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About Kasz94

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    TESIV: Oblivion
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  1. So I'm using the CM partners mod to make my own companion ( I've done this before and it worked fine ) but now when I try to do it. I can make the companion, I'm using a custom race for her. And she shows up fine in the Construction Set except when I exit it and go back into the CS her face is missing and she's reset to the vampire race. I'm assuming it has to do with the custom race then, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
  2. Hi I've only just started modding Fallout 3 so I apologize for being abit of a newb on the subject, I've installed the Shojo race mod and ever since I've been having some problems with the gene projection ( the race menu, character creator, whatever you wanna call it ) I click the new race and the face appears but as soon as I try to change something or even just rotate the face it goes black and I can't see the face for any race at all anymore. I've looked around and I don't think I've found any threads or people with a similar problem, does anybody know what's going on?
  3. I hadn't even done anything with the mod, I just activated it and loaded a game that was already outside. It crashed. Loading one who's in an interior cell works fine but as soon as I go outside into Cyrodill it crashes. No matter wich save game, new game, other characters, its all the same ;/ But thanks for trying to help!
  4. Hey guys. I recently installed and uninstalled the Astralis mod. But now I noticed whenever I try to go outside into the cyrodiil my game crashes! I really don't know what to do ;/ It happened when I installed Astralis but the problem remained even though I uninstalled the mod... did I uninstall it properly? I deleted all the associated files ;S This really is confuzing me.
  5. That didn't really change anything. EDIT : Can't even start the game anymore, I'm just gonna reinstall it all ;/ Wish me luck...
  6. Well I have no idea what's going on at this point. Yesterday everything was fine and I didn't even install any new mods. Today though, everytime I load saved game ... crash to desktop.... Try to make a new character .... crash to desktop... The only saves I can load ( sometimes ) are really old ones.... No idea what's going on.... anyone ever have this?
  7. Like the title says I'm hoping to make some of my own CM Partners more unique. Does anybody have any tips, advice? I can think of changing the spells list but is there that can be done?
  8. I've seen many outfits for Oblivion but I don't think I've ever seen Pyjamas ;D I think that would be a pretty neat idea so I'm just throwing the idea out there if people hadn't thought of it themselves. Here is a refference! http://mkv25.net/anime/Fatestay%20Night/rin_pyjamas.png Ofcourse it's just an idea ^.^
  9. I believe that is one of the Corean or Saram hairstyles. But I could be wrong >.< Anyway does anyone know of a mod that lets me level my attributes and skills over 100? So I can keep on leveling? Thanks!
  10. Hey I installed Better Cities a while ago and joined the Ranger's Guild that it added. I did 2 quests for them but now they won't give me any new missions! Does anybody know about this? I think I heard this faction may be incomplete but can someone confirm this?
  11. Hey! Does anybody know wich mod has this particular area in it? http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj532/szostekkai/20120711_065100.jpg
  12. Alright i got it now! Thanks both of you haha ;D
  13. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/37368 This one? I've checked the list of races and i actually have that mod, the chocolate elves aren't among it. Am i missing something?
  14. Does anybody have an lop ear resource fitting for the chocolate elves? Or is there any other way to get lop ears on my choco elf?
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