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  1. lmao hell no. I got a big quality monitor. But trying to upload the original SS it says it's too big so I just took a SS of the SS so the file would be smaller. I know there's probably a way to upload the original properly but I don't want to do that.
  2. Ahhh, yea I just figured it out, we posted at the same time. Ok, so I just wanted to make sure it wasn't my mods conflicting. And yea I have CoT too and that's what I thought might be the problem. Just a very strange phenomenon.
  3. Huh, that's wierd I never noticed that. Well something strange happened yesterday. So I fast traveled to that one dragon wall outside and suddenly it was normal dark. I went back to raven rock and tried waiting but it still won't get dark like it did. Anyways here is a screenshot of what my nighttime looks like- http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5671/sunnybf.jpg This was taken at 1AM in raven rock. It seems that 5AM is the darkest but barely. Is that what your guys' night time looks like too? Oh and here is a pic of nighttime at the wind stone http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/1769/darkti.jpg It seems that the northern part of Solsthiem does not have the light nights but is normal dark nights. And raven rock and maybe all of southern solthsiem is really light nights.
  4. You might be somewhat right, but I do remember skyrim nights being darker than Solsthiem nights. No it would be the opposite, I was about to say maybe you were right, that somehow the ash might magnify the sunlight coming in but I looked for a few seconds and found that it would completely block out the sun. http://www.towleroad.com/2010/05/volcanic-ash-cloud-turns-day-into-night-in-iceland.html I will post a pic of what my nightime looks like because maybe there is indeed a conflicting mod messing my lights.
  5. Alright good to know thanks, maybe they forgot to fix that or maybe it's intentional. Hopefully it wasn't and they can fix this. Btw, Bethesda if you are reading this it would be fricking awesome to see red mountain erupt lava and see it run down the mountain every once in a while.
  6. I don't know if maybe one of my mods is conflicting but is there ever dark nights in solstheim? Because even if it's 11pm or more it is still pretty light out. You would think with the volcano erupting constantly the day time would be really dark and the night time would be pure darkness.
  7. False alarm, it seems the letter was placed there so if you didn't get the quest started from saving captain veloth and instead you first killed Carius, you would find the letter and take it to a guard.
  8. Ok so I am playing Dragonborn and so far I think it's amazing. It doesn't feel like an ordinary expansion or game, probably because I am so deeply in love with morrowind. Anyways, so I am doing the quest March Of The Dead and when I was at the part where I have to kill Falx Carius in that little room I discovered something super strange. Ok. so I killed him looted his body and there was only the awesome hammer (too bad it's 2 handed) and a key. Ok, so this is where it gets super weird.... So for some reason, now I don't do this often, but I revived him to see maybe if I could calm him and see if I could open some dialogue with him like you could do with some hostile characters in Morrowind. So he comes back to life and what do you know he is still pissed at me probably because I brought him back to life for the second time in his life lol. So I kill him and loot his body a second time. All the items I looted from him before are there but now there is a letter to the imperial city that wasn't there the first time around I killed him. I read it and it completes part of the quest. Now I thought maybe something glitched and reloaded a save and tried the same thing. And every time the letter would only appear after I had killed him the second time. I am going to see if I can complete the quest without the letter but I just thought this was very interesting.
  9. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew there was a way. It's really only my one-handed skill that is too high.
  10. Is there a way to do this? I was using the Elys skill uncapper because leveling up was too fast for my taste and I made it so I leveled up at like a third of the normal rate. Everything was perfect for a while but then I noticed that I was becoming way too strong. I use Skyre and I use master difficulty but now it feels too easy. I think it is because my skills are at a high level while my base skill is still at a low level. So my enemies, while they are at the same level or a bit over than my level, my skills are at a higher level. So does anybody know if I can go into some cfg or ini file and downgrade my skills? Because I really, really, really do not want to start a new game. I have started the game over like 5 times in 2 months now because of major problems. And I feel I won't be able to do it over again as I am getting tired of doing everything over. Or maybe this is normal, maybe I was just too used to the game being insanely hard.
  11. I do use containers and such. I just built my lakeview manor house but I am talking about like making a triangular stack of ingots like you see in other peoples house. Placing eye candy on the shelves and such without it ending on the floor randomly one day when I enter the house.
  12. Ok I found it. It had something to do with the infrared driver. I assume you have windows (win7). If you do you will need to go the M$ site and download infrared driver. Install it and then the ~ key won't work ingame anymore. Google infrared driver and ~. Of course the topics you will find are actually to get the ~ working. So you just have to reverse the procedure and it should work. Also when you want to use the key again you will have to uninstall the IR driver and reboot. So you really can't use the ~ key in moments of desperation.
  13. lol I had the same problem in all Bethesda games that use TGM/TCL/Kill/Unlock. I set rules for myself and I only use TGM when I am in dungeon and have a trillion tons of loot to take out. Like that one dude said making umpteen trips to get loot out of a dungeon is ridiculous. So I kind of don't see that as cheating, more like saving a crapton of time so I can get back to the game. I do however when I am bored and am near the end of my session I will TGM and just massacre a town. Like in Fallout 3, TGM with the Fat Man=FUN! OH!!!! I just remembered there is a way to deactivate the ~ key without breaking your keyboard or using a gamepad :(!!! I remember when I got my pc running I had to uninstall a driver for a HID compliant mouse or something like that in the Device Manager because the ~ key would not work in any game including oblivion. I will see if I can remember it more in detail and let you know.
  14. Fricking finally.................... Why do all these great companies, as soon as they make it, they always seem to get amnesia and forget who exactly helped lift them to the surface?...........
  15. So has anybody figured out a way to successfully organize stuff in your house without huge problems and without it being so tedious and time consuming? I remember I tried to do this in skyrim a long time ago and sometimes when I entered my house it seemed like I let in an invisible mini tornado and everything goes flying. It almost drove me to tears one time because I spent god knows how many hours organizing my stuff in the solitude house and BAM! Hours and hours of work destroyed in a second. I remember organizing in Morrowind was surprisingly a lot more stable and a crapton EASIER!!! WTF???? You could drop items and they would drop exactly like you wanted, you didn't have to fiddle around by holding the grab button to get it perfect. And they stuck like super glue to the surfaces you dropped them. So has anybody found a secret technique to doing this?
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