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Everything posted by Marcusfenix007

  1. I tried as you sugested, but It says, "No parameter for quest", so what can I do? Try entering cow SMSJonestead 0 0 to see if the town exists in the game. If not, then SMSkyrim.esp may have been deactivated during the update. If it does exist, then check to see if the quest appears in the journal for a different saved game. I checked twice and it doesn't exist in any saved game I have, or in the world map, so I believe that are errors within my skyrim install, so I will try to correct that and check if it that
  2. I tried as you sugested, but It says, "No parameter for quest", so what can I do?
  3. Hi Enter_77, I'm having some kind of probles installing SMS v2.1.1. The installation works fine but when I run the game, the journal doesn't show the quest, so i tried with an earlier version and it worked (I used ver 2.0.3), so I don't know if I am doing something wrong. By the way, god luck on Ep. III
  4. I have installed CHSBHC-Body-Physics-ModV2 and the body type I Installed was CBBE, but the problem started when I installed Hearthfire Just tested and couldn't get it discolored. Try selecting the CHSBHC option in the SMS installation. There isn't a major difference between the included CBBE and CHSBHC textures in the SMS package, but it might help. You could also try reinstalling CHSBHC and then SMS to make sure nothing was overwritten in some way during the Hearthfire install. It could be that Steam checked the integrity of the Skyrim Data folder and added or modified files as it was downloading. I've done reinstalling those components of body mesh, and it worked just fine. And as last question, Are the Kasia quests repeteable?? No, they're not repeatable. More opportunities for FP and RP in the next episode. Ohh I see, well you just made me want to play more to uncover the secrets of SMS. Thnx for a great mod
  5. I have installed CHSBHC-Body-Physics-ModV2 and the body type I Installed was CBBE, but the problem started when I installed Hearthfire Just tested and couldn't get it discolored. Try selecting the CHSBHC option in the SMS installation. There isn't a major difference between the included CBBE and CHSBHC textures in the SMS package, but it might help. You could also try reinstalling CHSBHC and then SMS to make sure nothing was overwritten in some way during the Hearthfire install. It could be that Steam checked the integrity of the Skyrim Data folder and added or modified files as it was downloading. I've done reinstalling those components of body mesh, and it worked just fine. And as last question, Are the Kasia quests repeteable??
  6. I have installed CHSBHC-Body-Physics-ModV2 and the body type I Installed was CBBE, but the problem started when I installed Hearthfire Ohhh, that's a good idea I'll check and see what happens, thank's Enter_77
  7. I have installed CHSBHC-Body-Physics-ModV2 and the body type I Installed was CBBE, but the problem started when I installed Hearthfire
  8. Good work Enter_77, I admire your work, you gave life to my skyrim game so far, so I will suport you when you start to make ep III. And I have a further question, when I am out in the world, Kasia has her body discolored and I prompted to do the solution you gave, but her body continued to be that way, so what can I do??
  9. I've been following your work since SMC. Can't say I love to wait, but knowing you work, I'm definitely willing to wait :biggrin: , I'll keep an eye so I don't miss any updates. Keep up the good work!!!,
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