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Posts posted by Warh3art

  1. I need to reinstall Skyrim since the new patch came out, and had a quick question.

    Do I have to reinstall all of the mods or does the mod manager handle that for me? I mean, will it remember all the mods I had and I'd just have to reinstall them form the manager?

    My downloads folder is a big mess, and it'd be a hassle to have to go through and look for the 40+ mods I've installed..

  2. I really like the Canada idea, and not just because I'm a hoser myself. Would be an interesting setting and the annexation thing could set up some nice storylines. Long forgotten pockets of revolutionaries, festering bitterness, maybe even The Great Ones - a King-like faction that worships the memory of Wayne Gretzky :tongue:


    As much as it pains me to say it :P , Toronto would be the most obvious big city choice but Montreal and Vancouver might be cool too. Vancouver would be pretty cool scenery wise with oceans and mountains both really close.


    I like the Vancouver idea. great locale. Abosuletely against the NYC idea. Seriously, that whole city is probably a crater. I don't know if they've ever mentioned it but if I was nuking america, NYC would be pretty close to the top of my list.

  3. I really like the sound of this mod. From the sounds of it I'll actually want to play Hardcore once this is released. I like how you're gonna want to avoid getting hit even once, making you carefully plan out each encounter. Because seriously, even if you're a tough character, if this game was more like real life you wouldn't go out absorbing hits left and right just so you can get the best DPS out with melee weapons
  4. This mod sounds great! I really hope you get a few people to mod with you, big projects like these need manpower. Otherwise it'll be a few years until we see a good finished release, which I can patiently wait for of course. Good luck!
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