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About SomebodyStoleMyName

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  1. What's a Lurker? Every time I have to ask about one of these web terms it turns out it applies to me. Why just the other day some Ubuntu nerds accused me of being a troll. Do I hide under a bridge and extort money from those who try to cross it? NO. Do I have an ungodly rate of regeneration? NO. Green skin? Only on St. Patrick's day. My point is, these terms don't make any sense to me. I guess I'm just getting old or something.
  2. What I find is that having to spam a spell, hop everywhere, or let a group of rats wail on me for a while just to get decent stat bonuses at level up is the most annoying thing in the world. Isn't there a mod that changes the level up stat bonuses to +5 so that all you have to do is pick three instead of this grinding away at your minor skills like that? Don't get me wrong, skills are important, but I shouldn't have to do so many hours of prep work before allowing myself to use my main skills in order to gain one level.
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