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Posts posted by thundrina

  1. This is quite frustrating. We are all hanging our hopes on a third party community, i.e NifTools when it really should be Bethesda that does something. They've really only done "half-a-job" with the creation kit since there is currently no Viable method of creating custom meshes, and importing them into the game engine.

    Scattered reports of one or two people who have managed to make it work, but also who either don't really know how they did it, or aren't willing to share the information. I was actually going to write my own tutorial on it, since i have worked a method of getting meshes into the game but have since hit on major issues with creating collisions.


    So my point really is that we should be leaning on Bethesda and asking them to finish the creation kit properly, OR at the very least update the Wiki to tell us how they did it themselves.

  2. This is a free creative community. If someone has made a mod that has errors in it, it would be far more beneficial (and rational) to talk to the mod author and let them know about it rather than trying to anonymously get it kicked off the site. Not everyone can afford 2 computers to be able to properly test a mod for bugs and do it for free as a hobby. If this were a pay site where Mods cost money then I could understand your outrage, but it is not.

    Its quite simple, if you don't like a mod don't use it. If a mod you download isn't working properly, talk to the author to let them know and stop using it until it is fixed.

    Making mods is fun, but its also tricky. Mod authors need help from the users finding bugs, not people grabbing pitch forks and chasing them out of town the moment they make a mistake

  3. I decided to try and take my Modding further, since I'm not allowed to import meshes from ovlivion into Skyrim sse, I decided to start making my own meshes. Bought a copy of 3DS max, which i am assured by many is the software that Bethesda themselves use. (i tried using blender but the new version of blender and pythin dont have functionality with pyffi yet, and so the nif plugin doesnt work) I down load the Nif plugin for 3ds Max and install it. IT WORKS... or so i thought. Tried importing a Skyrim mesh, The plugin doesnt recognise BSTrishape.....

    Tantrum ensued.


    Help would be appreciated.


    Since Nifscope no longer has an import function I cant use that to convert, The niftools projects appear to have stopped completely so it is unlikely that Ill see a compatibility fix any time soon.

    So HOW are we meant to create custom meshes now?

  4. Hey team.


    Last night I started experimenting with merging meshes, and was going well until "something" changed within the .nif file, which has caused the mesh to show as "marker error" in the creation kit.

    Strangely though, the mesh is still visible and has collisions in the game.


    It's a bit of a pain and i'm not experienced enough with NIF's yet to be able to spot the mistake


    Any help anyone could offer would be schweet!


    Get the file here

  5. Hey all.


    Before anyone jumps on me, I HAVE searched for this topic but none of the threads that i've found have a solution for my exact issue other than anecdotes.


    Im trying to add custom dialogue. It is going fine, except when i leave the quest editor, and then try to reopen it and go into the dialogue view, it crashes immediately. It's quite frustrating as I dont have time to do the entire dialogue in one sitting AND if it crashes when I try to reopen it in the editor, who knows what it will do in game!

    Anyone experienced this issue? is it something to do with the SEQ file or something?

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