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About robsmith

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    Skyrim,fallout nv, oblivion
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  1. Please implement some kinda mouse over to see larger image for the eh 'trendy' files, the thumbnails can blur together easy and make it much harder to really make a mod stand out, as I am so used to loading the nexus up each morning and giving all the hot files a mouse over and seeing which catches my eye.
  2. I used to white list the Nexus but then I started getting audio ads, this was months ago now, so I turned it back on fast. I browse the place all the time and I can't have load ads going off. If in a few weeks your report less of these ads now that people can report them I will white list you again. That's all there really is to it for me, although other peoples complaints are just as valid.
  3. I wish I was not at the start of exam month. Sigh, uni is more important than Fallout, but Fallout is so very sweet. Have fun guys, you lucky sons of guns.
  4. So I just did a new install of Fallout 3 and upon walking out of the vault I have found a really annoying graphical bug, as I approach things they lose a black boarder around them making them suddenly pop in. The best place to notice this in the screen shots is the yellow dividers on the road and the black fuzz around the distant rubble. I would post my load order but I don't know how to get a list of loaded plugins out of NMM, but I have got a few texture mods, realism ENB, an enhanced blood mod and adjusted weather.
  5. In response to post #22523104. #22523319, #22528234, #22528984, #22532274, #22535084, #22547924 are all replies on the same post. I know Morrowind had open cities but Morrowind only had maybe three big cities? The rest were either one mushroom tree houses or the size of Rorikstead. Even Vivec was indoor cells, there's not much on the outside of the canton's. If I had to chose between a Capital city that was closed but had a 200 plus unique NPCs versus open but 100, I would take closed every time, however I don't know much about technical possibility's so if we can have both than that's best.
  6. In response to post #22523104. #22523319, #22528234, #22528984, #22532274 are all replies on the same post. Is it odd that I would prefer more cities if they were closed as opposed to open cities? I think open cities is a resource intensive feature, and other things could benefit more form the extra kick of the next gen?
  7. So this is my first attempts to make my large lists of mods compatible and I have recently picked up a few new power armor mods and a mod that adds perks that effect power armor. I was wondering if someone could point me to any tutorials specifically for adding items to perk lists? I think there structured like the grunt perk but I have yet to go and look. Is FNVEdit the only tool I need here or is there others? Thank you for any and all help.
  8. I'm getting repeated crashes when I try and install mods that have menu options, in this case both JIP select fire and overheating (Fallout 3). They both worked fine before the updated NMM.
  9. In response to post #11064607. There's a way to specify which server it uses, but I have the old experimentaly 0.50 version so its off line only so I can't check. :( Sorry.
  10. In response to post #11040397. #11041664, #11042089, #11049594, #11058613, #11063522, #11063999, #11064248 are all replies on the same post. I never said I suffered CTD or problems, I said they are unstable. The Titanic crashed, the board Rose was on was unstable. All those games work fine after the community finished them, they were wreaks mostly before hand. You can add as many armor and weapons packs as you like, there not going to effect anything (load time if there in the same area or chest) its scripted based mods that cause eventual problems, but only if your silly and install and uninstall them willy nilly. You putting words in peoples mouths and are saying things that go against the collective opinion, most of the games it manages run like 3 legged horses.
  11. In response to post #11040397. #11041664, #11042089, #11049594, #11058613, #11063522 are all replies on the same post. Are you saying that all the issues in the games the NMM manages are caused by mods. Games like Skyrim, Oblivion and Fallout 3. These are considered some of the most unstable games released in the last decade. You can't just white wash that by saying something close to 'mods did it and you broke it.' Mods don't break games, idiots do and I don't have broken games. (They are just a tab unstable). ;)
  12. In response to post #11060403. #11063480 is also a reply to the same post. They did offer to help, and are a payed supporter. Everyone loves hugs, and your sentence was barely readable, so if you were being sarcastic or something I could not tell. :)
  13. The idea is that State of decay is a test game, all the stuff they promised, building houses and multiplayer etc is going to be in Undead Labs next game, known as Class 4
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