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Everything posted by sherameyn

  1. Ah, the good old Clockwork Orange! I found another real nice spot at a lake. There's a woman believing she is being controller by the institute. Somewhere west and south, I believe.
  2. COME ON! Don't tell me you don't know that you can send the f*#@ing Lu Family to a far off and lone settlement? Ok, I admit, I just tried it in my second playthrough, because I wanted them to be gone from the start. The only one that always remains is that dumbheadwhosenameIforgotbecauseheissuchanutterlyimportantNPCfortheend
  3. Looks like your brain wants to flee :D I'd say it's a mod gone astray, not Fallout 4 itself. Try this: Try opening the showlooksmenu on your character with opening the console, (the key next to your 1 on your keyboard) and type in: showlooksmenu 14 This will open the character's look configuration. Try playing with the settings. If that doesn't help, I'd try the mod-help section of the board.
  4. What old and what new way? I am sure if anyone is to be blamed, it's Steam's fault. It's always their fault!
  5. 100% agreed. I mean, you can perfectly play the game at normal and only die because you forgot to check your healthbar. Even without any mods it just doesn't feel very ... real. I hate that this game is so f*#@ing linear. Your choices don't really matter. Or if you would want to make a choice, you can't. Even those four "endings" feel stale. I mean "OH wow thanks Bethesda for giving us the ability to continue playing, but you really could have put more f*#@ing effort into the game". Like, me and railroad leader: "So, what we gonna do now?" - "Well, I guess you have to kill us." Bam, dead. Why the f*#@ can't I continue working for the Institute AND the Railroad? Man, that would be so much fun with Shaun dying, me freeing the synths and killing Desdemona and leading the Railroad at the same time. I mean, c'mon, we don't even know if the synths are capable of procreation. That was what disturbed me the most. I mean, they are more android than robot, but with being of blood and flesh. And just because Shaun (the bastard and his alterior motives) wanted a child model for me, so that it doesn't feel TOOf*#@INGWEIRDFORME. Gah. And you had to come to like a lot of people on the surface, and then it's either "eat or die". Forget all your friends and loved ones and the people you cared about and the children on the surface and let us live down beneath the earth with an infinite power supply because MANKIND IS NOT WORTH OUR ATTENTION. Gah, f*#@ you f*#@ you f*#@ you.
  6. Don't know if that would work because, well, I really don't know :D I do know that Fallout 4 handles a couple of things differently than Fallout 3 and F:NW, but wouldn't it be amazing to see all games on Fallout 4 niveau? Tale of Two Wastelands was probably easier than that... but if it could be done, it would probably be most awesome! :hurr: :wub: :woot:
  7. But that is how the story works. And that's how history can be altered, too. Yes, I think the "60s" style being "the thing" for over 100 years is a bit... senseless, but I think that following our timeline isn't better, either. I don't even want to go into a post-apocalyptic world scenario, but trust me that only one huge event needs to be changed so that the timeline changes drastically... ...said the Doctor!
  8. Regarding 2) You mean "random" people? Because you can change your settlers name with an already existing mod, and I think Slave is one of the options. Regarding 8.) Even more immersive? Howso? Because when you travel around with them and get Affiniation points, they give you their whole life's story at one point and give you quests, too.
  9. Placeable houses. Real houses. There's plenty of houses out there, some broken, some not, and I don't mean those that are "empty" inside, or those with loadingscreen, but, for example, those in Covenant. Or other random houses of that kind.
  10. I am really addicted, sorry :< Seeing all the gorgeous mods out there already, I can only be halfly satisfied, and wanted to ask if my wishlist is possible. a) Is it currently possible to integrate houses from existing settlements into the building editor? I.e. covenant houses? I know, the wall and defense systems are already modded, but I am currently in a phase of wanting to build decent housing. I guess one won't be able to build floors and walls from what already exists, but would rather have to have an object that IS the house, right? b) I really really want and need a Settler interface. All the clothing colours and renaming in the world can't help me when I am in the castle with 30 people and I want something to get done. Simply because I can't see through walls. Oh, and it would be awesome to reset former commands/tasks applied to a settler. Changing from one mod to the other futched up my farmers ;( c) Posters, veils, curtains, non-bronze statues, chaise longue, mirrors... I am female, and I can't live without them! d) More cats! Shape, colour, long hair, short hair, doesn't matter. Cats, please. *in order of importance ---- Anything currently not possible at all?
  11. What I really hate is that you can't really repair anything. I have (carefully) tried to disable some stuff, but it rarely works on the things I want to be gone. And then yes, there is the Lighthouse place which I really love, but dammit, we are not in the stoneage. 200 years have passed and during those 200 years there have been up and downs in the societies, but it's not like people were stupid. If you walk around with eyes wide open you will find a lot of evidence that, before the raiders and the super mutants got a foot in the door, shows they were capable of building homes and repairing. It wouldn't even have to be a pretty solution, and I know with the command console a lot is possible, but then there is still the lack for simple things, like windows. Meh, one month or more, one month or more...
  12. Yeah, I tried changing Curie's hair the same way I edited MacCready (via slm), but it didn't work. Did some search on her in the db and found some others, too. So, not everyone is adjustable via the showlooksmenu.
  13. /*rant PC Gamers are already suffering from the console-crazy crowd. If it will be possible for them to install "our" mods, it will just get worse. I mean, why is it games are always in favour in consoles, but not in favour of PC gamers? It's crazy! How many games had promised a shiny new era of graphics, and, uhm, Bethesda aside, that promise wasn't met? (I am happy Bethesda is able to make decent faces nowadays, maybe they'll be able to express more emotional states some day :laugh:) rant*\ I am pretty sure that either GECK for FO4 will show this, or there will be guidelines that heavily cut into the quality of mods.
  14. Well, you are right... and you aren't. From what I remember without reading it up again: Something that hasn't been published or has been protected by any other means (ie. patent) falls under "intellectual rights". In the real, non-digital world that means that you won't be able to enforce your "rights of owning something" anywhere. At least no country I know of. Which is why --usually-- communities try and protect "ownership" of any "intellectual property". That doesn't only extend to game assets, but to anything you can find digitally (=on the Internet). Copyright in the real world is a bit more fickle and the enforcement varies from country to country.
  15. I didn't mean the banhammer. I meant that hammer to drive in a nail. Sometimes people try this with a sledgehammer, which usually breaks the wood... and the nail :)
  16. Well, you can talk to them and probably should. Many people are not very educated about copyright violation. I mean, I can see the brown-husky mod is not ill-intended, but the person should be made aware that while he may feel free to use your file for reference, he can't just paint it over and post it and share it as his own. It would be kind of him to at least tell the source of origin of his works. I find that always a much better approach than the "sledgehammer method" ... unless they want to feel the pain.
  17. Thank you! And yes, I had already wondered... ooooh, hair... so many ideas!
  18. The answer is: Target your follower while console open, and write: showlooksmenu #followerid 1 No clue if that is permanent, as I just found out myself :P
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