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  1. Thanks! Frost for me was also a bit too extreme. I'll check Unbogus, thanks! Through look like it a bit tamer then analogues in other games I mentioned xD
  2. Is there any good big FO4 overhauls, similar to Oscuro/Wanderer edition/Project Nevada/SkyrimRedone/Requiem?I looked at database, but kinda didn't noticed anything similary big with new content and mechanics. Nearest thing there is was a Frost, but is there anything else?
  3. I remember there was a mod on Skyrim nexus from japanese modder that was inspired(or at least very similar to crossbreed priscilla furry mantle(but it has also a hat). But I cant remember neither name, nor author. Can someone help?
  4. Hello everyone Since Arthmoor stopped active development of patches for OCR and One Patch Shop seems to die out, I think it wouldn't hurt to try it here... Can someone make compatibility patch for waalx animals and creatures and Open Cities reborn(ideally with B&M Bravil version) Mods have not increadibly huge but kinda annoying incompatibilities which touch all cities 1)Dew to cities becoming bigger there are at least one new wac's spawnpoint inside every cities. So there is such a fun experiences like being attacked by boars or goblins near Bravil Chapel or being ganged up by lions in the middle of Anvil 2)wac added few npc to game which end up in now nonexisting city worlds 3)wac added some clutter around some outer parts of vanilla cities so now there are some floating clipping stuff near old walls places. Like again, in Bravil there is a flying prisoner cage near chapel Would really appreciate if someone could help with it
  5. But I doubt it should be that bright. When all black colors become greyish
  6. Use wrye. Its patch is awesome and its really easy to find models owerwrites with it As for grathics here are few honorable mentiones "Oblivion - Reloaded" - must have now, really great effects and cool features "Weather - All natural" - great weather lightning mod "Snu dungeons" - great cave overhaul
  7. Wrye Bash has pretty rad readme. Just run wrye, press roung button with question mark and thats all. Just don't forget to bring boss and tes4all(for Generate Bash Tags script) As for DarN_UI - its somewhat better to install using OBMM, since wrye cant edit oblivion.ini, so you'll have to manually change fonts in game
  8. Try Unnecessary Violence III. It even let you take one handed weapon in two hand Dark souls style xD Also two handed combat and mutilating critical strikes Does anyone know is their robert male body compatibility patch for wac armor and clothing? One on nexus only touch races themselves but as soon as you wear open armor (like many bandit one) things become messy again
  9. Pretty wiered stuff I got after installing WAC on my oblivion... There is such a creatures in game called armless and, well, thats how they are showing in my game http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/Images/163718/? I cant find any info about such bug in any sources, they are not in bash patch and are not edited by anything/ I'm using WAC for FCOm patch to make it compatible with OOO+MMM Here is wrye bash active mod lists But as far as I understand it's mesh and skeleton problem...
  10. Got pretty... strange bug which I don't sure how to fix. After taking screenshot with steam(Purge is turned off in OR) I ended up with game looking like that. http://imgur.com/a/b9X4d Reloading game doesn't help, starting new game doesn't help. Even reinstalling OR doesn't help and I cant find any info about it in readme(I'm not even sure what to look for...)
  11. I remember there was a mod that reedit classes to be mpre closed to 3.5 version. It was on vault but since its dead now - is there a place or mod that I can use?
  12. Reinstall Oblivion again and decided to make full fcom install with UL and BC. Also added few small mods but they kinda not unstable one... Can somebody help and give some ideas how to fix it?
  13. Is there a male enhancer mod which doesn't have neck seams? THere are easy to find seamless body and texture replacer for female character, but all male mods(skysight, better males, SoS, SAM) has pretty noticeable seam
  14. Is it possible to make a fork or maybe addon for BodySlide2 that would let one to tweak male bodies and armors. And maybe even adapt female ones to male?
  15. Is it possible to make a fork or maybe addon for BodySlide2 that would let one to tweak male bodies and armors. And maybe even adapt female ones to male?
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