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  1. I think Geralt's vanilla hair looks better than hairworks, but the hairworks beard looks best, so the idea would be to combine the two. There's already a mod that I'm using for exactly that https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1381 However the colors don't match. I looked in a lot of mods for a shade of beard that matched the hair, but non quite did, so the idea would be for the hair and beard to look like the same kind of white. Can anyone handle this? *Edit: Can someone move this to the witcher 3 forum?
  2. I want one of my followers to die gloriously in battle for roleplay reasons. But I don't want to kill him myself or by mods or console. Is there some glitch, unique scenario in the base game I can use to get a follower killed by the AI?
  3. I'd like a mod that brings back the aggression dealt uppon fourth stage vampires, for personal reasons.
  4. That's scripting right? My CK knowledge doesn't go so far. What am I looking at?
  5. I'm trying to make it so followers will have their inventory available when not following. I found the quest that couvers all that and tried copying the conditions from the "follow me" command for every follower but it didn't work. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas?
  6. I'm gonna offer the wife a Circlet with restoration bonus + waterbreathing, and I need a romantic name. Something to do with giving life and spiritual bonding, that kind of crap.
  7. I saw something similliar with greataxes and warhammers, but I've never been able to reproduce it with a greatsword.
  8. I'm looking for a mod that expands on the dragon slaying animations. I think I saw this on youtube, where the dragonborn climbs on top of the dragon's head and jams the sword right down through it. Are there any mods that add more dragon slaying styles?
  9. Question; I use the patch as master to a bunch of minor mods. Do I need to clean my mods at all with ts3edit?
  10. I think he gets paid as long as the job gets done. So that's a no then?
  11. The adventurers we find in Skyrim on their way to a nearby dungeon, whom you can offer to help. I'm wondering if they can be found on Solstheim. Has anyone seen one?
  12. I was thinking that you might try to look into a couple of old issues before the legendary release, so I'll just post them here: Like I posted on the other thread, the companions seem to be immune to the Disarm shout. If we travel to Sky Haven Temple together with Delphine and Esbern, they tend to ungroup at times and travel on their own. I had posted this before and you guys told me to not lead them into dungeons, but that's not the case at all. Simply traveling on the road makes them break rank, and I have to go talk to them over and over to keep us together, when they should be acting like followers only up to the point we enter a dungeon. That's really annoying. Another persistent issue is in the Break of dawn quest, where we're supposed to have the option to start the quest by talking to the statue of Meridia, as well as finding her beacon randomly. Sometimes the statue is just non responsive, and her collumn of light isn't there, leaving that option unavailable.
  13. I can't access the bug tracker. Am I using the wrong link or something?
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