts. Stickers, pins, etc might be nice. Looking forward to see what they come up with.
  3. Alright guys. I have another idea. If you want to skip the background (because I am told I tend to ramble. I can't help it) and get right to the point, scroll down to this symbol >>> You guys might have seen me around both pitching ideas for mods and asking questions about how to do one thing or another. A few of you might have received requests from me for permission to use assets from your mods. I have the itch. I want to create. Most of the "mods" or patches I have made thus far require permissions from the original creators to post and... well, that is harder than making the patches themselves. I don't think they will object, but actually getting in contact with them is proving difficult. Trying to explain what I want to do is equally difficult. People tend not to understand me. Maybe because I ramble? Anyway, I digress... Taking a break from that, I decided to contact jenncave about requesting a patch for her excellent "Sanctuary Lite" so that it would work with "Sanctuary Water Overhaul" from fluffycub69. jenncave suggested that I try it myself, saying such a fix would not be very difficult. I admit, I am a tad overwhelmed by the CK. Most of the changes I made were in xEdit or editing dds files. But, taking her vote of confidence, I loaded up a few youtube CK tuts and learned how to navigate in the render window with the god-awful controls. I managed to fix the issue and also remove the wooden bridge for a concrete one. But then I got to thinking... >>> Instead of repairing the holes and tears, what if I "created" a hole or "cave" and then set that cave up so that I can FINALLY use the Vault-Tech kit underground somewhere OTHER than the caves at Vault 88? It would essentially just be a hole in the ground to start, but I might add a vault door and a single room where you can start building from. But first, I need to figure out how to make that hole. Any suggestions on how to get started on something like this?
  4. Keep in mind, this will also make your pipboy "color" with all the lines, symbols and text being white and color icons and maps from mods. If you go this route, you might want to check out RadRose Green Color Pipboy or... I can't remember the name of the gold one.
  5. Hi all! I am looking to make some visual enhancements by editing SWF files (mostly those that control the pipboy interface). I am wondering if there is a program that is recommended by the veteran modders here.
  6. Try this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7762 It USED TO work for me, but for some reason it doesn't now. It could very well be a conflict as I have nearly 300 mods right now AND having issues with Vortex. Let me know if it works for you.
  7. A quick question before I go mad: Is there still a cap on the number of items that can be in the settlement menu? I thought I read somewhere that B.S. removed that cap. However, if the cap still exists then that would explain my current issues.
  8. hum... True storms WAS my goto before I put together this loadout... I think I will give it another go! Thanks! And I think I saw a patch that lets them work together... but then again, my loadout is already crazy. I need to do some more merges :ermm:
  9. Having some fun while I wait for my fav mods to update for the new F4SE I decided to build up Sanctuary, which I had been neglecting this time around. I have not used the Vault-Tec build set yet, so I went about building an above ground vault. (*note to self: see if "underground building" is possible). I think I did pretty well Got it all built up, put in all the doors and windows and ceilings and... a Vivid Storm (check out the mod. No, seriously. The rad storms are intense!) rolls in and it is now raining INSIDE my sealed above ground vault. And that is not the only structure. I have not been able to build a structure yet that blocks the rain (or fog, for that matter). It sorta made sense with the rickety wood and steal shacks because they were full of holes. But these buildings are fixed up with no holes anywhere. It pulls me right out of the immersion. I am sure someone has worked on this problem already in a similar game, but I can't find any ports for FO4. You guys know of any mods that would help me out here?
  10. Yep. That's yer's alright :D I thought about it. Already have Hud framework installed. But I am already at 283 mods. I think I need to do some clean up before I start looking for more
  11. That won't help. The error will just reappear when you encounter another NPC with that item When is the last time you downloaded AE? I know they just had an update not too long ago. Maybe someone has already reported this and a fix is on the way (or already made)
  12. of course it's the one mod I am avoiding to save my load order. *sigh* Thank you for the quick answer.
  13. I have noticed in screenshots (like this one): That there is a HUD widget that displays the "status" (for lack of better term) of the settlement you are in. I am wondering what mod provides this. Any ideas?
  14. ok, I am getting it. Your script works very well :thumbsup: Does all of the heavy lifting for me then I can go in and do some cleanup and tweaks. WIPAG is gonna need a lot of tweaks (paints) but almost everything else I tried works. I might need to find another tutorial on foedit to see if I can't bulk change values. Now that my proof of concept works, I think I am going to get started proper. Thank you for your help, pra! EDIT: A question about permissions: if I am just making a patch for a mod like what I described here, do I need to get permission from all mod authors involved? Or is it ok because I am not using their assets? Asking because I don't want to annoy a ton of mod creators with requests unless I have to
  15. Thank you! That was fast! I learn best by doing and failing. That is how I got good at Powershell Scripts. BTW, if you ever need something automated in windows.... I think I am gonna start by looking at your scripts and learning what they DO. AKA, what is it that makes AWKCR tick and work with mods. I think I know already, but I want to get a little more in-depth understanding. Also trying to understand how xedit works. If I can figure that out, maybe I can write a ps1 script that can run at install that can merge or create a plugin that could work as a multipatch. But I might be getting ahead of myself. First thing first, dive in and see what is going on.
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