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Hola... While SMR is having his internet restored He'd just like to remind everyone that the last beta update has now gone live this morning and is available for download. These are the current patch notes https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/174M0cdUyxhn9mI0AvkcN9/starfield-update-1-11-33-may-1-2024
Desired features in Creation Kit 3.0
Avrie05 replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Starfield's Discussion
I'd like it if when you highlight a reference in the render window, not only the installed reference highlights in the cell, but the associated "branch" would highlight as well to let you know where the record for the reference is actually located. That's all I can think of for now, but I'll chew it over Picky ... Thanks for asking -
Having Trouble with F4SE, PLEASE HELP!
Avrie05 replied to KaiSilvers's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Just in time ... -
Having Trouble with F4SE, PLEASE HELP!
Avrie05 replied to KaiSilvers's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Yeah as mentioned above you have multiple versions of F4SE installed. Delete everything in the game folder that begins with f4se especially the incorrect version DLL files. That's what's messing up everything else. You also need to delete the associated scripts. This is a crash and burn re-installation. Hoe did you install it originally? Not through Vortex I hope. F4SE needs to be either installed manually, or you need to change the mod type to Dinput, and make sure the scripts are installed in data folder on the top level of the mod before you re-archive it. It's a very simple installation. I would recommend watching Gopher's video series on Vortex. -
Noob CK item placement/scrapping/moving issue
Avrie05 replied to Avrie05's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
My issue turned out to be my fault entirely ... I had renamed all of the containers I placed in the shelter so I could use the existing quest stages to populate them... But I never created matching CO (constructable Object) records to match the new names. It was a simple fix, only I have to go back and assign thumbnail meshes so they preview in the container menu ... right now they are there but have no image assigned to them. I'd prefer they weren't in the menus at all. Just one more thing to fix ... Always one more thing to fix :) -
Modding Unique Weapons With The Creation Kit
Avrie05 replied to Pugifier's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Creating a basic custom weapon in the CK is not so hard. Basically you create a leveled item list, selecting the base weapon and attaching it to the unique list you create, then you create a form list with all the weapon mods you want to add. The tricky part is getting it into the game. You need to create a very simple quest the autostarts stage ten, then add the CustomitemQuestScript to the quest, and add the weapon to the script. stage is 10, ll is the one you create, form list is the one you made, and the location (Object reference or alias) can be any container in the game, or even an Xmarker if you want to leave it out in the open. This video should help a lot -
Noob CK item placement/scrapping/moving issue
Avrie05 replied to Avrie05's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Thanks SMB92, I did make an internal settlement like Home Plate, but I haven't regenerated the precombines yet. I'll give it a shot. Thanks -
Hi, I'm sure this is a noob question, as I'm new to the FO4 CK and Skyrim didn't have the workshop additions. I constructed a series of underground bunkers as part of a mod I'm making. That part of it is not a problem, but I'm having issues with items I place into the bunkers. I'm only using vanilla assets intentionally as I want the mod to be able to work for everyone, and also to make sure it's available to port to PS4. My issue is specifically with item "selection/positioning/scrapping" in game... In a nut shell If a I grab a container, a bed, a chair ... anything from the menus that the player can interact with, the items become unmovable, unscrappable, in game. I'm trying to drop a loot chest in the bunker. I Chose "Loot_Trunk_Vault81PreWar *" and populated the base item after giving it a unique name. I've even tried dropping an empty vanilla item that you can scrap like the large tool box, and populating it with a quest alias and a forced reference. But it seems everything I add in game. can not be selected to be moved, or scrapped, even though the base item is. I even dropped an additional chest, vanilla empty, but it also becomes a permanent addition to the bunker, and I can only get rid of it with disable. I'm sure it's keywords, or forms/recipes, but like I said ... noob question. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
so true! honestly the only reason i stopped playing se is because im waiting for expanded towns and cities, and dyndolod. skyui is good but not essential for me. Just letting you know that the latest Dyndolod works on SE, as a beta. I've been following that as well. Sheson mentioned that the only thing missing because of SKSE64 was dynamic LODs like distant waterfalls. But he also mentioned he was working on a work-around based on the original concepts from Skyfalls/Skymills. We will have Dyndolod with or without. @all ... All the above points are valid, and expectations are human nature. No it is not unreasonable to ask for if there is any news. It is unreasonable to demand it, and get upset over it, and lash out because personal desires are ungratified. I prefer to take a more positive approach and hope for the best. That doesn't mean I'm foolish enough to not understand this could hit a snag that could adds months without warning. SSE is completely playable modded already I agree, (I have a couple of hundred hours in) but I can't help but wonder how tied to SKSE is the completion of CBBE64 and Bodyslide. Slider support, racemenu plugins, in-game menus ... The list goes on. I suppose if we had a work-around for HDT physics, a lot of the pressure would be off. I don't know, and admit that freely; I'm not that deep into the code. What I do know is it's more than just SkyUI and jiggle. BeHippo and the team are doing us a huge favor, and they deserve our thanks and support. If it takes a bit longer than expected, so be it ... that's life. If the worst is realized and this all falls apart, they still deserve our thanks and support. Thanks!
