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Note: This is simply an idea. I have very little modding experience but I would like to attempt to do this once I the creation kit comes out and I my semester is over. To put it simply Skyforge is an item creation mod that would allow the player to create an item with their choice of model stats ect... I personally really really like it when my armor looks nice and pretty :3. This is meant to be a first person game and I play it in first person but those 5 seconds when you are in third person feel so much better when your armor doesn't look ugly. I know a lot of people really don't care how the armor looks but I'm not exactly trying to appeal to the masses here. Skyforge would work in a similar way (visually) to character creation. You would have a bunch of menus each getting more specific as you get further. First you would choose either weapon or armor and then the type (one-handed, two-handed, light, heavy ect..). Then you would choose base item. Say you wanted the item you created to have the stats of ebony sword you would pick ebony sword. Next you would pick the model of the item. If you are making a weapon then the model has to match the type of weapon you are creating. If you are making a one-handed sword you cant make it have the model of a bow. However for armor as long as the model is of the same body part it can be cloth, light or heavy regardless of the base item. So potentially you could have clothes that have the stats of ebony armor. However they would still be considered heavy armor and have all the positives and negatives that go with it. Finally you can choose to enchant it and the strength of the enchantments and then name it.
No, it just makes you sound immature. Had he described the shouts in a more PC manner(yet consistent with his meaning), his argument would still have the same weight. Should have clarified there. When I mean "invalidate" i really mean some people will, because of the immaturity, dismiss it as just the angry rantings of a disappointed gamer, instead of a discussion containing actual intellectual value. Yeah I'm thinking in my head to much... Give me a break. I'm pulling an all-nigher =D.
Like x Infinity. I don't know why people don't understand the torrenting issue. Just because someone torrented 1,000 songs doesn't mean they could actually pay for them... As for the whole copy paste issue of gaming its mostly because gaming has become a very social thing. Take FPS's for example. Everyone knows that MW3 is basically MW2 with different maps and some other variations. Yet not a whole lot of people want to play MW2 if all their friends are on MW3. The effect is greater on the consoles however because they have a better social network than the PC (Plus there are more console gamers). PC gamers = forever alone =(.
Just for future reference you might want to use more mature language when creating a topic. Using language like "But the shouts actually sound like some stifled sound a mental retard would make." just makes you sound immature and invalidates your argument. It also tends to create flame wars. Anyway for the meat of the question. I personally think that some of the effects are underwhelming. For example my fire-breath is really just a glorified spell with no mana cost. However I think most of them sound cool. Especially unrelenting force. I get chills down my back from using it :3. Maybe you just don't like them as much because you built the idea up in your head to much, which is perfectly understandable (I do it all the time with movies).
Why do PC gamers look past all of the greatness in Skyrim?
Btasty replied to Moonlightsong's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
People are complaining about Skyrim for pc because it is simply not optimized for the pc (Which is understandable because they make most of their money off of the console versions). Take the UI for example, which is the probably the biggest complaint of them all. The xbox 360 controller has two joysticks and a total of 12 buttons (14 if you count joystick clicks). Meanwhile the a full keyboard has 50+ keys and a mouse. If you count how many of those keys are actual feasible using WASD movement its a lot less but still much more than a controller (not including multiple key presses). However the PC version still uses the same UI as the console. Bethesda simply didn't take advantage of what a keyboard has to offer. I mean imagine trying to play an RTS on the console (Get a Starcraft 64 ROM if you really want to know what this feels like). You would get frustrated because the controls wouldn't feel fluid and something that should ordinarily take a small effort takes a large amount of effort. The Skyrim UI is actually easier to traverse with a game controller than it is on the PC. Logically that doesn't make sense. More control should equal less effort not more. Just be thankful we get the creation kit... Which still hasn't come out yet. Another reason why people are complaining. -
Adding more shouts to dragons would actually be relatively easy. There is already a large number of in game shouts that dragons never use that can easily be added. Also because of the way dragons actually shout in-game (They don't actually say the words, you can just see the words if you have subtitles enabled. At least I can't hear it if they do), making new shouts would be as simple as making up some new phrases (as lore-friendly as possible) and creating the spell effect. I personally would love to see a shout that summoned drauger.
Trying to find out what type of clothes these are so I can use them. Any help would be much appreciated! Link To Picture Its the girl on the right that I'm talking about btw.
While sometimes annoying I think enemy scaling was done pretty well in this game. It's a pretty hard line to draw and I think bethesda managed to do a decent job with it. If you dont have scaling you have low level characters restricted to certain dungeons which can get very frustrating (Kinda like how you need certain quests to clear certain dungeons or have to join certain guilds to even go in them....). Or you have a high level breezing through dungeons meant for low levels. Trust me godmode is fun for about 10 seconds. Of course there is the flip side aka Oblivion in which enemies completely scale with you and you feel like you have accomplished nothing. There probably could be some minor tweaks here and there but I dont see anything major being needed.
