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Everything posted by Jouko
Continues sleeping, lightning takes alot out of him.
Jouko is currently sleeping ignoring power posting and other things for the time.
Jouko ignores Peregrine and continues to his room where he falls asleep after pinning the body to the ground. Congrats: General Chat you 200th post
"Aha heres my room" he opens the door and drops everything in his arms, must go to sleep, but hve to do something first, he peeks out the door hey mage girl ya you, go find Armiena i wish to speak to her.
"Wheres my room at" he stares at the doors trying to see his number.
Goes to his room for a long sleep after using lightning.
Jouko drops the body and throws the nord outside to be had at by the Ordinators left around.
"I hould cut your hand off you disrespectful nord"
Jouko throws the nord out of his way and makes his way to his room.
Jouko dives from up in the air hitting the assassin in the back knocking him out, he drags him back to the bar.
Jouko jumps out the window and floats overhead striking ordinators in Armiena's way, He flies overhead keeping track of the assassin, but he wonders "What happened to that body?" He casts lightning at the assassin striking him to slow him up but not killing him just yet.
Jouko leaves the room the same way he came in "Its empty, the only thing left is a puddle of blood, and a small knife, well so our assassin has struck again, damn that means less money for me"
Jouko's ears angel, "What in the hell was that noise" he gets up with no more words to anyone and makes his way to the stairs, his eyes see a dash of blood on the floor nearby, "Well its seems the assassin has struck once again, hm i wonder whos blood this is, so we have an assassin whos not very good at hiding himself" As he says so he casts (Shadow II) making him completely invisible, and now one more technique i dont use alot, he slips to the ground and flattens completely, he moves under the door to see what could be on the other side. Using night eye the room on the otherside is bright as daylight.
"well the was interesting, as for your sword the Unqualë, what is it made of besides steel? My sword is made of a demon's tooth, i slayed the scum for he was the one who brought me to these lands, he taught me how to fight, then he relized i was surpassing him so he sent some assassins after me, i found out from one of them that he was the one who sent them after me. I slue him the next day, took his teeth and made my armor and sword from them, then i came here. Barkeep bring me another round" OOC: i wish others would post
"I am not a normal of my race, we are a war race, we fight to live and live to fight, but im am different from the others, regular of my people have blood red eyes, and 2 demon wings, as you can tell i have nearly black eyes and 2 diff. wings, one being a demon and the other i still do not know of, my father said an ancient came to him and birthed me, i believe it not, i have been shunned from my village for being different. As for any lore i know of i do not, i came from the mountains far in the distance, a newcomer here i know no one, i trust no one. As for you sir? Your Lore and background should be quite interesting.
Jouko stares back at the tall one with his peircing eyes, "the name is Jouko, sit thee before i change my mind. what buisiness doest thou have with me."
Name- Jouko Akujin Race- Daemon Sex- Male Class- Vampire/Assassin/Thief/WarriorMage/Mecenary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A figuire dressed in black enters the bar with a fairly large sword on his back, he walks up to the bar and orders the stiffest drink the bartender has. He walks back to the darkest cornor table and unhooks his sword and sets it beside the table. He takes off his cloak reveiling two wings, (demon and angel), he sits down and begins drinking slowly from the flask. He stares around the room with cold nearly black eyes.
look here http://mwsource.com/forum/index.php?showto...topic=3277&st=0