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About UnboundDremora

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    United States
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    Bethesda Games, Witcher 3
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    Oblivion, Witcher 3

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  1. Many of you know Shadow of Morrowind, one of the bigger land mods on the nexus, and wish it to be continued...well...so did I. I tried creating a mod called Shadow of Morrowind Continuation in the hopes of filling the mod with life, but that was really my first shot at creating a mod, so I quit and started to work on my abilities a lot more. A while later I ported the mod to Special Edition and tried to gather a team, but that never really got anywhere either, getting as far as the aim of the main quests before it also fell, with the port falling with it. Recently I had to take a break from Bethesda due to my lack of interest and anger towards them but now I look back at it and see with fresh eyes how great this game really is, so I started to work on Shadow of Morrowind Continuation once again, though I certainly cannot do it alone. What I am ultimately asking for is help. This is a very large mod and I am very busy with other mods/games that take up pretty much all of my time but I want this to go somewhere, since it was my intro to modding, and now almost game development. If you do wish to help with this daunting task feel free to pm me with your skills, I am very lenient on your abilities as long as you contribute somewhat to the project. What I really need are modelers, scripters/quest makers and Interior design, as most of the landscape is already finished.
  2. -The Padomain Isles are a group of islands to the east of Morrowind, and the west of Akavir. They were conquered by Uriel Septim V in 3E for an invasion of Akavir, but it failed, and this fact is very important. This mod aims to add all of the Padomain Isles, except for Roscrea, and not only add an interesting (hopefully) story line to each of them but a main questline that span all of the islands. Esroniet will be the largest of the 5 with a 4096x4096 heightmap, though most of it is a barren, hot pain. In lore it would be a lot smaller. On the east coast is the massive port city of Black Harbor, used for the invasion of Akavir. Next is Cathnoquey, not much is known about it other than it will hold lush forests, very different from the other islands. Yneslea is split into 2 smaller islands, each with their own worldspace. The inhabitants are very reclusive to outsiders and protect their lands furiously from any invasion. This island took the empire the longest to capture. Vounoura is a smaller island (about a quarter the size of Solstheim) and a months voyage from Vvardenfell. The red year hit it very lightly, but it did make a noticeably impact. Morag Tong Assassins use it as a haven for when they get famous and targeted. Olenveld is by far the smallest, about the size of a large city, and most of it does contain a city, though in ruins. It is said that cannibalistic necromancers reside there. -3d Modeler, Level Designer, and Quest Scripter needed. PM me if you are interested. Please keep in mind that this is a HUGE undertaking and requires quite a bit of experience. (While I dont have 1000's of hours put into the ck I do probably have around 500 and still consider myself moderate/adequate). If your application doesnt satisfy me dont feel hurt or anything if I decline(you never know some people might). -For more information see these threads: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5880673-wippadomain-isles/&do=findComment&comment=52493508 https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5906503-the-island-of-olenveld-a-wip-mod/&do=findComment&comment=52732953 and the Dark Creations: https://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/1463-the-padomain-isles/ Note: The development of the mod is at a standstill due to my lack of knowledge of scripting and 3d modeling.
  3. Olenveld is an island about a day from Winterhold, in calm weather. There was once a great city on it, but it was abandoned in the second era. Tiber Septim used the ruined city as a graveyard, lining the streets with graves. Necromancers were attracted to this island after the mages guild banned necromancy, but since they left Tamriel odd reports have been coming back from sailors saying that daedra are roaming the sea of ghosts. This project is just me, so I dont have any amazing work done in the creation kit, most of it is down on paper. Below are screenshots of an island between Tamriel and Atmora (Not Olenveld) but will also be in the mod.
  4. Have you gone into any other inns or interiors? Do these crashes happen any other places in the exterior? Try TES5Edit to look for possible conflicts. Patience is the main thing you need in this situation, especially with that many mods.
  5. First of all, before any of the mod stuff...what are the Padomain Isles? They are a group of islands east of Morrowind that include Esroniet, Yneslea, Cathnoquey, and Roscrea. Read more here. (Links for the islands are at the bottom.) Now that that's over with, what does the mod actually do? Well...it 'aims' to add all 5 islands, with the exception of Roscrea (Witch is being made by the Beyond Skyrim Roscrea team. Teaser.) Esroniet will be the largest of the 5 with a worldspace the size of Skyrim (Though in lore it would probably be from half to a fourth). Here's a few screenshots of the southern part of Esroniet: These are VERY WIP. The towns exterior (Building wise) is probably about half way done (And its only one of the smallest villages/towns in the mod.) If you would like to help send me a pm. I need 3d modelers that are capable of texturing, and voice actors. Level Designers, Scripters, and Writers (Educated in Elder Scrolls Lore) would also be appreciated. There is also the heightmap for Esroniet I uploaded, for extra information.
  6. Forgot to turn on Live another life and began to this: :laugh: They just stand there. The soldiers on horses keeps 'riding' into the cart. Might have been a conflict with PerMa, I hadn't run the patcher yet but I dont really care...unless a really good mod comes up that requires you to start the normal way. Then I might be screwed.
  7. And this mod is based off of areas in the Silmarillion more than events. The major battles are the only story based thing im using.
  8. Then whats this? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38025/?
  9. This is an idea i have had for about a year, but never thought to start. I originally wanted to make all of Beleraind, then I found MERP and realized that wasn't going to happen, but I still wanted to do it. I came up with this: Angband will be a very large dungeon full of orcs, dragons, balrogs, vampires, werewolves, and Morgoth. Map will be updated over time Any help would be highly appreciated! I need skilled modelers that can also do textures, weapon, armor, and creature animation, scripters, and sound composers (for weapon sounds, creatures, etc.) PM with an example of your work if you just might want to help. FAQ Any notable questions I get asked will go here
  10. Morrowind Shadows of the Past is a special edition mod that allows you to explore Morrowind in 4E, but right now is not very complete at all. In fact all it has is landscape and that does not appeal to some, so we are inviting both experienced and semi-experienced modders to join. What are the requirements? You must have at least a basic understanding of the position of your choice. In your PM you must provide evidence of your postion in the form of screenshots, links to your personal mods (I do not take you being credited), or if you are a writer provide some sort of text that YOU WROTE. What position are available? -Scripters (Highly needed) -3d Artists (Highly needed) -Animators (Highly needed) -Composer (Highly needed) -Level Design (Needed) -Heightmap Editor (Needed) -Writer (Not really needed) More will be added as development continues Current members: UnboundDremora (Lead/Level Design) jmgdog66 (Writer) trimilk (Minor Level Design) PM IF YOU WANT TO JOIN
  11. Morrowind Shadows of the Past is a special edition mod that allows you to explore Morrowind in 4E, but right now is not very complete at all. In fact all it has is landscape and that does not appeal to some, so we are inviting both experienced and semi-experienced modders to join. What are the requirements? You must have at least a basic understanding of the position of your choice. In your PM you must provide evidence of your postion in the form of screenshots, links to your personal mods (I do not take you being credited), or if you are a writer provide some sort of text that YOU WROTE. What position are available? -Scripters (Highly needed) -3d Artists (Highly needed) -Animators (Highly needed) -Composer (Highly needed) -Level Design (Needed) -Heightmap Editor (Needed) -Writer (Not really needed) More will be added as development continues Current members: UnboundDremora (Lead/Level Design) jmgdog66 (Writer) trimilk (Minor Level Design) PM IF YOU WANT TO JOIN
  12. The size of the image was to large so what I need help with is here. Any suggestions?
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