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About SoMaTheCandleMaker

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    Dragon Age: Origins / Skyrim / Fallout NV / Fallout 4 / Mass Effect LE / Destiny 2 / Death Trash

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  1. Yeh I was thinking about doing it via elevator system, but it just doesn't work for the type of movement i'm going for. Will try thous "Enable\Disable" scripts tho, thank you )
  2. Is there a script for setting the objects to move OR be removed via activating em' in game? For example, you need to move the box by using "Strength", after activating an object, the box should move some distance. Or remove the carpet to find a secret hatch underneath it.
  3. Please contact me here, to join the Badlands Project: https://discord.gg/ZDGQnuK
  4. Objects stopped moving in the preview window. I've been working with the editor and at some point, the objects in the preview window just stopped moving. I can not rotate them using the mouse cursor or keyboard. I don't know what is the problem, but it already annoys me.
  5. If you want to work on a projects or help other Modders - In Badlands Team, you will always be welcome. In addition, we will be happy to help you get started, and will teach everything that we know ourselves. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39172?tab=files https://discord.gg/ZDGQnuK
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