Ok so I am playing Dragonborn and so far I think it's amazing. It doesn't feel like an ordinary expansion or game, probably because I am so deeply in love with morrowind. Anyways, so I am doing the quest March Of The Dead and when I was at the part where I have to kill Falx Carius in that little room I discovered something super strange. Ok. so I killed him looted his body and there was only the awesome hammer (too bad it's 2 handed) and a key. Ok, so this is where it gets super weird.... So for some reason, now I don't do this often, but I revived him to see maybe if I could calm him and see if I could open some dialogue with him like you could do with some hostile characters in Morrowind. So he comes back to life and what do you know he is still pissed at me probably because I brought him back to life for the second time in his life lol. So I kill him and loot his body a second time. All the items I looted from him before are there but now there is a letter to the imperial city that wasn't there the first time around I killed him. I read it and it completes part of the quest. Now I thought maybe something glitched and reloaded a save and tried the same thing. And every time the letter would only appear after I had killed him the second time. I am going to see if I can complete the quest without the letter but I just thought this was very interesting.