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Everything posted by Kasz94

  1. To the right of formID is count. ;S But it doesn't even really matter anymore. All i care about right now is getting rid of the enchantment. I find the formID in the CS of the enchantment, but it just doesn't work when i try to dispel it with console. EDIT : Solved it. I had to find the MagicID infact, silly me. But thanks anyway!
  2. So yeah that is what pops up when i try to equip my amulet. It was after the amulet was forcifully removed from me. Similar to the ring of the vipereye bug. Back then i could just look up the baseID and spell ID of that ring on the wiki in order to fix my problem. But my current amulet is a custom one from a mod. I checked in the CS but i have no idea where to find the base or spell ID, i tried changing the amulet to a non quest item in the CS but that did not resolve the problem, so my last hope is to use console to dispel the effect ( because even though i do not have it equipped i still have the effects ) and then hopefully to make it equippable again aswell. But i think i can settle for just dispelling the effect and finding a new amulet. So does anyone know where i can find the spell or base ID of this custom amulet? EDIT : Okay so it's behind a collapsed column, i figured that out. So i find the formID for the enchantment that i want displled. I do the console thing but ... nothing. Just some nonsense about the enchantment not being found... I am at my wits' end -.-
  3. Hey! So i found this video showcasing the dungeon of chaos Grave of Thatanos. And besides just the dungeon itself, i was wondering if anyone knows what some of the other things are in this video. I am mostly talking about the moves, the special sword effects and the blood! Here is the video in question! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_tyIca9UlA If you know anything at all from the video i would be so grateful ;D Peace!
  4. I guess i can change my ways. Atleast the save game still works. I guess i just feel there's somewhat of a "stain" on the save right now. It can also be annoying when i am recording for my Youtube Channel. But nevertheless, i can work around this.
  5. I guess i can change my ways. Atleast the save game still works. I guess i just feel there's somewhat of a "stain" on the save right now. It can also be annoying when i am recording for my Youtube Channel. But nevertheless, i can work around this.
  6. But i will never be able to load from within my game is that correct?
  7. I can load anything just fine from the menu. And on other characters ( or a way way WAY older save from this character ) can also still load from within the game.
  8. I have come across a really bad problem. Whenever i try to load one of my quicksaves it crashes Oblivion. I have noticed how it only affects a particular character and that when i go back to a much older save file, the quick saves work just fine. This leads me to worry my save game might be corrupted in some way! Does anybody know about this problem? It's really frightening me the thought of losing this character! Please help if you know anything at all! EDIT : Upon further inspecting i have realized this is actually a problem where i simply cannot load from within the game. To a quicksave or otherwise. Loading from the main menu works just fine though. Even still, it only affects 1 character.
  9. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/2694500-1339436321.jpg This weird glitch keeps happening when i try to do Mannimarco Revisited. His body deforms into THIS for a brief moment, then goes back to normal. And this repeats itself countless times during the battle. I noticed how this glitch is similar to a glitch i experienced on my own character and other NPC's when they were naked / in undies. Sometimes they would have emptiness where their breasts should of been and instead there were strange texture glitches all over the room i was in. It's all very strange to me and i'm not sure what could be causing this. This mod used to work fine before.
  10. Does anyone know if there is any way to fix this? I wanna display my items in my house but they always end up falling through the floor, or whatever else i put them on ( like desks and whatnot )
  11. Oh right! Yes i can't believe i didn't notice that =.= Thanks again Lanceor!
  12. Odd. All i find there are the voice files for the mods i have ;S
  13. Hey! So recently i put some new display cases in my house. They all work fine except that the NPC's who walk around my house have a horrible habit of opening them and throwing all my stuff in them on the ground! I could probably just delete the NPC's or put them in a different room of the house but if there's some way to fix it that'd be even better!
  14. Hey I just wanted to ask where i can find the voice files for Oblivion. I've flipped through my folders but cannot find them. I mean the voice files for all the NPC's etc. Does anyone know? Are they hidden or something?
  15. It's already at 10, i never changed it.
  16. Hi So i'm pretty new to the whole OBGE thing, but i really wanted the liquid waters so i decided to install it. So i installed OBGEv3 core package with Wrye Bash. But whenever i start up my game now my main menu does not have anything in it, no options to choose new game, load game etc. And i am forced to use taskmaster to get out of there. Does anyone know what my problem could be?
  17. Hi i am looking for some more wigs! I already have the apachii godess and the apachii wigs pack. But i know there are more wigs out there, i see them in people's screenies. Does anyone else know any other wig mods? Maybe i'm just really looking for this wig. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/images/18247-1-1326361511.jpg
  18. I have Dance Synchronizator 4.0 I really love this mod but i have one problem, the NPC's won't dance! I can clone myself and dance just fine, but when i try to use NPC's or even clones of the NPC's, they just stand there with their eyes closed. Also strange is that some of the custom NPC's that are part of various mods i have do want to dance, but none of the vanilla ones do! Anyone know how to resolve this? Thanks!
  19. It's really annoying how every new Elder Scrolls seem to remove more stuff from the series. Skyrim removed a lot of spells, magic schools, enchanting is depressing in skyrim compared to oblivion aswell, even less armor slots ( and i thought oblivion didn't have many! ), the guilds seem even shorter! I dunno... in general i prefer Oblivion..
  20. I also have a Let's Play of Oblivion on Youtube... It is perfectly legal unless you intend to use some copyrighted song in your intro or something.
  21. Hey I know this might be the wrong place to leave this but does anyone know if i can find a song list for the oblivion Dance Synchronizator 4.0. Some of those songs are really good!
  22. Heh, i wouldn't mind testing your dungeon ;D
  23. Hey, If anyone is familiar with Apachii Goddess Store you might know that on the lower level is a godess who sells bows. The ones in particular i am curious about are the Shining Glass Bows, i believe there is a shining silver bow and shining purple bow wich are both already enchanted. And one shining glass bow wich is unenchanted. Now what i am looking for is for a way to get the shining purple and or silver bow as unenchanted bows. Does anybody have that? If not, is it possible to edit them in the CS? Please note i am a noob when it comes to CS, but i can follow a tutorial xD
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