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Everything posted by Xanins
Trying to adjust the lionmane_0.nif and lionmane_1.nif mesh to be 10% smaller (90% the size of the original mesh) so that it will fit this race: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73738 Lion mane mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72166?tab=description I've been trying using nifskope and outfit studio, i did manage to get the mesh to the correct size in studio, but it broke the physics and it became static. :[ If anyone can help me resize the meshes while keeping physics intact, that would be amazing.
Heya folks, my first post here. I have a hopefully not too complex brainteaser that's been driving me wild. I have some moderate modding knowledge, but this issue is stumping me. I absolutely love this follower mod for Sinding, and have had it working for awhile in combination with TSOS thanks to EasyNPC and a few tweaks to the Armor records, and setting the original Sinding follower mod as a Master file for the NPC merge.esp from EasyNPC in xEdit thanks to the original mod creator. Also, just recently swapped over to TNG from SOS, (my biggest suspicion so far for my issues has to do with perhaps one of the addons i grabbed for it.) After I swapped over, TSOS updated with a new face/body for Sinding, so I figured I'd update and snag that gorgeous new look. I re-ran EasyNPC and made supposedly the same changes to the npcmerge.esp from EasyNPC that the Sinding follower mod author showed me, everything was going well with Sinding. Then I saved the game while he was in his werewolf form (NSFW version). I had no issues reloading the save WHILE SKYRIM WAS STILL RUNNING. However.. upon quitting the whole game, and then restarting it and trying to load that saved game, the save would load for a bit, and then right after the loading screen should be finished, the game would crash. The odd thing is that I could do the same thing with Sinding in his regular human form, i.e. save, quit, start Skyrim again, and reload, and not have any issues. It only CTDs when the game is saved and then reloaded from a fresh restart of Skyrim with Sinding in werewolf form. P.S. I've been trying and reproducing these issues on new saves. P.S.S. I'll be trying later today after I sleep, but my suspicion is that it might be this mod (NSFW)causing the issue in werewolf form.. If anyone has any advice at all, I'd appreciate it!
I don't really have a request for a "new" piece of armor, however I was wondering if you would be interested in altering the meshes of the Daedric Helmet and Curiass. Their asymmetrical-ness has been bugging me since the game was released, and I've not seen such a mod that aims to alter them in this way before. Basically, it would be awesome if you would make the horns/ spikes on the helmet and pauldrons symmetrical. I'd be quite grateful. <3
Need Information about Projectile Collision Radius
Xanins replied to Xanins's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks Enai! ^_^ Now I can finally get back to work. -
Need Information about Projectile Collision Radius
Xanins replied to Xanins's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I hate to bump, but I really don't want to move forward on the mod I'm making until I get this answered. >_<; -
My current theory is that the Collision Radius variable in the Creation Kit's "Projectile" Window (see picture) affects how closely an arrow/ etc. can be to its target before it impacts. This value is set to 0.50 in vanilla Skyrim. For example: in vanilla Skyrim, if I shoot an arrow very slightly to one side of a bandit the arrow will still hit him/her even though the arrow should have passed by said bandit. http://img803.imageshack.us/img803/6706/projectile.png If my theory is correct, setting the Collision Radius to 0.00 should eliminate this effect, right? Basically, you would have less of a handicap on aiming because your arrow would only hit something in its direct path. Is that the function of the Collision Radius variable? =o
I would also recommend PJ's new mod "Pj's Spell Compendium": http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16022
That was a long quiz. Color: Blue Ability Scores: Strength- 10 Dexterity- 12 Constitution- 11 Intelligence- 16 Wisdom- 13 Charisma- 13 True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil after all, he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, he's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some true neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. True neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. However, true neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction. Alignment: Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19) Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (25) Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18) Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (21) True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (27) Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (20) Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXX (6) Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12) Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXX (5) Law & Chaos: Law ----- XXXXXX (6) Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12) Chaos --- XXXXX (5) Good & Evil: Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13) Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15) Evil ---- (0) Race: Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13) Dwarf ---- XXXXXX (6) Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXX (10) Gnome ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10) Halfling - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12) Half-Elf - XXXXXXXXXX (10) Half-Orc - XX (2) Class: Barbarian - XX (2) Bard ------ (-4) Cleric ---- XXXXXX (6) <-- Druid ----- (-4) Fighter --- (-4) Monk ------ (-19) Paladin --- (-23) Ranger ---- XXXX (4) Rogue ----- (-4) Sorcerer -- XX (2) Wizard ---- XX (2)
I would just like to thank those of you who talked about not using the placeatme command. I've used it here and there, sometimes way too much, but now I know not to. Thanks!
Thank you! <3
Hopefully the Hi-Res Texture Pack will include before and after pictures. ;)
A kayak made out of wood and hide would be fun for rivers and such. =]
This would have an interesting synergy with Deadly Deagons. It would certainly make battles more interesting. ;]
Bump? :3
Compound bows would be really interesting as well. >:3
Make a bat file that teleports you to the Ragged Flaggon cell. Problem solved? c: You can make bat files by opening notepad and writing console commands in it, then save it as a .txt file. Then, you place the file in your main Skyrim folder, or in your Skyrin/Data folder; either will work. Then, you can activate the file you made in-game by typing "bat whatever-you-named-the-file" into the console. And voila! You can teleport to the Ragged Flaggon whenever you want. ( I THINK the console command to teleport there would be coc raggedflagon, but I'm not sure. )
I figured this out myself with.. a lot of experimentation. The console command for equipping spells is "equipspell (Spell ID) Right or Left" or player.equipspell (Spell ID) Right or Left For example, if you already have your follower or other npc selected by clicking on them you would type in "equipspell 0001c789 right". Then the targeted npc would have fireball equipped in their right hand. If you want them to have it equipped in both hands, just do that same command but use "left" instead of "right" at the end of the command. I'm not sure how long the npc will continue to use the spell, but if it's stronger than their other spells they 'should' use it indefinitely.
LE A genuine but GOOD list of ideas... (by Greytale)
Xanins replied to Greytale's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I strongly agree with essentially everything you suggested, except for hunger/ sleep. (I'm too lazy to want to deal with stuff like that.) I also really enjoyed reading your post, it had me in stitches. =D -
Someone needs to make a mod that allows him to be a follower! >_<
I totally agree! I found a mod that allows you to marry him, however he's not much fun since he still can't act like a companion/ follower. I'm pretty sure this has to do with him probably not having the voice files of a follower. He just sits in whichever home I choose and has the usual spouse abilities.
Me too! =D I was also hoping that the shoulder armor would be made symmetrical as well.