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About Naruto5995

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  1. I was wondering if anyone would be able to make a few movies for this mod http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/14675 It contains a tutorial on how to make the videos and everything, I still can't do it though and I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to try it out, I was thinking maybe a couple of the songs along with their scenes, such as This Day Aria from the season 2 finale and whatnot, thanks in advance if anyone does, but if noone wants to I guess I'll have to just keep trying
  2. This has probably been asked hundreds of times but, I originally had a physical copy of the goty edition of Fallout 3, but it stopped working for some reason or another, my mods DID work on there, so instead of buying another disc I decided to buy it on steam, and now no mods that I install using fomm actually work, I have no idea how to fix this? Like I tried installing a reskin for the pipboy, I used fomm, didn't work. So I went into the files for the game, and in data there were no texture folders or anything like that? Please help.
  3. Yeah, but not to sound like a perfectionist, especially considering that I can't mod, but it could look better... And I have no idea how to port mods
  4. Was wondering if someone could make a retexture/edit of the trooper/goggles helmet, by removing the goggles and making it look like this, http://www.gethandbag.com/images/african-safari-pith-helmet.jpg perhaps making the lighter, cloth strips around the top a army green color. Sorry if someone already has a mod like this
  5. I know this has probably been asked before, and I'm sorry for not looking hard enough. But what I've read says to edit the GECKCustom.ini or something, but I cannot find that anywhere in my new vegas folders
  6. You guys are coming up with some really good ideas :D Now we just need somebody to do it lol
  7. anything you could do would be great. Im getting better at modding so all i need is like a resource. still cant figure out how to get custom textures though :/
  8. Nivea that'd be awesome if you did :D anything fluttershy would be great lol. Especially if it was like and object that I could place into my player homes with the geck etc. like I said I'd do it myself to save you guys the trouble but like im brand new to modding and all I can do is edit stats and place objects lol
  9. I still think it'd be a good idea lol
  10. Like half of the internet is obsessed with this show yet there isn't one mod for it. I think it'd be awesome if someone made like a t-shirt armor with an MLP texture or retextured posters and whatnot. I would do it myself but I'm brand new to modding and the geck and all and I have no idea what I'm doing lol
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