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About godmademedoit

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  1. Glad someone resurrected this thread before I did haha, but I'm currently doing my degree in music tech and wanted something games-related for my project.. and (possibly foolishly) decided oh, skyrim has a nice editor! *sigh* Anyway, been spending most of today trying to get a simple .wav track to play and despite apparently having latest Skyrim and CK versions nearly everything I did to get an original, new music object to play caused a crash of some kind. The good news is after quite a lot of faff on I seem to have sorted something. After reading this thread I noticed people talking about the form ID being the problem, so I set about finding which specific form ID was causing it, and it seems that it's the "Music Track" objects themselves. I tried using TESVSnip to edit the form IDs of music track objects in my mod so they started with "00" instead of "02", and despite a few errors loading up the CK afterwards, doing this to the music track objects appears to fix it. Note that I tried this with all the objects but some freak out and dissapear, but it looks like you just need to edit the Music Track object anyway. This (so far) is my workaround - Create Music Track objects in the CK. Give details and link to .wav files stored in data>music>yourfile.wavSave project and close CK.Open up TESVSnip, load your mod file up.Find the Music Track objects, select "edit" and change the Form ID so it starts with "00".Save, and load up your mod back in the CK. Ignore any errors that come up. You'll likely get "FORMS: File 'yourmod.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000012C4)" where the last number in brackets is of course whatever files you changed to have "00" at the start. This doesn't seem to actually cause any massive problems that I can see apart from this error message (fingers crossed). Create a new music type object and embed your desired music tracks in there. It doesn't appear the form ID of music type matters, so no need to snip this one.Pick the cell you want your music to apply in and change the "Music Type" dialog in the cell properties to your new music type object. I assume you can do this with the music type option in location objects as well if you want to do it that way. I haven't had time to test this yet but it looks a bit like location music may override specific cell music.Save your mod.Open up your mod in Skyrim, see if it works. Hopefully it will! Just tested this a couple of times and had no problems thus far. Also tried a couple of tracks morphing into each other on the same Music Type object and that worked nicely too. Also just in case I'd assume that duplicate Form IDs would cause all sorts of hassle so before going over to TESVSnip I use the search all feature in the CK to search the form IDs of any music tracks, change the prefix to "00" and make sure nothing else has it assigned already. Oh also, bit obvious, but make sure you change your form IDs before assigning your tracks to a type object, otherwise the music type object will lose track and you'll have to relink it anyway. I should point out I'm yet to try converting .wavs to the compressed format. I'll report back if that works. Also the .wav files I'm using are stereo, 44.1khz, and 16-bit. EDIT - yes they do and also, I had no problem playing .xwm files without the above workaround for .wav files. Another thing to note is you can link directly to .xwm files in the CK when browsing for files by using the wildcard *.xwm in the filename field when selecting them. The CK threw up no errors for me there and simply loaded in the .xwm file. After using the compressed .xwm files I also experienced no CTDs as I did with .wav files, regardless of the Form ID.. ..Which is nice.
  2. awesome, yeah you need to regenerate LOD for landscape meshes every time you change the heightmap. If you're leaving the heightmap alone but just painting textures onto it then you'll only need Oscape to generate landscape textures and normal maps. The only major issue I found is there's a 'max target' setting when you're making the meshes in Oscape, for your map it needs to be set to about "256,000" or it crashes the generator. Oh also it makes brown textures because of some mess on to do with esm/esp files. You can either convert your file to .esm before generating LOD landscape textures, or I just duplicated all the TextureSet entries for landscape textures then pointed all the texture containers at the new ones, which makes your .esp save them all inside itself and work properly. For object and tree generation the Creation Kit seems to work (just not on your .esp yet for some reason... as I said I may be overlooking something), you may have to extract and move about some texture files mind. In general though "Full LOD" is a bad one to tick because it causes the mesh to view at full-resolution from any distance. Obviously once you populate a whole island rendering every single tree at once will cause significant slowdown!
  3. Yeah well LOD has been a problem for a while, I've been involved in a discussion about it over on the official forums and we've got it mainly working but there's a few workarounds to do. Not sure about this mod though, like I said had no real problems in my own, maybe there's some setting I'm overlooking.. I'll try popping some trees and stuff in mine and see what happens.
  4. I had a play with LOD for this, seem to have landscape working fine using the latest version of Oscape, took some pictures (below) - but for some reason object/tree LOD isn't working, I'm pretty sure all the large items you've added have LOD meshes (I have no idea how it works with trees mind), but only the things you've ticked as "Full LOD" are working at a distance (as can be seen in the second picture.. maybe I have some setting wrong in the Creation Kit. The problem with "full LOD" is it's not very good on system resources compared to regular LOD being used. http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/8480/screenshot26x.jpg http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/8614/screenshot27wf.jpg This last one shows LOD objects working fine in a Morrowind landmass I was messing about with - haven't tried trees in there as of yet though - http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/3872/screenshot24m.jpg
  5. OK I couldn't resist this one, noticed the lion in Bedknobs and Broomsticks lets off one hell of an unrelenting force shout, so wasted several hours of my friday night putting together this, hope someone actually finds it amusing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNI1dqf_5hU
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