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About kylecouch25

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  1. ah well, guess i'll just have to deal with TW making a silly decision.
  2. I think this one is a no brainer. Warband had it, and these are clearly not death tournaments as half the time you are fighting your own men. The game already has wooden training weapons in the Training Grounds, I'm not sure why tournaments are suddenly treated like grizzly death matches where all the combatants miraculously walk away totally fine at the end. I don't know maybe I'm wrong, probably a dumb idea.
  3. I know man, it's really frustrating. Oldrim had a mod for this, called "Dragon Real Shouts", it was abandoned before Dragonborn came out however, so it was never "finished". how there is just nothing for SE. There are so many unbelievable mods for Skyrim that just won't ever be ported over to SE for whatever reason, and it's truly a shame, given how SE is a vastly superior platform to use, and will only get better once SKSE64 is more fleshed out.
  4. Damn, all this time, and no responses. Dragon Real Shouts was so good, I really wish someone else would do this since Dragon Real Shouts is incomplete and abandoned.
  5. I was not aware of this "Open Civil War" this is a fantastic discovery, and darn close to the original Overhaul mod. Thank you kindly for bringing this to my attention.
  6. Does anyone know of any good mods that enhance the Civil War quest-line yet, since the Overhaul mod is obviously never coming back? <.< I know hardly anyone mods SSE yet, and even fewer ever bothered with the Civil War quest-line unfortunately. I'm sure it's not even really possible to do anything with it yet without SKSE being in a more robust state, so does anyone have any plans to do something with this when that happens?
  7. Just curious if this kind of mod exists for this game, I've looked off and on for a few years and haven't seen one yet.
  8. i'm not overly experienced with PC hardware, but I'e found SSE performs smooth as butter for me compared to Oldrim in a vanilla state. I use an old Radeon 7770 with also 12gb of RAM with an old Phenom II Quad Core Unparked.
  9. NMM does not, nor has it ever, organized and properly sorted your load orders. All it does is download the mods and installs them into the proper files. Sorting and organizing is up to you, using programs like LOOT. I've used NMM for years, and I've had almost no problems with any of my games by downloading the proper patches and using LOOT, and BOSS before that to keep the load orders sorted. Do not blame modders or NMM for your own failings and modding ignorance.
  10. So, does anyone know if there is yet a mod for real dragon shouts, where the dragons actually say the words of the Shout rather than just screaming? if not would anyone be willing to make this happen? O.o
  11. Yea it's a good place to start, but it's such a small drop in the pond compared to all that is missing.
  12. They existed long before Tiber Septim was even born. I see no reason why they would disband because of that. Also theres any number of reasons you could invent to bring the Order to Skyrim on a Holy Mission, If you recall in Oblivion they was always talking about going on Expeditions in search of Artifacts and such for safe keeping, or going forth to purge the wicked powers of the Daedra and so forth. Lots of things could bring them here.
  13. I just don't get it. Did everyone hate that DLC? No one has ever made a Skyrim mod about the Order of the Nine as far as I know. I always loved it because it gave a great counter balance to the excessive amount of "evil" Daedric quests Elder Scrolls always has. All these years I was hoping someone would make an epic Knights of the Nine quest mod for Skyrim. Sadly it seems it will never happen, and I'll have to rely on Oblivion to give me my Divinely Blessed hero story. Seriously was I the only one hopping for this? Am I the only one who cares about this? KoTN: Revelations by Lanceor was nothing short of a work of Art, imo. I really hoped beyond hope that someone felt that same passion for it.
  14. Anyone? This hasn't happened to anyone else? Would really love to fix this without Console Sorcery.
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