This belongs more in general chat but w.e. You can use the console command player.addperk to add specific perks but no you cant add perk points (you can also remove perks with player.removeperk). Here is perk ID list if you want it: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Perk_Codes_(Skyrim)
Yeah I noticed this the morning after I posted it... Can't believe you are the first one to point this out. But I'm a programmer its required that I don't have any sense of grammar or spelling. Men In Black anyone?
I know some people have posted about this and my idea isn't exactly the most innovative thing ever (not the most creative person in the world) but I wanted to get some opinions/ feedback on it. I like the perk trees (with the exception of some balance issues) and the skill set doesn't seem to have any major gaps in it. However as you level you are constantly forced to choose between applying perks to your combat or non-combat skills. While combat is essential to the game only focusing on it limits your role-playing experience with the game. However focusing on your non-combat skills leaves you unable to explore most of the content. If you want to full specialize in a more than a few skill sets you have to level up additional skills just to level up enough and get the necessary perk points for the skills you actually want to use. It kinda breaks the whole immersion/role-playing experience of the game. A mage shouldn't have to use melee weapons for the sole purpose of getting more perk points ect... From a role-playing sense it just doesn't make any sense. So I came up with two semi-similar ways to change the current leveling system that would leave most of the in-game structure intact. Both concepts revolve around the idea of combat/non-combat perks. Combat Perks (Primary): Conjuration Destruction Restoration Archery Block Heavy Armor One-Handed Two-Handed Light Armor Sneak Non-Combat Perks (Secondary): Illusion Enchanting Alteration Smithing Alchemy Lockpicking Pickpocketing Speech Note: I am not really sure about Illusion and Alteration under Non-Combat Perks. I haven't really delved to far into my mage and thus haven't explored these skills at all. Also I think that Speech, Lockpicking and the Pickpocketing trees need to be reworked. Currently they provide no real benefits (that you can't survive without) even when compared to the other non-combat skills. First Style: My first idea was to simply give a player two perk points each time they level up. However one point can only be spent on combat skills and the other on non-combat. This allows the the player to explore both sides of the game equally while not allowing them to abuse the system. Second Style: This idea is more of an extension of of the first but would require a lot more balancing and tweaking of the game on the modder's side. Instead of having one level you would have two. One for combat skills and one for non-combat skills. If you leveled up you one-handed skill your combat level would increase but if you increased your speach skill your non-combat level would increase. Each level would yield a perk point only to be used in its respective area. This would also allow the game to more accurately gauge your combat strength and not create encounters that are far above or below your level. The only difficult thing would be judging how quickly each side would level as you have less skills contributing to each level and how much health, magic or stamina you should gain from each level.
With Skyrim having just come out and the creation kit coming out in the near future (hopefully) I feel like its a good time to break into the modding scene. The problem is I cant find any good resources or tutorials and I am kinda stumbling around in the dark here. I primarily want to mod via coding and such. I don't really care to much for redoing textures and models. What kind of tools am I going to need to do this and are there any good tutorials out there or is it more of a just trial and error learning process? Just on a side-note is it possible to do simple mods in Skyrim right now? I have heard a lot of talk about nothing being able to be done until the sdk comes out but I see a bunch of threads with UI development and what looks like in-game footage of the mod.
In truth, Skyrim has been very streamlined compared to Oblivion. We don't have stats anymore (besides health, mana, stamina), you cannot create your own spells and enchantment has been significantly simplified. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing. As gamers we have to realize that the video game industry is a business and needs to make money. They are going to try to appeal to as many people as possible which means not throwing a bunch of numbers in their face as soon as the game starts. At least with bethesda they recognize that most people that buy Skyrim for the pc what more of an rpg than it is, which is why they make a developers kit. We should be fortunate that Bethesda recognizes the creative capacity of modders and gives us the sdk. That's why you buy the pc version, so you can mold the game to your liking. So yes while there may be less variety in Skyrim then oblivion, I bet that within a month of the sdk coming out there will be much much more variety than in Oblivion.
In oblivion you were able to conjure monsters and then kill them binding them to a soul gem. This made it very easy to keep weapons fully charged. I tried this same tactic in Skyrim but every timed I used the spell Soul Bind on a creature I summoned, I got the message Flame Atronach has resisted Soul Bind. Has any one else succeed in doing this? Otherwise enchanting is going to a pain in the but = (
Playing as a ranged stealth character up to the mid 30's I have to agree that stealth definitely needs some reworking though it is pretty solid. Most of the things that need to fix shouldering revole around enemy detection. If an enemy gets hit or sees a dead ally the should become alert (doesn't mean they know where you are) making them harder to sneak up on. Sneaking in the light should become very hard if not impossible. If being attacked by ranged an enemy should try to take cover. Also if going for total realism you should always be able to attempt a melee "neck-slash" assassination which would be an autokill (provided you are using the right weapon). Just my two cents. Good luck with the mod!