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Everything posted by bencebence

  1. Hey, it's me again. I tried many things, even Papyrus, but it did not create a log whatsoever, so I chose to solve it the easiest way I did not think of before, skipping the quest with consolo commands, and yeah, it worked. I just set the quest stage to 160, completing the quest instantly and it worked, talking with Farengar was without any kinds of CTD.
  2. Greetings everyone! After a while I decided to start Skyrim once again with a completely new set of mods (I used to use SkyRe) for new experiences. It took me a while, because a mod made me keep crashing over and over again when Alduin first appears, but after a whole lot of disabling, enabling and watching intro over and over again I got it right. Everything was fine after that until I decided to pursue the main quest line and went to Dragonsreach to tell the "news". The dialogue was going on normally, but as soon as the Jarl commanded to detach some soldiers I crashed. I thought it must've been just a random CTD, but it did the same thing over and over again. I have no idea what causes this, so here is my load order and I hope someone may figure out the fault in it. (I used BOSS to sort it and also checked Wrye for any 'red' mods. Thank you in advance,Bence
  3. Found the solution. Just had to patch up once more. Please lock this topic, thanks.
  4. Greetings everyone! I've just rewinded Skyrim to try out the mod SkyRe, because of one of its requirements needs a lower than newest patch. So I downloaded SkyRe, and all the stuff needed, set the load order using BOSS, used the reproccer to create a new .esp of it and launched the game. It crashed once it hit the main menu. Tried lots of things, and it launched fine once I disabled reproccer. But without it SkyRe does nothing it seems. As when I disable the reproccer.esp, then none of the changes appear ingame. Looking forward to some help, Ben
  5. Well there could be some compatibility problems and also do you have OBSE?
  6. Greetings everyone. After a really, really long break I'm back, well at least until I finish this mod I guess. Done many things since I left, but I got the urge to play around with CS a bit and I got an idea. Briefly: A new class system. As we proceed through the levels, our character evolves, yet having a class does not change anything. You can select the skills you want, but apart from that it does not give anything useful back, and I wish to change this. I started creating this system today, so not much progress yet... Well, basicly at the start of the game you'd be able to select 4 different classes; warrior, rogue, healer, mage. After each level (most of the times) you'll gain either a new spell or a passive ability. Also, if I have the urge to make it even more interesting I'll insert some little quests to earn some precious gear (Not OP). And after you reach level 10 and level 15/20 (not sure yet) you'll be able to 'evolve' your class into a second/third level class through a quest. I'll include as many classes as possible, making them branch away like the roots of a tree. And now the question of the poll: Shall I release an early alpha version with the warrior and maybe the mage included? You'd be able to get what I mean with this. Well... Hope you enjoy this idea, and I'll be back with news onto this topic.
  7. Hey everybody! I would need some help. I wanted to add a little thing to one my scripts, that would delay the time between using the script, so you can't spam it. I know of the command that delays the quest scripts, but this one is an object script. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, bencebence
  8. If you'd scale exteriors up in a model editor, then attach the interior to it precisly, add it to game and lastly turn of rain, thunder, snow and every "raining" weather. Still the work wouldn't be done, because if you done this to all houses/inns, many quest would break, so you'd have to create invisible regions, and name them like the interior's name, and then the quest 'MAY' work.
  9. If you'd replace all objects, and remake physics it would be possible. But sadly physics is hard-coded.
  10. I hope there will be an English version or I have to learn Russian :P
  11. Looks epic, you can count on my download and endorse when it's ready :P
  12. If you have CS Extender all you have to do is select the parent .esp and don't activate it, but activate the other esp, or if youhave non just go without activiting one. CS Extender allows .esp files to be masters. Also you have to run it via OBSE.
  13. We are still working on it. It's almost fully complete now, the problem is that the files are on my laptop which is at service for 3 weeks now. I hope to get it back ASAP, as it's getting urgent. The latest version will be released when I get it back. And it's good to hear that people are interested in our mods. We will create lots of other villages/cities and things that enchant gameplay. Also I think I'll add veins to all of the mines.
  14. It looks fun enough. If you'd think it good enough to release I think I'd give it a try :yes:
  15. MY friend you started into a work that will not be released before Skyrim. I don't want to be bad to you or anything, just saying that I'm not sure if you'll finish it.My opinion would be to make these mods into parts and release them like that and add a collective name, for example : RO - *modname* I'm just saying Skyrim, because when it's released lots of people will go and play that, and will leave Oblivion. Best regards, bencebence
  16. Question 1 has been already solved. Question 2: You should download CS: Extender, as it allows ESP-s as master files, which you can delete too. When you use CS:E firstly you should make a non-dependant version of the esp, and then load in All Natural esp and make the changes you want again, or just copy them.
  17. When you download OBSE there should be two .dll-s. Use the steam one, and delete the other one. Also I recommend OBMM.
  18. CS is Construction Set, to create mods for Oblivion. CS Extender is an OBSE plugin for CS, and it makes lots of things way easier, for example better scripting window, esp as master, also a really good thing is that if you open up two weapons for example you can copy the model of one to another and also openfrom bsa file.
  19. But if he has CS:Extender he don'T need it, as CSE automaticly reognizes esps as masters too.
  20. You can edit that in the ini file if I'm right.
  21. If it's the normal texture then DXT3, if it's a normal map, DXT3 too, if it's a glow map then DXT1.
  22. I've checked and all the Medieval 2 Cyrodiil mods are dead, so you can'T even try that, even if you had M2TW
  23. If somebody would finish/evolve Reneer's Rain Mod which allows buildings to have own rain colission: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29508 And you could set the scale of interior and exterior the same, maybe even add them together creating one model (?) But there is one thing you couldn't do: Dungeons, caves, ayliied ruins: As they need to be a separate cell.
  24. Hey there. I can advise two things. One: You could try to download CS:Extender. It fixes really many things. Just search it on tesnexus. Two: If it still crahes then it's another of CS's big problems. That problem is that there are something that works for somebody but for an other person it doesn't work. For example one of my friend's CS can't texture the ground sometimes. Also there are people who's CS crashes upon creating a quest. If it's this case, then there is nothing you can do. Maybe try on another computer (if you can)
  25. It could be done but via lots of scripting. I think I'd be able to do it, but at the moment I'm working on many projects.
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