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Everything posted by XenoAlbedo

  1. I've recently discovered that if you have too many completed quests, any subsequently completed quests will remove the bottom-most quest from both the completed quest list and the active quest list. The quests are still active and playable, just untrackable until the next stage is triggered. Needless to say, this is annoying. Does anyone know of a fix for this, a mod that acts as an alternative quest journal, or a way to delete completed quests from the list?
  2. I understand that this is an older post, but frankly I am at a loss and this needs to be seen by others. I cannot find a solution anywhere despite my best efforts, and I've only seen it brought up a few times. Given what few things I can find about it are relatively recent, I have to wonder if newer drivers somehow broke something. Are you using an Nvidia card by any chance?
  3. So I got stuck with glowing red eyes. Problem is, neither the Draugr eyes fix or the armored skeleton fix work. Anybody know what's going on?
  4. Just wondering if the site had a list of the mods I've downloaded, as my hard drive failed awhile back and I'm not sure how well my save that I managed to back up would work without them. Oh my, seems the title got cut off. Heh. Alright, found the history, but I keep running into an error when I try to see it. Oh wait. Premium only. Figures I'd have to pay to use such a simple feature.
  5. Thanks! Really appreciate it. Finally no more of it being midnight when i walk out of a casino that i had walked into at 6 AM
  6. Hey, well i have a mod idea, and so far it seems nobody has made it. Is it possible to make a mod extending minute time so that minutes didnt go by in seconds? i mean i dont want the days to take forever, but it would be nice if day time lasted longer. same goes for night. i hate how ive only just gotten up in the morning and about 10 minutes later, its dark and im not well rested any more
  7. Ok thanks. I just didnt want some mutant jumping out at me when i least expected it, i usually dont get startled by this stuff but there will be an occasional thing that gets me
  8. Not to important or anything, but im just wondering about this. Quite often in the strip or in freeside, i hear screaming, that i can just assume is someone getting mugged as an ambiance sound, but what im talking about is this somewhat scary screaming sound. Occasionally I will hear an inhuman scream, even in peacefull areas with absolutely no enemies. It's so sudden, yet somewhat quiet, that when I was playing at night, it actually startled me. Any ideas on what this scream is? Has some sort of enemy glitched and spawned in these areas?
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