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About Omerta55555

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    assassin`s creed 2

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  1. Simple...equip a strong weapon or the enhanced crossbow with a good poison and exploding bolts that way you will kill him with two or three hits he will never have the chance to recover :)
  2. yeah i see your point :yes: is there really a difference ?! :D why not? like a mini mammoth :cool: that`s what we learn after playing with multiple characters lonesome is the best my friend the criticism of which we would understand the actions of the heart killer Ysolda must lead us to as many explanations as we find such as your appreciated one. as who we know said I will encourage people to name their non ugly children after you :D by the way...that hospitable temple will be temporary closed due to unwanted errors :thumbsup: thanks again for pointing me to my next target practices.
  3. it`s the spoilers section already feel free to spoil without hiding :rolleyes:
  4. well friend simple is simple and marriage is - even in games - always complicated so i take it that you suggest to lock her up with raw dogs or wolfs thanks for the unmeant suggestion :confused: :) :D :D
  5. :D it`s good to draw a smile on a friend`s face but...suggestions my fellow assassin i want yours..so show me :rolleyes: ah..you have a point as they are not attractive at all :happy: well...at least for me - and all the men in skyrim - ,and looks like you forgot to suggest a way to punish her :blush: but if you get to marry a cheater wife you will have a free -friendly and alive - practicing targets :D you see my point? and...i can`t see your suggestions >:(:ermm:
  6. you are welcome and i`m glad to help a brother and i do use most of the shouts for fun only :) to begin the next type setstage MQ105Ustengrav 10 good luck and don`t forget me if there is any thing else :)
  7. have you ever wondered where does this large amount of ale and wine coming from?? :whistling:
  8. i would side with them if they gave me a chance and that`s my why
  9. huh :D here it is you lazy killer :wink:
  10. well that`s better here is the commands for the quest advancement setstage mq105 160 the shouts you supposed to learn unrelenting force player.teachword 13E22 player.teachword 13E23 player.teachword 13E24 whirlwind spring player.teachword 2F7BB ; WULD player.teachword 2F7BC ; NAH player.teachword 2F7BD ; KEST tell me if it did not work for you :)
  11. oh Illia it`s her...no doubt she fits my wise imperial assassin as she is an imperial herself :)
  12. are you familiar with console commands? and do know how to use it?
  13. you see i married that pitch who i got blinded by her kindness with my imperial wise assassin -ezio alike :) - character... after finishing one of the adventures i found this..horrible scene i always imagined that she is cheating me with this red headed housecarl but never thought i would see it with my own eyes and when entered hjirem sneaking just to make sure every thing is fine. i saw.......... http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/504641394582168829/C6D0D3668E797FC782834BD489C72ABF66E171B8/ :( so i slashed him but i`m still thinking what to do with her any suggestions?
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