Hi. I am new to these forums, so please forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong place. I love Fallout 3, and I do not see how anyone would not love it. I also love some of the cool mods you can find for Fallout 3, and you can imagine how frustrated i was when I couldn't launch Fallout with FOSE. You see, I had Fallout 3 on Windows XP, and FOSE ran fine. But, when my OS stopped working for a reason still unknown to me, I reinstalled Windows as Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit (Full technical information at bottom of post). I then went along downloading all my games again (I have Steam), and when I downloaded Fallout 3 i immediately went to fallout3nexus to get FOOK2 and some other mods I liked. I then went and got FOSE and installed it like i normally would, renamed fose_loader to Fallout3 so I could launch it from Steam, then installed all my mods and put them in the correct order and turned on archive invalidation. I then went to start up the game, put all the settings to max and native resolution, and then clicked play. I then got this message: "You have an unknown version of fallout. Please check http://fose.silverlock.org to make sure you're using the latest version of FOSE, then send and email to the contact address listed in fose_readme.txt if this version is not supported in the latest release. (CRC=9B0E9AD2)" I did not understand why this was happening, so I went to the program properties and set it to compatablility mode, administrator run and all that, tried again, and it still wouldn't work. I then switched back the normal Fallout3 application and it ran fine, no freezes or crash on startup or anything like that. I was very frustrated at this point, and decided to leave it at that and procrastinate posting on some forum (Like this one) to ask why the hell this is happening to me. And so here I am, asking for you're help. To any of you who have had this problem before and have fixed it or simply know a solution, I would be very glad if you could tell me how. Technical data: CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 945 Quad Core Processor @ 3.00GHz GPU: EVGA GTX 550 TI (Shame on me for mixing AMD and nVidiea) Motherboard:MSI 790FX-GD70 Memory: Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz Fallout 3 version: Latest Steam GOTY release. OS: Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit. If anyone could help me, please, I beg you.