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    United States
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  1. So would it be possible for someone with the know how to modify weapon properties in this game to make the M4 CQBR semi auto with a decent rate of fire? Personally I feel the weapon would be a lot more practical if it were to function closer to a civilian AR-15. Thank you for taking the time to read this. :)
  2. is this going to effect undead in any way? after all liches (spelling? lol) are the masters of the undead. This could be awesome, perfect for a necromancer.
  3. So i'v been trying to understand this papyrus system and I hate it lol.... the old BGS scripts were so much easier but anyways .... I wan't a perk to change the health of a summon the way I thought to do this is take a perk and have a quest script (this one) see that and then set a global the I will make up latter. I have not scripted in months and that was in fallout NV at that so It would look something like get playerhasperk wambat ;;;;;;;;;;wambat is the new perk if wambat = 1 then set globalvalue Feces to 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Feces being the new gobal value the old style would look some what like that once again I havnt done this in like 4 months so I know that is wrong up there but you get the drift, I'v been trying to do this for 3 days now and i can't figure it out i'v checked tutorials and random vanilla scripts and can't find what i'm looking for. Any help would be amaizing.
  4. So i'm making a mod and I want to add tanking skeleton guardians but... they have no armor at all again.... I hoped in skyrim they would add awsome armored skeles but they did not. Just to be clear what i mean by armor is just to add a simple iron breastplate or draugr breastplate or maybe steel to the skeleton's chest, I would love to do it but i can never get these things to work i can't get blender to work and when ever I use nifscope it never works out right, sence I have no idea what i'm doing :P Any help would be amaizing weather it be tips or assistance.
  5. New animations for that would require a very pro modder lol which is not me.....
  6. WOW ya nexus for me then I don't need money from steam I hope other mod authers agree....
  7. LOL WUT???? games have art and beauty..... video game dungeons should look 500000X better then real life "dungeons"!!! it's amaising what some people will say to defend a lack of quality....
  8. something tells this will get locked lol
  9. it's probably (spelling?) your save game size is huge at around level 50 because you have been playing for a long time.
  10. I personally fined women more attractive in heavy breast plate.... not laced revealing boob armor but i guess i'm the .000001% now..... to be fair to games I think it's also a strategy to be able to tell the gender of the person other wise it would be really hard... also it seems every thing does it now for example: Mass effect dragon age fallout fable WOW -side note I hate this game!!! warhammer fantesy warhammer 40k -40k is realy bad at it.... why do sisters of battle have boob armor?.... its huge power armor originally made for a man, and huge one at that, (space marines) there should be feet of extra chest room in there. -Blood for the Blood God!!!! p.s. there needs to be a chaos emoticon like on the beth forums :(
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_dimorphism#Species_with_larger_females_than_males Errmmm I think he means human races such as black,white,asian and what not...... not bugs and fish lol.
  12. Maybe when the ck comes out I can spend more time modding lol I already got levels and quest thought up, but it's jan 9 and still w8ing to hear of a date.
  13. Spriggans can "courage" animals so they can cause deer to attack, also it's a large radius thing so say a guard kills a spriggan and the spriggan uses that ability any animals nearby will go roid rage and fight, even bunnies.... lol
  14. Bioshock had a amaizing story, in fact it's hailed as one of the, if not THEE best story in a video game and it's pretty awesome it had a freakin m night shyamalan TWEEST (twist).
  15. Any way to get her as a companion? (with or without mods?)
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