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About Aizekku

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  1. Although I have far more experience modding Skyrim than Fallout 4, something like the above sounds like a possible option. If it were Skyrim, I'd think about using a dialogue tree with two main branches - one for each head. Something like that.
  2. I hope you've already found an answer by now. However... I've never done this before myself, but I believe the process would be pretty straightforward. Under the CK Object Window's "Miscellaneous" category, there is a subcategory called "LoadScreen." Under this category, you can add new loadscreens, add appropriate text for them, and assign a loadscreen .nif for them (this should be whatever static object whose .nif you want to use). You also add a "transform," but unfortunately, I don't know much about that except that its purpose it to constrain the maximum/minimum zoom and rotation of the camera. You can also add conditions. I guess you probably already know about conditions, but these are essentially the requirements that must be met before the load screen displays. For example, whether the player has completed a certain quest. If you do all of this correctly, it should work. I suppose you've already done all that, so I looked around a bit and found this... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35361 This page includes a downloadable .pdf tutorial on how do make new loading screens. It's really in-depth and also covers the processes of modeling new scenes from scratch, so hopefully it can fill in any information that I'm unable to provide myself. Good luck out there!
  3. Hello all, I've been working on a radiation overhaul for about a month now. It adds several hundred new hand-placed radiation hazards to interiors and exteriors, and also modifies the amount of rads picked up from various sources in the game, such as from environmental hazards, creature attacks, food, and so on. Some sources of radiation are nearly doubled, while others are only slightly tweaked. My problem is that the Pip-Boy Geiger counter clicking sounds are far too intense for sources of radiation that are considered strong by the vanilla game but are rather weak compared to many sources in my mod. In other words, the intensity of the clicks cleanly scales with the intensity of radiation in the vanilla game, but since my mod boosts the intensity of radiation in so many places, the Pip-Boy ends up screaming at me every time I approach even a single radioactive barrel. I'd like to find whatever scripts/conditions/etc. are responsible for determining the ranges at which the Geiger counter sounds play. I have located the sound descriptors that direct the game to the appropriate sound files, and I have customized the sound files. However, that's not what I'm looking for. TLDR: I need to find the scripts/conditions/etc. that cause various levels of Geiger clicks to be played based on the level of radiation affecting the player. I haven't been able to find this myself, and I'd appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction. I know this is a very specific question, but I'd appreciate any help anyone might be able to give. Thanks!
  4. Awesome! Thanks for the info - it makes me feel a lot more comfortable working with all this stuff. I've already added almost 200 new sources of radiation to the game. Also, thanks for the tip about layers. I discovered this feature already and it's making me feel a lot more comfortable. My only concern with this is that it becomes difficult to pick new points to orbit the camera around. It makes it harder to navigate.
  5. Hello all, I've never asked for help on here before, but recently I started doing a bit of Fallout 4 modding and I've run into some confusing things. I've made a handful of Skyrim and Skyrim: Special Edition mods in the past (both published and private) and I'm very confortable using the Creation Kit, but I've never had to deal with things like "precombines" before. Anyway, I'm working on a mod that makes a variety of changes to the way radiation works. The first half of the mod simply changes the amount of rads picked up from various sources - from environmental sources, from creatures, and from food and water. I know I'll have absolutely no issues with this. The part that concerns me, though, is the second half of the mod, which will add potentially hundreds of new radiation hazards to the Commonwealth worldspace. I will try to avoid touching anything else or adding new objects to any cells, and I plan to avoid settlements and frequently-modded areas, but I'm worried about breaking something by accident. I'm slightly concerned about the potential effects that adding additional hazards and messing around with the worldspace might have on the mod's compatibility with other mods. If I was changing just a few cells, I wouldn't be worried, but I'm planning on changing possibly hundreds of locations all over the map. I also am not entirely confident about which types of changes WILL break precombines and which ones will NOT. My main questions are... - Will adding hazards have any effect on this, or is it totally a non-issue, as I suspect? - What about light sources, x-markers, or anything else that has a visible shape in the editor that doesn't appear as a physical object in the world? Will moving/adding these have any effect on optimizations? - How can I tell whether or not I've accidentally broken an optimization, and how can I fix this if necessary? - Will clutter and non-static objects be safe to move around, or should this also be avoided? - If I move something accidentally, will deleting the changes in FO4Edit also restore any potentially-broken optimizations? - Am I just being too cautious? I've done a fair amount of research already, but there's still a lot I'm confused about, and apparently I'm not alone in that respect. So I thought I'd ask just to be on the safe side! Thanks to anyone who can answer these questions! :laugh:
  6. The game looks astonishing, and I would love to play it!
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