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Nexus Mods Profile

About leerut

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Balders Gate 3
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  1. I preface this by noting that I had a problem recently after the latest "fix". Some mods I loaded didn't work and caused the game to go into some kind of load screen. Had to completely uninstall the game and Vortex and get it erased from the cloud and start over. That took a bit, finally got going again. I loaded the mod More Frequent Feats and it appears to load but doesn't actually work in the game. The mods I am using are: Vortex/Mod Fixer/Party Limit Begone/Improved UI Patch t/Norbyte's Script Extender/LSLib/Diving Tool/windowsdesktop-runtime 8.0.3 Anyone have any ideas here why it won't work?
  2. This am I logged on and Party Be Gone is working fine. I have no idea how or why but it is. The mod is working just like it's supposed to.
  3. Just loaded this with no problem, using Vortex. All looks fine, but the game doesn't recognize it. Is there something you are supposed to do I don't know about?
  4. I haven't found any threads anywhere on this subject, so I'm just throwing it out to see what hits. I am using Vortex, and it works pretty well, so far, but I keep getting a message that says "some saves couldn't be read" apparently every time I make a game save. Anyone got any ideas on that.
  5. Glad I read this. I had just installed NMM, and am having trouble getting it to work. If one gets Vortex, can you still use Nexus mods?
  6. Well OK. Thanks, I will try and report back!!!
  7. When a screen loads to change scenes, like entering a building or town, or Fast Travel.....there is an interval of time.....that is INFERNALLY Long!!!!!! Is there any way anyone knows of to shorten that time?????
  8. I have just installed this MOD and cannot figure out how to bring up the Convenient Horses Menu. What do you do to make that appear? NEVER MIND! I FOUND IT!
  9. Forget MODS. I just discovered this by accident. You can build your own home IN GAME! I discovered this by buying at Falakreath. Much better. Apparantly there other locations as well.
  10. I'm not sure what the problem is here. I noticed it before. When I have several Mods loaded up, it slows my computor down, even when I'm not playing....like right now...lagging text, etc. Does anyone have a clue about why? I do know the graphics accelerator is not up to par...I got a notification about that when I first loaded the game. But I really don't understand how Mods could affect my computor generally.
  11. I have used both, and have opted for AFT for the simple reason of being able to use the backpack. That one feature was the deciding factor for me.
  12. Ah, thank you very much. Worked like a champ!!!!
  13. I have looked around and can find no way to change the keys assigned to walking. I am left-handed, so it would be better for me to use the Arrow keys. Does anyone know it this is possible????
  14. Ah yes! I remember now. Thank you very much!!!! :blush:
  15. I recently uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim to take the advice of the Nexus people advising me to install outside of the Programs folder. I have reinstalled a few Mods as well, one of which is the UI, along with SKSE. When I reinstalled, I used my download history here as my guide. What I am facing now is getting a message when I load the game that SKSE is not working, and UI is not operating properly. I have tried a couple of different SKSE versions, but none seem to work. I also clicked on the "update" option in NMM, to no avail. Any suggestions?
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