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About madgoatwoman

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    TES V: Skyrim
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    The Mass Effect Trilogy and Dragon Age

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  1. I've got all the time in the world-- I'm a farmer. I taught myself how to make head morphs in DAO in the space of about two days. I think it should be easy to work out how to use these tools properly. Also, I was wondering how to have more than one savegame active at a time with different characters. Handy to know that MO can help with that-- cause Skyrim doesn't seem to have the ability/capacity for more than one active character at a time. I'm the idiot who, at level 47, decided to start again cause I didn't want to do the Thieves' Guild quests. And because I was already halfway through a TG quest when I dled the TG requirements mod, that really stuffed everything up. So I've had to start from scratch again. But it's totally okay. I plan on NOT powering through the Dragonborn and Dawnguard expansions like I did last time.
  2. Once again, I want to say thank you for your help. :) It's all running smoothly, and I actually do have the unofficial patches for Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. I knew there was a reason I loved the Nexus.
  3. Thanks! :smile: I'll have a shot at that and let you know. ETA: It worked! :D
  4. Thank you both for your replies. I started off using NMM, but then another google thread where I was having issues with CTD suggested I use MO and Wrye. Part of the reason I was using two mod managers was due to conflicting evidence thanks to google as to the veracity of them. :) Also, I am female ;) Active Mod Files as per Wrye: I know I have the vanilla hair colours mod somewhere in my downloads, I just can't remember where. I tend to launch from SKSE now that I've got mods that require it. Have also read through countless, and somewhat confusing threads suggesting various issues. Funny thing, I can mod DAO and DA2 no problems at all, but Skyrim is a totally different beast! :)
  5. So, subject says it all. I've tried google, I've read countless threads on the subject, and I'm still completely baffled. I've tried putting the .esm files up the top of the load order, and I think it's not the problem. I've tried a clean uninstall/reinstall, read all the documentation relating to ctd's and mods. I think it's one of my graphics mods that might be causing it-- potentially one of the Apachii mods, but I've had it work and then not work. I'm having trouble identifying which ones that might be causing the game to ctd. I'm using both NMM and ModOrganiser, I've used WryeBash and I'm also using SKSE. Not running any ENBs cause I don't understand how they work. Screenshots should show what my mod order/load order/mods are in. Have even included the load order from my data section of Skyrim's launcher. http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n521/laur-laur-laur/esmloadorderuptop.jpg http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n521/laur-laur-laur/nexusmodmanager.jpghttp://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n521/laur-laur-laur/skyrimmo1.jpg As the screenshots show, I'm running a fairly decent amount of mods. I've no idea why the CTD happens on load (will crash just after the Beth logo).
  6. Thanks TSM! :) I knew it was something stupid like that :) Your retextures for that set are gorgeous!
  7. I'm having trouble with the runscript commands for the Noble Light Armour. Every time I type in the command runscript noblearm, it comes back with an error message. Any ideas as to why? I'm running the latest version of KE, and the Leather Armour command console script works, just not the masculine version of it.
  8. Mine's a Hamlet reference, because Hamlet's the Original Emo. I'm not emo at all, really. It was a joke I had with a friend that we weren't going to accept characters who were more emo than Hamlet, and I kinda liked the sound of it-- it's also my psn name.
  9. I'm 26, turning 27 in October.
  10. You're welcome, darling! You can always PM me if you need help. I'm more than willing, cause I had to learn all this stuff myself when I started modding DA.
  11. Mochen's Ferelden Models mod is actually really, really comprehensive in what it lists for the mods to work. Download the All In One, then unzip into a directory that isn't the overrides folder. Make a new folder and call it Mochen. Inside that there's a readme file with all the required mods for the character you are trying to use. Her FM.erf file is required to make the majority of her mods work: (from the readme under the Origins NPC folder) What you need to do with it is download all the files she tells you to download, then extract them all into your overrides folder. Then run the chargenmorph compiler by Terra Ex, and it should then work properly. You will probably also need to download this in the optional files, as well: Face and Eye Textures. Here's another quote from her readme files: (bolding is mine) Ignore the stuff about the face replacer-- you don't need that unless you're changing your warden's face as well. It will, hopefully, allow you to get the Alistair head you want to use working properly. Hope this helps, darling!
  12. Re the Isabela mod: I have no idea where you'd find it. Re the Alistair face being shiny: It means you're missing a texture if his face is all shiny like that. Have you downloaded ALL the required mods for it to run? I've got an Alistair morph that I made last night if you just want to change his hair.
  13. Quite simply, remember how I showed you how to search to find whether you had more than just one Morrigan morph installed? You basically just drag the file you want over, hit yes to override/rename it, and theoretically, it should work the same way. Getting rid of the other companion characters head morphs, do the same thing with them: search in the overrides folder, delete all the .mor files you have that are the same name, and then just run Dragon Age Redesigned to get your other NPCs back to their original looks. The Isabela mod? I think I know the one you mean-- I don't have it, unfortunately, otherwise I'd email you the zip file with the mod in it. I do have a dark-skinned, red haired Isabela, though. I really hope I've helped you! :)
  14. Hmm-- I've had both mods installed and never had a problem with them, as far as I can remember. It's been a while since I've used the Ser Gilmore mod, cause I found it endearing but awkward. Uninstall the mods and then reinstall them? That's the only thing I can think of that might help. Then just use the .dazip files because they're less problematic than using the .override files.
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