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Everything posted by slaineify

  1. Sorry guys, I doubt I'll be able to do any work on it for a bit. My Nan got diagnosed with leukemia about a week ago so y'know that kinda comes first.
  2. No, just post them on the thread if you find any. It's so you can see what bugs have been found I thought about it, that or Ponder and some (young) wizards walking around the portal. I still think Leyawiins would look better but like I said I'm still not sure if it's legal even if I change them.
  3. Anyone that wants to help test the portal, drop me a message. Ps: If you do find any bugs please post them on the thread, Easier to see what needs to be fixed.
  4. With Fred comes Nobby. Though how to make nobby look I have no idea. Un-playable armor set? Like Jason bright in new vegas.
  5. Again, I am really sorry this is taking so long I have an incredibly early version if you guys want it. It mostly just consists of a portal and a really small amount of hero's street, no IC way to get back yet just a debug door I put there for y'know debug stuff. This is a really old version and is nothing much to look at, it was mostly to test the portal mechanics (they work) but I'll put it up for you if you want. Also I tried to get an early version of trolls sorted again nothing much just a half finished texture and lots of raging at nif scope.
  6. Sorry the test cell is taking so long. It's because I wanted to do some of the outside as well and that is proving to be difficult, not the building but having the right type of buildings. I've been using solitude's set mostly because that's the closest I can get (how I imagined it anyway) with vanilla ones. Again sorry.
  7. Funny you mention the drum, I'm just making the exterior as we speak/type. Btw is anyone else having that problem with the ck where you can't see the npc preview, even after dragging and stretching the window?
  8. You any good at modding? Need as much help as possible, 3d people are needed most urgently.
  9. Oh, thought the mod was dead? BLAM! Teaser photo! Edit: Oh, what? Thought I was done with teaser pics? BLAM! Another one! Don't you just love short focus effects?
  10. I'm still working on it :D just haven't been on the thread fir a few days.
  11. the test cell I've been working on is the UU interior, because i saw a really nice idea ( Can't remember who said it) about the wizards opening a portal to skyrim after trying to make a wormhole from the kitchen so they don't have to walk to get cake, anyway I've added an Im-betweeny cell with a portal that takes the form of a nord catacomb with some wizards investigation it after coming through the portal (Ponder has to be there) and possibly a trigger where they get attacked by draugr and the player has to save them. Also as a side thingy I've been trying to make the lantern hold-able like a torch so the guard can walk around on rainy nights with cloaks on shouting 1 o'clock and all's well. I'll upload a few pics soon.
  12. Its really easy if you've used either the construction set or the geck they've barely changed it and if not I think they've got a wiki like always.
  13. I'm working on it, just installed the ck a few minutes ago I'll probably have finished a test cell of the mended drum in a few hours. Ok, so I've been messing around for about half an hour and its clear we need a mesh for a wizard hat... and Ponder's glasses.
  14. Supposedly in the next few days, Or the fan-base will eat them. [Edit] I've fixed the iron rings at the top of the sign, they should look like rings now.
  15. Are you planning on just altering one of the many extra pubs in skyrim? What do you mean, I was going to wait for the Ck and make a new cell. anyways here's a screen:
  16. I already started to, Got about half way with the guards armor and re-texed a sign for the mended drum .
  17. I thought UU was of the the southwest a little, and Isn't Carrots name Ironfounderson, how does lycanthropy work in skyrim, I've never joined the companions
  18. I was going to have an unplayable armor set like Jason bright in new vegas
  19. I can't believe I forgot about 'Mr. Snokey's Penny a packet preventables' maybe resist disease 20%
  20. Btw I found a pretty descent pic of the UU might help
  21. I was going to divide it up but instead of having doors or gates I was going to see how Bethesda worked the cave entrances and have Districts connected by these. As of the Ankh I was thinking along the lines of you can walk along crusty bits spread throughout the 'river' but mostly you can swim in it but it will deal out gradual damage and give diseases. And has anyone got any ideas about the seamstress', how will they work like the prostitutes in fallout? Or will they just be for radiant stories?
  22. At least 5 times of Windhelm cmon Oh yes with random effects some good some bad :) Yeah that's gonna be a tough one
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