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Everything posted by arkano649

  1. use cross pre war cybernetics and combat or marine armour
  2. I don't know if its really medicine related but id like to see scars on my character, since my bones seem to get broken all the time but never leave a mark, it could even be that things like burns and bullet wounds can go untreated and cause scars and the more scars you have the lower your charisma
  3. there could even be a story element to it like maybe you find something in virgils lab when he try's to cure himself and take it to a less than ethical new doctor/ scientist npc and they start pumping out a new strain of fev thats much stabler but only allows a temporary transformation
  4. a serum or bane style suit that allows transformation into nightkin and/or supermutants, possibly by changing the animations for power armour to that of a supermutant and spawning the player into a power armour frame that has been re modelled, could also set the players intelligence to 1 while using it
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