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About Deathoctimus

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  1. Okay last call. I'm rebooting the armor remake right now. If nobody is willing to help when this is completed I won't be adding it.
  2. Hi community, I'm Octimus 3D artist and I'm looking for some help, if your handy with scripts, voice acting or something else please read on. I started the mod Sisters of battle in 2018 from a request on this forum. Over the years it has grown and received many reworks to keep up with my increasing standards. Now reaching version 3.1 it has reached a point where I would love to add features and functionality that I simply cannot do alone. So what am I wanting to do and how could you join the project. "Spoilers" Well in it's latest state you complete the quest after visiting various places in the commonwealth. The drop pods land, the troops arrive and you get your well earned gear. From this point I would love to utilize our new found allies instead of them been mindless drones on patrol. It would great to have them be able to join you in combat, support you someway. I was also thinking of a base building mechanic perhaps in the way of quests. If you think you could contribute to a well established mod please contact me. Feedback is always welcome.
  3. Thanks for replying Zorkaz. I got it working thank god!
  4. Fadingsignal has given permission to use this mod for the NV / therm mods. however I have tired to do it and failed. Can anyone help?
  5. Okay I setup a MCN men with hotkey, but I really can't script that well. Anyone able to help?
  6. Thank you for the information. I have no clue how to connect that up lol. Well it's ready for it now gonna gonna try research it out.
  7. Well we can only take we we can get right. The outline trick works what I have seen on other mods.
  8. Hi everyone, I've been working on a tactical helmet mod for the last month. Now for the meshes and basic game integration I'm there, however I've reach my skill limit with scripting and programming in night vision and thermal modes. If anyone wants to join me in a collaboration to get this mod to a nice standard, that would be great! Please contact me if you would like to join this project. https://i.imgur.com/V4b4zjY.jpg - Large picture to big for post Thanks, Octi :) https://discord.gg/73bCbD4 - Death Octimus#3224 or message me here.
  9. If you want people interested, details?
  10. I do use F4AK Correct 1st or 3rd person settings used I have subgraph data I put in the annotations I build AnimTextData I'm trying to make a anim set for my bolter in powerarmor 1st and 3rd Annoying that I managed it last year! :tongue: thanks for replying icestormng.
  11. Hi all, Got an issue with importing adjusted animations into Fallout 4. I managed it first time back in 2018, but now they just look at the floor. anyone got any tips I'm clearly missing a step?
  12. Good suggestion, yeah you have to careful with copyrights. I never ask for money but this new system with mod rewards I'm not sure how that stands up...anyone? I do make all my stuff from scratch and I like to have things close as possible. The outfit in question is not that hard and I'll bear it in mind as even a side project. It would be good to have a male outfit for players and I guess a female version of it could be possible.
  13. Hello peeps, So sisters of battle is in a good place. Braining storming ideas for a new project. I was thinking perhaps a new 40k themed mod, so now is your chance to suggest.
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