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Everything posted by somnyus

  1. I was going to make a house mod using the Orc stronghold... What would you expect from this house? Could you go into more detail? I'd give it a try, but I'm not very familiar with scripting/questing yet, so I could make you a free one if you want... Do you have a location in mind?
  2. Looks great! On the tree subject, a picture says a thousand words: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/09272008_BrightonUT.JPG
  3. Or just wait a litte bit longer? Bethesda to Announce Elder Scrolls MMO in May
  4. No one ever expects a fireball from the darkened corner. . . Haha, true :thumbsup:
  5. be sure to press 'B' to show cells in the render window. drag your mesh nodes against all cell borders. in the navmesh drop down menu select finalize navmesh or something like that. you'll notice green lines along the cell's borders to show they are connected. Good luck!
  6. What about a new valley with a village somewhere in the mountains East or West? It could include a big Hunter's Hall, Shops around the hall, a player home, hunting grounds, ... A new worldspace like Lost Valley Redoubt or Sovngarde even? Once we figure out the LOD bug, i'm willing to give this a go. Worldbuilding/landscaping/interiors isn't really a problem for me. I would need some help with Dialogue/scripting/questing... We could have some new armor variety: Retextured or new leather and fur armors, but with stats that match higher level armor.
  7. @Yodude12, Mikanoshi: if this is true, I am forever in you dept! :teehee: Will try this out as soon as I get home. Still weird that some people have this issue, while others don't... Do you know if this affects older mods, or will I have to re-texture those? I guess the latter. edit: I too can confirm this works like a charm! Thanks again for this so simple but life-saving fix!! ;D
  8. I'll check this out tonight... thanks! edit: ok, this removes animated grass ingame. Not really what I'm looking for :/
  9. Won't that just disable all grass in-game??
  10. Yes please! :) What about a Yarl's longhouse? some stables outside, training grounds, ...
  11. Ok, it seems not everyone has the floating grass problem. Someone at the Skyre forum released a mod yesterday: While he doesn't have any floating grass in-game, some that downloaded his mod did! Me, I still have floating grass in-game, no matter what I try! I replaced a whole cell with Dirt01, it still shows up in-game. I'm doing some tests now: A clean .ini: no change. http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i412/somnyus/Skyrim/CK---ReplacedWIth_Dirt01.jpg Replaced all Quads with Dirt01: no change. http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i412/somnyus/Skyrim/Game---ReplacedWith_Dirt01.jpg Replaced all Quads with Dirt01, retextured with NoGrass: no change. http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i412/somnyus/Skyrim/Game---Retextured_Dirt01_NoGrass.jpg
  12. There are two bookshelf tutorials, I'd compare them if I were you, look for different approaches. One of them is marked as icomplete...
  13. As a huge Prattchet fan, I'll be watching this topic. :thumbsup: I have the English 'Streets of Ankh-Morpork' map someone posted a link to, I could scan it if anyone needs it. I do think after reading this thread that a TC would be a better idea instead of linking it to Skyrim... You could start out by picking one book and having that as a base and main quest. That way, you have a clear idea of what NPC's you need, what parts of the city need more detail than others. Some serious 3D modelling should be done aswel if you want to get the atmosphere right... Anyway, good luck, I might help out as a semi-skilled world builder/texturer should this get serious!
  14. hmm, So just retexturing with NoGrass helps even if it still shows up in the ck? will try it out when I get home... Still weird though :-)
  15. So nobody succesfully modded the landscape grass yet?? Seems weird.
  16. Found this. Map markers mod, simply adds markers to discovered houses: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=7440
  17. This bothered me too yesterday evening. I flattened and smoothed the landscape to make some level ground for a house and pOOf: flying grass! :huh: The wiki doesn't seem to have any info on this. I'll look into it later, there must be a simple explanation/solution...
  18. I'd love to suport this and even lend a helping hand if it was 't for the fact that I think it's nearly impossible to pull of in a reasonable amount of time. Bethesda developed Skyrim in five years, how will a (even huge) team of modders make a landmass 6 or 7 times its size? Kudos to those who will actually start AND finish such an undertaking!
  19. I'm fairly sure he knows that, it's called Anvil Nova on the map, Oblivion had Anvil ... :tongue:
  20. If that's what he's talking about, I'd love that!
  21. I really like this idea! And lol about dual wielding bows :-p
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