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Everything posted by Delapine

  1. When I type The Lost Spires review into Google I read a lot of good things about it. Yeah I know, but the posts I read on the Nexus Page which reviewed the mod recently kind of discouraged me to redownload it. They are probably right about the fact that at the time it was great, but now it suffers from comparison by way better mods.Lost Spires is fun and well done. Id suggest another play through.Well I did, I couldn't resist getting some more content for my playthrough, I forgot the amount of detail that went into this
  2. I was thinking of Wintermist here https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50443 But the file has been removed and the posts are locked, do you know any other way to acquire this?
  3. My character is getting ready for the Ash Storms
  4. Thanks! Make a menu save before installing TLATD, deactivate the conflicting mods, install TLATD and when you have finished reactivate the conflicting mods, uninstall TLATD, load your menu save and you will be fine. The problem with this is basically you get no riches, no special item, no reward for completing the quest, or at least you lose them afterwards The same goes with character progression regarding the attributes and level up Yes but your saves aren't likely to become corrupted, you can't have the butter and the money of the butter. This looks like a badly translated French saying :smile: But yeah, I would say I am searching for things I could incorporate to my playthrough then. I gave you a mean to make sure your saes don't become corrupted and all you find to do is provoke me on a detail. I'm in awe when I see the way your parents educated you. Hey man, Never intended to "provoke" you, im just expressing my point of view, no disrespect intended. If it is regarding the Frenchj saying, I assure you we use the same thing in France and it was the first time I read something like that in English; thats why i joked about it.
  5. When I type The Lost Spires review into Google I read a lot of good things about it. Yeah I know, but the posts I read on the Nexus Page which reviewed the mod recently kind of discouraged me to redownload it. They are probably right about the fact that at the time it was great, but now it suffers from comparison by way better mods.
  6. Thanks! Make a menu save before installing TLATD, deactivate the conflicting mods, install TLATD and when you have finished reactivate the conflicting mods, uninstall TLATD, load your menu save and you will be fine. The problem with this is basically you get no riches, no special item, no reward for completing the quest, or at least you lose them afterwards The same goes with character progression regarding the attributes and level up Yes but your saves aren't likely to become corrupted, you can't have the butter and the money of the butter. This looks like a badly translated French saying :) But yeah, I would say I am searching for things I could incorporate to my playthrough then.
  7. Yeah I already know Ivellon, its a mandatory mod in my playthroughs :) THats why I downloaded Five Blind Mice, for the same type of vibe
  8. I pointed to a previous source of good information, then included the thought about Enderal. What more do you want, huh? The Lost Spire, but the latest version is off site and needs a Google search. I heard a lot of bad things from The Lost Spires, long for nothing dungeons, OP rewards, and not a really interesting story...
  9. Thanks! Make a menu save before installing TLATD, deactivate the conflicting mods, install TLATD and when you have finished reactivate the conflicting mods, uninstall TLATD, load your menu save and you will be fine. The problem with this is basically you get no riches, no special item, no reward for completing the quest, or at least you lose them afterwards The same goes with character progression regarding the attributes and level up
  10. Yeah, i have been quite aware of the skyrim Quest Mods, I finished Enderal found it really great, especially the ending ! I have nearly finished Nehrim as well, but I dropped it because it became a bit too repetitive. But i left the Oblivion modding community for several years, thats why Im coming today, to see what I missed in terms of story elements. I like things that are integrated with the world, thats Why I also downloaded Oblivion Uncut, Better cities and East Empire Company
  11. Thank you for the suggestions, thats exactly what I wanted. I especially downloaded Minlorada Stars Rest and FBM The living and the dead seems interesting also but it seems to conflict with a lot of things, especially Better Cities and since no patch are provided I dont think I will take the risk.
  12. Hello! Im trying to add good quest mods to my Oblivion, many websites talk about old mods or mods that havent aged well (hello Lost Spires), thats why Im making this topic; According to you, dear veteran of the modding community, with your perspective of the old and recent past, what are the best quest mods ? I have already OOO, Ayleid Steps, Elsweyr and Ivellon which I like very much. It can be a dungeon mod/ town mod/ new location....
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