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Posts posted by LapisLazzuli

  1. If it helps anyone, I wrote a tutorial for rolling back to patch 5 after updating to patch 6. It assumes you have a copy of patch 5. Note: "Force rescan" does not work properly since patch 5


    Mods with patch 6
    It is currently impossible to use mods with Patch 6. However it is still a good thing to update your game and use the rollback method described bellow. That way you will not be bother by the automatic update every time you lauch the game or have to play offline.

    Rolling back to patch 5
    If you already updated to Patch 6 and want to go back to patch 5, follow these instructions.
    PLEASE NOTE that by doing so, you will not be able to play Jaws of Hakkon DLC or have the fixes in patch 6. You will however be able to run mods again.

    Part 1 - Setting up the game folders
    1) In the "Update" folder of your game, Rename the folder "Patch" to "Vanilla_v6";
    2) Create a new folder and named it "Patch";
    3) If you have a copy of the patch 5, put the Data folder and the package.mft file in that newly created "Patch" folder
    4) Make a copy of the Patch folder now containing the patch 5 and named it Vanilla_v5. It's now you're backup copy of patch 5 in case you need a fresh one.

    Part 2 - Merging the mods
    5) In your DAI Mod Manager folder, delete the Patch.daimod. This step is required only the first time you merged files after rolling back to patch 5.
    6) Launch DAI MoD Manager, select the mods you want to merge then hit "Merge". You can save the result whereever you want. In my case I use \Documents\BioWare\MERGED

    Part 3 - Using the mods
    7) Copy the Data folder and the package.mft file that DMM just created
    :cool: Paste it in the "Patch" folder created at step 2
    9) Launch the game and enjoy your mods once more!

    Whenever you'll need to merge mods again, first copy/paste the content of the Vanilla_v5 folder in the Patch folder then run steps 5 to 9

    If you want to go back to using Patch 6, copy/paste the content of Vanilla_v6 in the Patch folder. You will not be able to use mods but will be able to play the DLC.


  2. Having made a few custom armors with skin showing I've used the following receipe with success:


    - in the .mmh, the MMH_NAME has to be either armorm1 or glovesm1 or bootsm1, or clothesm1 like Ish said. The .msh chunk has to have the name too.

    - in the .mao file, any of the SkinTint will work. (my personnal favorite being PunchthroughSkinTint). Every.mao that has the "NoTint" or "Tint" can be replaced by "SkinTint"

    - You need to declare in the .mao a tint file and that file has to use an alpha channel with the skin portion you want to change. I typically use a 100% white mask.


    Concerning file naming: In my experience, it doesn't matter what you name your files has long as they have the proper extension and that you use the _0d, _0n, _0t, and _0s for the texture files. I try to keep the Bioaware naming convention to make it easier to know what is what but it's not necessary.


    Hope that helps


  3. Good day fellow modders,


    I'm lookiong for someone that would be interested to help me and Tempest Warden create a bunch of armor sets for DA2.

    Thanks to all the wonderfull comments and ideas and screenshots that float around this community, our creative juices are on overdrive! But saddly, I lack the time to turn them all into realities. Whici is a shame really :D


    Soooo I need someone to help me do the 3d meshes that I will texturized afterwards. I work with Lightweave.


    If you're interested and simply HATE clipping, send me a message :)



  4. Nice work on the redesigning of the site and I'm not just talking the look. I know how much work it is... I'm been a webdesigner for many many years lol


    As such, if I may make a few simple suggestions for a better user experience:


    - Since you will not b controlling the quality of the user uploaded images, using themin such a big space as the top banner may be risky. Notice the Silverlight one for exemple where we only the wall... I would suggest either a smaller banner or choosing very carefully which image you use there. or both :)


    - The idea of having the small description next to the image in the banner is awesome but the text doesn't stay long enough for us to be able to read. So a slower timer would be nice. And randomize the start image as well. That way each time you get on the home page, you dont always start at the same point.


    - A lot of icons are used instead of text which is great for saving space and adds "life" to the look. However not all of them are easily recongnizable for what they mean. I suggest adding either an ALT text in the image tag or a tooltip that says what it is. It is a stadard way of doing thing and user have the reflex of mousing over an image to see what it means.


    And please, change the baby pink everywhere to something with more punch and "maturity" :P


    Again bravo on the huge effort for the new site!


  5. I'd like to offer my services for people who have great ideas for modding items/equipement but lack the time/knowledge/skill to do the retexturing. I enjoy the challenge retexturing offers and I've already done those items/armors that were apealing to me personnaly so I figured I'd offer my services here.


    If you want an idea of what I can do, here's a few things I did:

    - Last Decent and Enasalin armors: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2948

    - Spiral Eyes and Overseer armors: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2949

    - Prince Raiment armor: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2966

    - Merrill Pre-Romance armor: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2978


    Send me a message if you need me.



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