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Posts posted by MysteriousMrBear

  1. Thankyou, you beautiful man!!! Been stuck on that for hours -_-


    So weird adjusting from Oblivion, "ref" variables not being there was another nasty suprise... took forever to find out they are now "Objectreferences".


    I shall try this when I get in later, thanks again- we really need a dedicated script snippet forum, or tutorial forum :P

  2. Hi everyone,


    I've been trying to create a layered menu, so you activate something, you are presented with a selection of choices, then when you choose one, it gives you more choices. I could do this in Oblivion with Gamemode, but that is gone and everything works differntly... Could anyone help? there was a tutorial somewhere on the internet but I cant find it ANYWHERE now.


    This is my script so far, the activator works, and when you choose something the second menu appears, but then no matter what you choose there nothing happens which makes me think that the onupdate part of the script is not working.


    Scriptname AAMBCtestSCRIPT extends ObjectReference  
    {Creates Bearpaw Camp, piece by piece.}
    Message Property Campingmessage  Auto  
    {Dialoge to build tents}
    Message Property Strucuremessage  Auto  
    {Dialouge to build wooden structures}
    Message Property Defencemessage  Auto  
    {Dialoge to add defences}
    Message Property Utilitymessage  Auto  
    {Dialouge to build utilities}
    Message Property ChoiceMessage  Auto  
    {Dialouge to choose upgrade type}
    AAMBcUPGRADEtentSCRIPT property campquestref auto
    int button
    int level
    objectreference lakeside1a
    objectreference lakeside1b
    objectreference lakeside1c
    objectreference lakeside1d
    objectreference lakeside1e
    objectreference lakeside1f
    EVENT OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef == game.getplayer()
    level = 0
    button = ChoiceMessage.show ()
    if button == 0
    	level = 1
    	button = campingmessage.show (afArg1 = campquestref.Lakesidecamp)	
    elseif button == 1
    	level = 2
    	button = Strucuremessage.show ()
    elseif button == 2
    	level = 3
    	button = Utilitymessage.show ()
    elseif button == 3
    	level = 4
    	BUTTON = Defencemessage.show ()
    Event onupdate ()
    if level == 1
    if button == 0
    	if campquestref.Lakesidecamp == 0
    		campquestref.Lakesidecamp = 1
    		lakeside1a. enable()
    		lakeside1b. enable()
    		lakeside1c. enable()
    		lakeside1d. enable()
    		lakeside1e. enable()
    		lakeside1f. enable()
    		level = 0


    Any help with this or a link to some tutorial would be of great use, I know it can be done as mods like Frostfall use it extensively...

  3. I have no problem with a sentance at a top of a page ;) Not gonna ruin my day.


    I'll be honest- I am one of those annoying users who downloads something, uses it constantly, and loves it, yet never endorses. I write personal thankyou's more than I endorse. Its a tiny little button on the screen and I forget! When people mention it is something they like, I think "well this guy has made my game that much better, why not?". When its on a mod that I don't like, it doesnt send me into a fit of rage either, so why not?


    I don't think it has any impact on the community other than reminding them that mod authors like to be appreciated. I guess "endorse = updates" is a little superficial but ultimately, if your doing this for endorsements, why NOT ask for them?

  4. Sorry to necro a thread, but its better than making a new one...


    Am I right in thinking that, having made a location (unaware of the bug) in an .esp, I can now create an additional .esp, create the navmesh, and then turn it into an .esm on which the .esp relies? Or is it just not that simple?