The only thing it's safe to say is none of us has a clue what is really going on behind the scenes, and any speculation at this point is a worthless endeavor. I think it's also safe to assume that the SKSE team has long since unsubscribed to this thread until they have something to actually say. BTW ... I'm one of the hundreds of people that Ilja has helped, many times over the years, I count him as a friend. Papagai ... OK my multicolored feathered friend :)
I'm a NUB at modding but Gophers videos are pretty good ... at least until someone with way more experience jumps in.
Thanks ... I'll look into it. I've designed / built serious high end desktops, but never a laptop before.
Hi all, I've been playing multiple characters purely vanilla (Yea I know ... seriously ;-) for several thousand hours, and finally got around to discovering Nexus and looking into all of the mods for textures, meshes, lighting ... Etc. I only installed all of the unofficial patches two days ago ... I feel like such a NUB! I'm totally stoked for the Frostfall 3.0 release, and have seriously planned to do a complete wipe and virgin re-installation with Usleep when it's released. (Now that I've seen the bug fixes.) Anyway, I installed the HighRes-Texture pack, HD 2K textures, Pure Waters, SMIM ... Along with SkyUI, SKSE, I-HUD, and A quality world map. (Along with the current NMM, and Loot of course) I modified the load order to basically reflect the read-me for the unofficial patches, then ran Loot. System ran fine, and with very little performance degradation. I decided to look into lighting and installed Real lighting overhaul ... Then I ran loot again. I was amazed at the transformation, though everything was much darker than I expected. However there was a noticeable performance hit, The mouse to movement lag was very pronounced. Not one to panic, and looking to understand the nature of the enemy, I installed the performance monitor, linked it to SKSE. (Then rebooted my PC and made coffee ... I may have been born at night but it wasn't last night ;-) and disabled RLO / re-ran Loot one last time. I ran TESV from the Perf-Mon and was shocked to find out that my frame rate without RLO (Which I thought was OK) was under 30, and basically my GPU was running at 99% most of the time. with RLO installed I'm under 20. Dug under the hood and found my HP EliteBook 8770W (8 Gig, Quad I5) only has 1 Gig dedicated to the AMD FirePro M4000 video card. I'm so stoked to play again from the beginning in an epic total immersion environment, and I know my 3 year old laptop is just not going to be able to handle what I want to do, no matter how lite I run, or how perfect my optimization. I've looked at several of the alien-ware laptops (I absolutely need to stay mobile with my job) and the new MSI GT series. Both had good and bad comments so I'm reaching out to the community for Recommendations, Opinions, Warnings ... Etc. I prefer to ask the real experts. My planned foray into hardcore immersion modding ... Frostfall 3.0 of course Wet and cold winter is coming footprints splash of rain realistic needs and diseases Cloaks of Skyrim RLO Purity CCO and I'll probably do the cooking and alchemy overhauls as well I'm still choosing my flora/fauna mods ... Etc. and I'm probably going to keep my character vanilla as far as weapons and armor for now. and sick as it might seem for a fully modded game I am planning on playing as a purest with fast travel disabled. This thread is mainly about the hardware, but like I said, opinions are welcome. Thanks to all in advance. :geek: