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About Dumbbus

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    Skyrim Legendary Edition
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  1. That is awesome, thank you. Now maybe I can upload my Alternate Start Saves on Nexus for others to try too, without getting complaint's about not being able to start back on the Main Quest. Edit well I thought that something like that would work but it seems my Alternate Start Save doesn't allow any of that. I can go to Riverwood using coc Riverwood but I can't warn anyone about the dragon attack and I can go to Helgen but I don't have a key to open the gate but using tlc nocliping to get inside it's like before it was destroyed and I can talk to people like Ralof and others that are just standing there, Hadvar and Ufric aren't there though. If I go inside the Helgen Keep I get stuck and can't leave it also if I get to the bridge that you open that collapses behind you on your way out when I flipped the switch to let it down it restarted the game and I was riding inside the wagon again. Then I tried starting the Main Quest by going to Whiterun and talking to the Jarl but he won't talk to me about the Dragon Attack on Helgen. Good thing no one downloaded my mod yet, before I tested it as it seems I can't start the main quest without some sort of MOD. Never mind I finally figure it out all I had to do was skip over Unbound and start Before the Storm instead using the console code Setstage MQ102 0 and it sends you to report to Hadvar's uncle in Riverwood. Skyrim actually completes the unbound quest and starts Before The Storm without restarting the game. I'm going unhide my mod as soon as I update it with the main quest.
  2. The reason I am asking is I Created an Alternate Start Save, and I want to be able to also start the Main Quest Unbound at some point, but if I use the Console Code. SetStage MQ101 0 it restarts the game and loads you at the introduction thus restarting the game and if I use Setstage MQ101 900 to complete the Quest it also restarts the Game and starts the introduction but you are glitched and stand there behind the Wagons. So if I want to start Unbound on my Alternate Start how can I start or get the main quest without restarting the game?
  3. The one thing missing from Skyrim is a Pipboy or some sort device, technology the Player can wear that has a light on it. I know Skyrim has a Torch but I don't want to have to hold or carry it. Give me a wearable thing that Lights up the Dark. Please.
  4. I have had this Idea for awhile mostly since I first played Fallout 4. In Fallout 3 when you get to the end of the World Map it tells you you can't go that way, but then in Fallout 4 there is Nuka World that lets you leave the Fallout 4 World Map and go onto another World Map where Nuka World is. So my Idea is if that is even possible for Fallout 3 or can there be another World Map to crossover to for Fallout 3? Essential Fallout 4 at least can have Crossover World Maps. It would be so nice if Fallout 3 could also be extended in such away..
  5. Thank you for clearing that up.. So they are just a faction, and are one of the ones you can join or not. It's just when you watch a video of FO4 that is where everyone goes right at the beginning. I am going take some advice I got on another forum and actually try beating the game before trying to Mod it. I like just made it into NukaWorld.. I played Automatron and finished most of it, but that was about as far as I had gone before.. Except for when I first played it I had followed the Minutemen all the way to the Castle but gave up on them after that..
  6. I have wondered about this for awhile you start the game and you are off to concord sent by codsworth but is the whole Minutemen thing The Main Quest, isn't the Main Quest to find your son, I know Mamma Murphy gives you clues while doped up on drugs, but so do others in game, for one you can go to the sleep center Memory Zone, or what ever, in GoodNeighbor an then be told to go to Diamond City in search of your son and to the detective agency. So my question is. Do you have to do the Minutemen Quest at all? just because it is right there at the beginning of the game?
  7. I tested the Lake Shack, since I already had Vault 87 on my Map, seemed like a nice place to live in the open, the local super mutants couldn't see me and it is like you have a swimming pool, if it was Fallout 76 I would invite people over. The only Issue I had was in finding it as I am not good with directions I never know if I am going north south east or west if I get lost in the woods I just turn around and go back the way I came in. A map marker could help, and makes it work for quick traveling but I think it is fine as is. You should upload it on Nexus and just put in the description in Bold, "Do Not Leave Negative Comments" most are respectful of Mod Authors..
  8. Having modded F03, NV and now F04 I'd would say Fallout 3 is the easiest game to Mod, the load time alone makes all the difference NV and Fallout 4 load much slower.. Abate that F03 is a bit unstable on it's on. If it can be done in FO3 it can easy work for New Vegas but the other way around is bit more difficult..
  9. I have been having this same conundrum for a long time. A lot of older PC games ones that still work with windows 7 and above, are missing things like patches addons or updates that were made for the original game, I try searching Google and Yahoo every time I get one the old games but can't find the patch or update as the support site no longer exist. As an example I just got Hot Rod: Garage To Glory a really old game, and I kind of remember there was a patch or a addon on or something for that game, that is another part the conundrum I don't always remember exactly what it is that is missing, "Patch, Update, Addon" I'm not certain I know the other game Hot Rod: American Street Drag has a Addon that adds Extra Cars for you to purchase.. And I think Garage to Glory had a similar patch but IDK and I can't find anything for it currently. That being only one game, or program for PC that I can no longer find online. The others that come to mind are Diablo1 nearly all the mod tools that use to be available I can't find any of them and I don't recall what they were called. A Program I'm looking for is called Action Copier for GameMaker4 the last completely free version that copied actions from GameMaker5 for use in GameMaker4.. if anyone knows what program that is GameMaker4 and 5 are very old tools that use to be popular for Game Making until GameMaker was sold out to another company and thus abandoned.. I thought maybe people who cared about PC Games, might could help track down missing Tools, Updates, Patches, Addons, or Resources that used to be Available Online but are not found anymore. Please.. Edit: In some cases if some one just remembered what the Tool is called I might could find it myself..
  10. I have a Bare Minimum Rig, I'm going for a upgrade soon, but if it was me I would go for a i7 "6 Core" Processor make sure it is 6 cores they come in 2, 4, and 6 core versions 4 cores or equivalent is a Minimum.. For Video get a 4gb or more card Nvidia or Radeon, currently I have a 2gb but it barely plays FO4 on Low Quality. For Ram 16gb minimum 32gb recommended Hard Drive get 1.5tb minimum or 2.5tb recommended F04 with all dlc's is a 35gb game always go for .5 hard drives if you got a 1tb you will only get 900gb's of usable space, same goes with 2tb you'll get like 1.8tbs usable not 2tbs but with a 1.5tb you'll get like 1.3tb usable and with a 2.5 you'll get slightly over 2tb's not below it.. My current system is i2 Core 2 Quad ''That is a 2.8ghz 4 core equivalent Processor" But only has 2 cores. Nvidia GeForce GT 710 2gb Video Card "Plays F04 well enough on Low Quality if you don't care about Hires Graphics" 8gb Ram 1.5tb hard drive My current system works okay as a low end Machine, except it has some trouble with the FO4 Creation Kit.
  11. Lots of great stuff in Homemaker. Good building parts in Snappy Housekits and The Master Plan. Old World Plaids has some good furniture in it. Settlement Objects Expansion Pack has an assortment of good stuff. Wall Pass-Through Power Conduits is very useful. If you want signs or posters, my own Gruffydd's Signs and Posters adds a few hundred new ones. Do It Yourshelf is great for shelving, especially for shops. Modular Kitchen is great for kitchen creation (everything snaps). OC Decorator is great if your settlers tend to knock over your carefully placed stuff. All Those are so Awesome, Thank You!!! "Looks like I'll be occupied for awhile now" I just didn't know what to search for before. I did have trouble with passing wires through walls too, though I had found away around it by attaching the wire then building the wall back over it but then I couldn't attach a wire inside my Building. Also I wanted to build a settlement at Sunshine Tidings but kept moving the dead Ghouls around just to have them appear in the same spot later, I guess I could have disabled them with the Console but scrapping them would be better you always need resources.
  12. That is awesome once I figured out how to build stuff and just move it, that is really cool.. Thank You.. I had considered using the Console Cheat to make a new Workshop but was afraid it might interfere with Sanctuary and the Red Rocket Workshops, and like overlap them or something but I really only wanted to build stuff on the other side the Bridge. Place Everywhere also ends my troubles of not being able to get that one piece of a building where it should go. :thumbsup: Edit: I found this Mod that adds some Build-able stuff, Thematic and Practical
  13. Forgive me for having Bought the FO4 GOTY a bit late, so I am like a newbie who doesn't know about what mods are available or ones that maybe I should be playing but I have played a good bit the base Game, and DLC, already so am ready to pimp out my Modded Save. There are over 22,877 mods so thought I would try to get some Recommendations. I am not looking for HiRes or HUD Mods, I want ones that add something like Better Control of Settlers, Settlements, add Extra "Buildable stuff" to your Workshop, etc. Also if anyone has a Mod that increases the Workshop Time Out Period when you get outside the Workshop area the Default is 5 seconds to anything thing longer than that like say 10 15 or 30 seconds that would be great, I just want to be able to possibly build stuff right on the other side of the Bridge leading out of Sanctuary that goes to the Red Rocket Station.. Basically any mod that adds new quest, and elements to the game like say One Handed Guns.. Please.. One I did find that I liked and already have installed is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27262 I like Anime Mods.. I always play as a Female Char, so If you have anything like that one I would give it a try.. What F04 Mods do you guys Recommend or Play the most? "I've not logged on to the CC so I only know about Nexus"
  14. How do you Access all 6 DLC's, I have downloaded all 6 of them and inside the game it says they all are installed, but when I play the game nothing Pops up to say they are activated, what do you do to get them to work? Edit: I did it again, found the information I was looking for, http://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/list/kw/How%20do%20I%20get%20started%20playing/p/695 I'm such an idiot "Sometimes", I'm really sorry for making a Useless Post.. :wallbash:
  15. I got the Creation Kit setup and it was working Fine, until I was previewing a Weapon using the Preview Plane, I closed it and now whenever I open it I can't adjust the Window to see the Preview it looks like this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gibw26993l0gz3n/preview1.jpg?dl=0 I can't adjust the Preview Window, or get it to revert back to the default it worked when I first opened it.. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but afterward I have the same problem, as I couldn't completely wipe out the previous install before reinstalling because I don't know what all to delete from My Fallout 4 Folder. Though the Program said it was uninstalled some trace elements got left over as is usual for Windows. I'm running Win7 64bit. If that helps. Is there a way to fix it? Edit: Never mind I fixed it just deleted the two .ini files, and it went back to the default on restart. Seems every time I have a problem I find my own solution. Sorry..
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