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  1. I updated Vurt's WFO, but I also regenerated my LOD files. Also, when I say I disabled mods, I don't mean in the load order, I mean in Mod Organizer. And I tried disabling every new/updated mod, which made no difference. I also tried running a completely vanilla setup, obviously the performance was slightly improved, but it was still much worse than normal (with ENB I was maxing out at around 45fps, when before I could easily get 60fps when I was using enb with a pure vanilla game)
  2. Don't think it's a bitcoin miner or the like - FNV is the only game I'm noticing the increased GPU usage on, every other game I've played runs about the same as it used to. As for the video drivers, I'm using the latest AMD drivers, which introduced support for the new Win10 update.
  3. When I last played the game (early april), I would get 45-60fps in the open world when using enb effects, and easily get 60fps (besides some stuttering) when not using enb effects, with like 25% gpu usage. Yesterday, I updated all my mods and tried to get back into playing, only to find that my GPU was getting hit way harder. In the open world it now struggles to hit 30fps with enb effects, and still hits 60 with enb effects off, but has 70-85% gpu usage. I've tried getting rid of ENB, disabling all graphical modifications, reverting to my previous mod setup, and rolling back my drivers to ones from march. The only other change that I can think of possibly causing this would be the Windows 10 2004 update, has anyone had similar issues? Specs: Intel i5 3570k AMD RX 580 8GB 24GB 1600mhz DDR3 RAM
  4. I'm having issues with several texture packs. First, the Textures Over Time pack (although I believe I was also having this issue with "NV Terrain Recreational Project HD) is having issues with rocks (I assume this is related to normal maps?) Example of the issue: http://i.imgur.com/5Y8tcaB.jpg Second of all, several texture packs I installed recently (the ones by Hectrol (though http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39945/? is working) and Ojo Bueno Nuka Cola Machine) aren't displaying properly. Here you can see the correctly replaced Ojo Bueno Sunset Sarsaparilla, and non replaced Nuka Cola. http://i.imgur.com/rDUTOE5.jpg For reference, the Nuka Cola Machine should look like this http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/56328-1-1405637868.jpg Note that I'm using Mod Organizer (though the files in question are not being overwritten by other mods).
  5. One thing I've always hated about Fallout 3 and New Vegas is how "easy" dialog is. If there's a skill check, you know that that'll give you the best outcome. I'd like to see a mod where this is removed. For example "[speech 45] Choose this option to get more caps" would become "Choose this option to get more caps". It's a minor thing, but I think it'd go a long way to add a bigger sense of challenge to dialog.
  6. I did some heavy merging to get my load order down below 140, and am still having major issues with the game (exclamation points, game pretty much breaks when entering a building) This is my load order: http://pastebin.com/sRJ1ApdE (misc.esp has a few small mods including Wasteland Flora Overhaul, dD Enhanced Blood, and a few minor patches for other mods) Are there any specific incompatibilities I need to get fixed?
  7. For some reason, even though im neutral, and on the quest render unto Caesar, Caesars legion is hostile when I go to Cottonwood Cove. Even when I change my reputation to idolized, I still get attacked. Is there any way to fix this?
  8. nevermind, must have been something wrong with the save.
  9. So after saving primm, I talkted to steve and got the quest for the mod The New Bison Steve Hotel. I went in, got the blueprints, and tried to get out. But every time it crashes while loading (the dial stops and the game crashes). Whats causing this and how can I fix it?
  10. No both work fine now... But as I said before I have been having trouble creating a merge patch.
  11. Im having the same problem as before though with merge patches. When I use FNVEdit, the "master" files are automatically loaded, then loaded onto merge, causing the merge to be broken.
  12. Odd... It appears to be working now. I will post back if I encounter any problems.
  13. Ok. WMVM doesnt require any plugins now, so thats fixed, but I have the other 2 plugins on my hands still.
  14. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41267/ I believe it is like this because these are patches for it, not the main .esm. EDIT: It appears there is a new version, im going to check that out.
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