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Everything posted by Kasz94

  1. You sound like a spoiled little 13yr old who gets everyone he wants by just asking his parents -.- Be freaking thankful of all the mods that the modders have ALREADY put up on this site for you to download free of charge... Oh and just saying... Star Boi's keyblades are amazing, i use them myself -.-
  2. Oh i briefly tried the Northern Front, i could get a quest from the guy in the HQ... but the guy who i thought was supposed to sell items didn't have the option to, so maybe it was a similar issue.
  3. Hey, thanks for the reply. Nehrim is a total conversion if i'm not mistaken. I was hoping to do it in Cyrodiil though, but i have been considering a standalone playthrough of Nehrim. The integration thing is something i'll have to check out aswell. Also, has any of you ever played The Northern Front? It seems like a decent one aswell.
  4. Hello people. This might be abit of an unusual thread. But hear me out will you? ;) So as some may or may not know i am an aspiring Youtuber, ( even if i am a crappy one at that xD ) I make videos about The Elder Scrolls in general, mod reviews, walkthroughs that sort of thing. Now, my current Let's Play of Oblivion is nearing it's end. I am already thoroughly planning things out for the sequel. ( yeah, i love doing it THAT much -.- ) To keep things from becoming stale i will obviously be playing a totally different style of character. I will also make use of many mods to completely transform the game into something that barely even resembles oblivion anymore! I have already made my list of mods that will help me achieve this. So that part is covered. I have also already decided on the character, class, birthsign etc. My hopes for this next LP are basically to show off a totally different side of Oblivion, and a big departure from my first LP, wich focused mostly on vanilla content ( although it had a few mods in it ). I hope to make it ''episodic'' as in, each episode will deal with a specific subject, though sometimes there might be 2 parters, or even 45 minute specials. I know you might be thinking i am crazy for trying to make this look like a running TV show... but yeah i'm like that xD The actual episodes will feature adventure and quest mods that i will go through. I am however still in the process of making a list of mods that i plan to do. So here are a few questions for you. Do you think this is a good idea? Would people be interested in this kind of series? Or do i have my head in the clouds? ^^ Also, are there any mods you would recommend me to visit in the series? Or even more specific, would you know a good adventure mod that is good to start with? Most quests are aimed at somewhat higher leveled characters, and i do wish to commit myself to huge mods such as Adash or The Lost Spires right from the get go. Anyway that is all for now, i am sorry if i bored you with this wall of text xD And if you are interested, here is my youtube channel with my current LP : http://www.youtube.com/user/XNihirisuto?feature=mhee Thank you for reading if you did ;)
  5. Yeah installing Robert's body with the non nude option came to mind after i already typed this thread, ^^ I'll try to delete those files like you said! If not, then it's robert's males! Thank you so much for the quick reply ;D EDIT : Yup that did the trick ... not that i ever had any doubts ^^ Thanks again man! I love mods but i am such a noob when it comes to them, i wanna learn though x)
  6. Okay so maybe not all over the place, but i really need some help! All of a sudden i started to notice the male models have changed, they are naked versions now! I don't get it because i never installed any male body mod, only female bodies. I fear it might have been part of a big NPC overhaul that i downloaded at one point, but i uninstalled that because i wasn't very happy with it. But i still can't get rid of the nude version males! I think i need the original body files for the males... please understand that i am not much a modder myself ;/ Oh one more thing, it's not that i want naked ladies but can't stand naked guys! But the thing is i am making a LP of this game right now and theres the risk of nudity in the videos you see... I hope someone can help!
  7. Does anybody have a link for the OHTeheavy4 armor? I have looked all over but i cannot find it. Also, does anyone have a link for the retextured black serenity armor? Would be great if someone could help me.
  8. How is the feeling of controlling an attractive woman a twisted paradigm of society?
  9. Considering I have played over 200 hours and still barely touched the main quest, DB, Thieves Guild or Civil War i can't im bored just yet ;D
  10. Seht-Ka, he is a an Argonian Battlemage, i could go into more details such as his personality, history and bios but you only asked name so yeah. Ilwyn Dres is a my Dunmer Thief. Annora ( she has discarded her last name ) is my Breton Illusionist Leanna Lornhart is my pure Nord Warrior. I have a few other characters but i dont play those anymore
  11. I play both guy characters and female characters... Just depends what i wanna roleplay, or what character i feel like makin. Nothin inside me is telling me that either choice should be prioritized just cause im a guy or girl or whatever. IF that made sense.
  12. If killing stuff is all you wanna do... play something else sheesh -.- I can personally direct you to a bunch of mindless games that require any kind of though wich i'm sure you aren't capable of in the first pls, so feel free to PM if you want those games.
  13. Hello people, does anybody know wich mods contain these outfits? I'd be really grateful if you can tell me wich they are ;D
  14. Sorry i wasn't aware.. And thanks so much for showing me the armour ;D But i have elves of lineage II and that hair isn't part of it... i think..
  15. Hello people i saw this sreenshot over by a companion mod and was wondering wich mods this character was using, mostly i would like to know the armour set and hair for this character here. So please tell me if you know wich they are!
  16. Hello people! I am currently looking for a home and was wondering if someone has any good ideas, The size isn't really important aslong as its nice. It can be a house, tower or even a castle, just none of the crazy stuff like floating islands. And very importantly i want a bathroom! If you know any good ones please share them here ;D Peace out!
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