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  1. For me to even consider buying this game, I am going to have to know a lot about the game mechanics because I just don't trust Bethesda and historically I've found their games to be pretty terrible unmodded. Skyrim isn't even enjoyable to me with mods. If the game doesn't have the following, there is just nothing for me: Deeper quest and world interaction. Being able to kill or influence quest NPCs, and quests that change as a result, and locations that change depending on events in the world. I'm sick and tired of Bethesda's lazy uncreative quest design.Skill checks. Since skills were removed I don't see how this could possibly be in the game.Detailed ending slides like New Vegas. I don't care about being able to play after the end. I never do anyway. But if there aren't detailed slides, forget it.Factions like New Vegas. I don't want to be forced into being the 'good' guy again, and I don't want the factions to be clearly black & white either.Dangerous world areas. You shouldn't be able to go anywhere you want from the start of the game. There is a feeling of accomplishment and reward when you finally reach the strength to take on tough areas than you could before.
  2. Dark0ne, have you thought about creating a Sim City 4 or a Minecraft Nexus? Both of those games already have a very large modding community and a few good sites but nothing as organized as the Nexus is with other games. Minecraft especially is lacking a proper mod site and at the moment the official site for mods is the minecraft forums. Maybe the devs would be interested in making the Nexus the official site like Obsidian has with Project Eternity?
  3. I didn't hate it at all in fact its my favorite DLC. I don't see why people find the collars so frustrating as the radios aren't even that hard to avoid. Everyone just expects everything to be super easy.
  4. Weapon Mods Expanded, Classic Fallout Weapons NV, and Fallout 3 Weapons Restoration. All lore friendly and not over powered. Some cool lore friendly guns that are sort of powerful can be found in the mod Supplementary Uniques as well.
  5. It wasn't that difficult for me and I enjoyed the story behind it more than any of the other DLCs. The cloud/speakers were a problem the first time but once you get used to them its no big deal. I played it on hardcore mode my first time and every time since then and I barely noticed the constant health loss at all. You just have to check every single container for cigaretts and clothes to turn into the vending machine so that you can buy stimpacks/ammo. I managed to keep my hunger and thirst level low just by finding random pre war food and water laying around. I didn't take all the gold bars because it kind of cheapens the whole point of the DLC imo.
  6. What mods were you using? I have the same problem but with different NPCs.
  7. Recently I have been having the problem of some dialogues not completing and being "stuck" and unable to continue on certain quests. I've been able to fix the issue using the console and various other things until now. At the moment I cannot complete Old World Blues any more because it always gets stuck at the ending slides. I think this is the same type of problem I had with doc Mitchell and veronica because the ending slides are actually just a room with a narrator npc and a projector. Ive looked over all my mods and visited their pages and have been unable to find any mention of a similar problem so if anyone has had this problem or might know what is causing it please help me. Edit: Figured it out. Something was wrong with the game files. Reinstalling fixed it.
  8. Fallout New Vegas had a lot of great choices for many types of characters. Why couldn't Bethesda make their quest lines the same way Obsidian did?
  9. In my opinion It depends on your character's actions and beliefs. I try to play as a good guy. This means I never steal, I don't go looking for people to kill, I only attack those that are attacking me or are attacking other innocents, and I always help people that need help. However Alduin is an obvious threat to the world so therefore he, and the rest of the "bad" dragons are fair game. Also even though Grelod is an evil person, if you are playing as a Paladin for example it would be against your beliefs and unhonorable to outright kill an unarmed old lady.
  10. I agree. I simply cannot get into this game no matter how many mods I install because of the lack of "good" choices. I really hope someone does alternate quests to the thief's guild and deadric quests.
  11. Specialized Followers allows her to transform into a warewolf in combat.
  12. The whole "It's a journal!" argument some of you are using is just plain stupid. Have you noticed that when you complete a quest it doesn't disappear in you journal? I is simply greyed out. IMO instead of just completely dropping quests and deleting them from your journal, there should be opt-outs in the quests through performing actions or dialogue. For example in the "in my time of need" quest I believe there should have been some options when first talking to the Alakir... Option 1. (persuade) Ask them for info on why they are searching for the Redguard girl. I understand that its meant to be left open as to whether or not she really did what she did but there is dialogue at the end of the quest that, IMO suggests that she did. This is just ONE option btw. Option 2. Just tell them that you don't want to get involved. The quest gets greyed out with a journal entry that you decided to ignore the Redguards request but you are still able to reactivate it if you wanted to later by talking to the Redguards again or the girl. I think it is not unreasonable to ask for a way to basically deactivate a quest through some sort of interaction by the player if they don't like the direction it is going.
  13. I liked both games pretty evenly, but there are things about both games that I like more or less than the other. I preferred FO3's world mostly because of the detail that went into it. However there is something about the desert landscape that makes the FONV world enjoyable also. I just can't put my finger on it. When it comes to the storyline I don't really know which I like more. I thought FO3 had a more personal storyline and FONV less so. I didn't like the fact that in order to truly complete the story of the courier, you had to buy 4 DLCs. I believe DLCs should be extra stuff that has nothing to do with the main story. I did like how in FONV the fate of the Mohave is pretty much entirely up to you whether you want to be evil, good, or somewhere in between. A lot of FO3 fans say that its a better game because of the bad ass Liberty Prime mission at the end, but I thought the end of FONV was pretty epic too. Having an army of securitrons, a bomber that nobody has seen fly in hundreds of years, artillery, a bunch of old enclave members, and your eyebot buddy that shoots huge laser beams out of his face by your side is pretty cool. That being said, I almost cried when Liberty Prime "died." :(
  14. Yep, and the amount of character interaction in Skyrim is pathetic. Out of all the followers and friends you gain throughout the game, with the exception of Erandur, I never felt any kind of warmth toward any of them. I haven't met ever follower in the game yet but Erandur was the only one that felt like he had an actual personality and background. Every other NPC feels like they are just there to basically fight or trade with. Take the followers you can acquire in Fallout New Vegas for example (I am using NV as an example because the interactions and dialogue are similar.) All of the followers from NV have their own story and goals. This type of character interaction is done wonderfully in Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect.
  15. I don't understand what is so great about Skyrim. Because of the way the quests and storyline are centered, at the end of the game there is really no sense of accomplishment. I beat the game once, uninstalled it, and haven't played it since but Fallout I play all the time and have probably beat it over 50 times...
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