  5. Never had my game broken by a mod :P You can sniff them out pretty quick I find, and then you just stay careful with your saves... only time I ever broke a game was badly installing things, but I wouldn't be so silly as to say that's the only way to do it :P


    I think people should be able to stick up what they want, really. Because it's pretty hard to objectively messaure "horribly buggy" or put any kind of cap on it. Often the best mods are " a little buggy", so you can just make a no bugs rule... I think it's a very complicated thing and it's better to let some things slide than to "crush a walnut with a crane". I'd agree with your idea- warning people about the problems is always polite, or having a kind of community flag feature. (after all, if a modder is sloppy enough to make a sloppy mod, they aren't likely to be careful about it's delivery and documentation :P)

  6. I think the whole opening post can be answered with "because they do this for fun" :P


    Everyone keeps saying bugs NEED fixing we DESERVE better these STANDARDS are slipping... but truely, if you have a bug riddled mod it's probably because the guy was doing this for fun, and has a busy life outside of modding :) He doesnt need to do anything... If the mod is broken and It could have been great, than thats a big shame, but who are we to complain, really? :P

  7. WOW fanboys to the defense! Oh no someone dared state the truth that Tytanis is not showing professionalism and courtesy and they get all pissy about it. You dont NEED to be paid to be courteous and professional, It makes you a better person to be so. I said nothing about entitled to anything and clearly was an opinion.


    But hey Fanboys, Tytanis can come defend him himself I doubt he needs Knights in shining armor to do it for him.


    I expected this response, really...


    I have never played Tytanis and infact I despise the concept of the mod, I would never use it. It's a bundle of things- some I may want, others I may not. Why would I install that? I would rather collect them one by one. However good it is, it would provide things I do not want. Furthermore, I have never spoken with the modder, or interacted with him in any way, I don't hold any insight as to his personality.


    This does not change the fact that he has put lots of effort into his mod (like many modders) and has made many players happy. his mod is good work, I am lead to believe. And so it pains me to see people moaning about him in this way, simply because I know that you would hold the same opinion of anyone else doing the same as him- creating a brilliant mod, but not being vocal about doing so. I'm not having a go at you because of your attitude to Tytanis, I am having a go at you because of your attitude to modding.


    In response to your comments on courtesy and professionally, lets get one thing clear- professional, in almost every use of the word, actually means someone who is paid. At least, that is the use I have heard most commonly. to be proffesional is to have a proffesion- something you are paid for. There are sportsmen, who play sport, and there are proffesional sportsmen- who are paid to play sport. So it is impossible, as far as I am concerned, for this man to be proffesional here.


    As for courtesy, I can simply say- if your all for courtesy, why don't you show it and ask the man what he is doing, instead of coming here and posting these comments behind his back? :confused:


    Bah. This is turning into an internet argument, and they are never good for anybody. I'm not going to say "lets agree to disagree" because I think its a stupid phrase, or end this post with a smiley as many do when they are tired of arguing, because that's empty and meaningless. But I will say that if all your going to do is call me a fanboy or some other hap-hazzardly guessed insult, or just re-iterate what you said before, then there is not much I will have to say in responce.

  8. There is a difference between required to post update news and being courteous and posting update news. I feel that if he was serious about continuing production then he would be using this time to perfect whats there and atleast have a small update. Hell there's more than a small update in just updating the included mods. And if he is not even willing to fix the few bugs he can do without the CK then he should have the courtesy to inform people on what progress is being made. Saying absolutely nothing is not very mature or professional and is anything but courteous. Personally I have dropped his mod completely and use the mods that are updated that were included. What do I get from that is basically the same thing without the cluttered crafting menu(that was a mess really) and all those mods being updated. And I am enjoying it way more than Tytanis and i probably wont get his mod again because of his lack of courtesy and professionalism. I really doubt he is actually going to do anything more with it, It really is a mess and I think he got tired of that. But that's all opinion.


    Get some perspective, will you :confused:


    Seriously. he ISN'T proffesional, because he ISN'T being paid. He doesn't have an obligation to be mature, either. What's more, why do you demand courtesy and yet remain so uncourtious? It's not often I reply to comments like these but come on. He made this mod for free. You know how many times people do things for free in this world? Even when someone does you a favour, they normally expect a favour back. Yet here he is, giving you hours upon hours of effort for free and asking for nothing in return- and you sit here complaining he his uncourteous to you? Maybe, his mother just died, and he is greaving. Maybe HE died. Maybe no one died, and he's bored, and he's never comming back to modding again. Maybe he's been robbed, maybe he's having arguments in his family, maybe his internets broke, maybe he's just having a little break. There are a thousand reasons that he might not be catering to your curiosity, but even if he IS slaving away at the mod and not telling you what he's doing, or EVEN getting on with his life (like you) and not telling you why, what right do you have to complain? So uninstall his mod. Never install it again. Block him from your profile. Ignore every mention of his name, write "Tytanis" on a piece of card, stick it to your wall, and every night, throw knives at it, cursing the day that it even came across your life and slightly inconvenienced you. But damn, don't complain he is uncourteous to us.


    This is not an attack on you. This is not even me trying to tell you off really, either- if, as you said, those are your opinions, then these are mine in retort to yours. As I said, I don't often reply to anything remotely like this, but I genuinely feel like you don't understand how unfair your being to him and by extension, every other modder that is giving their time to you unconditionally for nothing in return, which would stand to include me.




    I realised I had just presumed you were never a modder when I wrote that (which seemed logical based on what you were saying) so quickly checked. You've released a good few mods yourself! Knowing this, I cant even begin to understand where you coming from in your post. Even if you personally updated your mod pages or had some kind of blog notifying people what you are doing to avoid offence, it wouldn't be right to demand the same of everyone else. And if you don't, what exactly is your angle here?

  9. I have never seen someone ask for EXACTLY what the creation kit is likely to be... like literally almost every you have said, the CS for oblivion did perfectly :P Some of it is difficult to get your head round and it does take a lot of learning at times but once you know what your doing... your unstoppable, seriously :P Look forward to it!! Be excited!!! It will be awsome!!!!!
  10. Personally I'm not starting till we get the kit, and my college work is out of the way (for now, you can never run fast enough to escape work, can you? :P) but when that happens.... well I'm not even sure yet, but some of the keywords of it are:

    Vampires Vs Wearwolves Vs Paladins, squad based combat, factions with ranks, repeatable "mission" quests, a war spanning skyrim.


    As you can tell... I probably won't know what I'm doing till I get there :P


    Cant wait for the kit though, not just to have some fun with it, but for all the amazing mods that I can tell are comming! exciting exciting exciting....

  11. Helooooo everyone!


    Now I'm not normally the type to ever ask for help with something, as there seems to allready be a huge amount of requests made daily which I wouldn't want to add to. But this time 8) It's personal.





    How can you have a zombie mod without ZOMBIES???? Yes, yes yes there are those draugr, they are very cool. but they are not zombies... they don't shuffle, they don't eat flesh, they don't moan... and as for those conjouration zombies? they are a hollow, cracked shell of what a zombie should be. They are just.. people!




    For those who have played my mod (link in sig, If I remember right) Its a body chopping, minion creating, army building, base defending sort of thing, and one of the features that I enjoyed playing with the most was zombie infections. I would really, really like to impliment it into Skyrim too, as it would be a blast- but it's just not the same with draugr. They are basicly the skeletons of oblivion, in my opinion, now skeletons have been nerfed. Don't get me wrong, they are awsome and fit the lore and setting of skyrim to a tee, but i really, REALLY like zombies and I'd love to include a shuffling hoard and infection ability in Skyrim.


    Since I checked up the rules for porting things from oblivion to skyrim and it seems that it would be alltogether easier and less illegal to break into fort Knox dressed in a giant pink bunny suit and clown shoes, I've had to come up with solutions and work arounds, and normally I would gladly do any work myself. But... I really cannot animate. I've taught myself modeling, texturing, scripting, quest writing, voiceacting and worldbuilding but DAMN, I'm not touching animating with a ten foot pole! So here is my request, for when the CK comes out or earlier:


    Shuffling zombie models for humanoids (like draugr) including idles, walking, and hand to hand.


    My plan is to retexture some draugr, maybe model some gore onto them if I'm feeling confident, then give them custom shuffling animations and groan noises. There are allready loads of great resources to use asides from these: the cannibal eating, the afflicted vomiting, etc, but you cant have zombies without shuffle! This isn't the only thing that would work but it would be most ideal.


    If anyone is willing to do this for me, or heck, teach me, I would be ever grateful. I'd gladly offer my own skills in return (mainly scripting, bug testing, troubleshooting, and cake eating), do a modding request, or whatever is wanted, so long as someone gets me my zombies!! If anyone is interested, or knows someone who could so I can kidnap them and enslave them, I would give them a thousand thankyous. And, to try and win the goodwill vote:


    Just think of what the community can do with zombie resources if you make them!! 28 days and a bit, that zombie invasion mod for fallout... releasing these resources to the community would result in great, great justice.


    Putting this plea in now in the hopes that it gets heard in due time, I don't expect anybody to be modding around now :P On that note: Merry xmas to everyone that celebrates it!


    Mysterious Mr. Bear :D :D

  12. ma-ha!


    -scan reads a good few pages-


    I see... irritating email SENDETH!



    What idiots. I hope it fails. I looked around the Olympus games website- utter bloodsuckers. "Aiming to capotalise on" "a gap in the market" etc etc...


  13. Ok so I got a message of someone very kindly mentioning that the GMOD website has taken my mod and stuck it on their website without asking my permission, which is annoying in itself because the previous message she sent was about an OMOD version she had created for my mod which I was about to upload. So I rolled up my keyboard-sleves, ate a can of spiniach and checked out the website, preparing to get my rage on.


    And get my rage on I did. The website seems tottaly coporate. Logos and warnings and trademarks and "pretending to be down with the kids" galore, and apparently belonging to a larger and undoubtably more evil website called Olympus games, and whilst I can't confirm this, it deffinatly sounds like its part of some serious illuminate circles. Furthermore, they seem willing to give ownership of my mod to anyone who emails them saying "yup, its me"!!! So I get all che guevara on their ass and prepare to send them this email in the "is this you?" box. (which wasn't bloody easy for a start.)


    sir or madem, This is my account because I made the mod. I think that is clear from my email adress. I would like you to remove my mod from your website asap and contact me when you have done so. I upload my mods to TESNexus only, for the sense of community and genuinality which is somewhat lost on your corporate design. Perhaps if you had contacted me BEFORE taking what I have created, in whatever unfinished state it might have been in as I release updates often, and explained what this website is exactly and what you are doing with it, then maybe my answer would be different. It is also clearly stated in my legal documentation attached with the mod and in the mod description that a video of you dancing eroticly dressed as a hotdog was, while not mandatory for the use of aspects of my mod, defiantly polite. But no, you clearly lack the common decency to oblidge such a modest request and so I am typing angrlily and violently, though it is hard to use many of my normal dramatic techniques AS EVERY TIME I PRESS THE ENTER BUTTON YOUR WEBSITE IS CLOSING THE BOX I AM TYPING IN. I HAVE REWRITTEN THIS LITERRALY THREE TIMES. Also I tried to find out more before writing this through the forums but every time I open a thread I GET A BLANK SCREEN. Pehaps you should re-arrange the "Create a website" and "Steal a load of things" steps of your thought process? Now, I bid you good day sir or madem and if I do not receive a conformation responce soon I shall be taking this to the higher authority of my brother, and he is well big. GOOD DAY. xxx



    But then I stop to think- what if this isn't such a bad idea? I mean I cant find a damn thing out about the webstite but What if there is some kind of link to our mods instead of a host/download service? What if their just trying to get some publicity? what if their donating to orphanages? ANYTHING to justify stealing from everybody and undoubtably making a profit out of it!


    So what are your guys thoughts? You will want to check if they have stolen off you too, I presume, so: http://gmod.com/


    Should I send the email or is there something I am missing?

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