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About Windmaker13

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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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    Wargame Red Dragon

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  1. Ok after reinstalling game, downloading all mods once again I can say that... I have no idea what was a problem as now everything works fine. I guess it was something with maybe corrupted game files or something. Thanks for help - specially with LOOT idea ;)
  2. I'll check it. Thanks! I had no idea so much will change in just one year of not playing this game :D
  3. I will see what I would do - as I used most of those mods before - some of them in older versions, and didn't have any problems. It was just a year ago.
  4. Nothing. Just standard cleaning issues etc. - I'm running BOSS. I don't know why if I switch off SKSE it worked fine in Race Menu. Of course as a lot of mods needs SKSE I had a lot of warnings about not having it on. Right now I decided to uninstall game and download it once again (as Steam after switching off all mods showed me a lot of files with errors, and I had issue with my character position in default game start) and slowly install all mods.
  5. I have this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33526/?
  6. I have strange problem with my Skyrim. I returned to it after a long brake, and tried to play it with few mods. Unfortunatelly I'm having a strange CTD in race menu while changing gender. As I know this error is common, but none of fixes I found work. First of all I have game patched, and newest SKSE installed. I don't have Apachi Hair mod installed (as I found it might couse crashes). It's a clear game installation. I don't know why, but if I run game without SKSE (and just use normal launcher, I can change gender and so on - of course with all issues because of not haviing SKSE. I'm using Race Menu mod - switching it off changes nothing and there is still CTD, and Altarnate Start mod. I'm also using mod UNP Replacer Configuration Package. I have not made any changes to Skyrim.ini file etc. - as I didn't find anything to change in it. I'm adding my load order, as maybe there is some conflict mod, but as far as I know I'm using same mods as I used to have before. Any idea what I made wrong? :D
  7. I have some troubles with Skyrim, as I'm from Poland, Steam shows my Skyrim as unavailable game in my region. I have Polish box edition of it - and it's added to Steam after installation, but still unavailable in shop, search etc. There are no plans to have any other add-ons then Dawnguard to be released in Poland in near future but I would really like to get Hearthfire add-on. And here I have few questions: Where can I buy it's version that I will be able to add to Steam. As I have Polish edition of game - even translated to english, it's unavailable in Steam Shop, so will it be compatible with add-ons version for other regions? I'm interested in digital version of course :) Really looking for help ;)
  8. Some fresh stuff is always good :) And to be honest... even now all ENB's should be changed to match user taste, so You know ;) It always depends on base ;)
  9. I have made some tests - I guess I will look into calibration once again in Christmas time when I will be able to make it more carefully, but after first few changes I got my inventory look properly. The thing is that I have installed RL once again and I'm switching between COT and RL and well, it seems that with full respect to COT author, for me it's colors are totally not in my taste :) I think I will play as I will be able till Your mod release and then I will see how it works :)
  10. Thanks LargeStyle! I will follow Your suggestions. It looks like Skyrim is my first so much depending on every computer aspect game I had, as before I have never had such homeworks like now :) So let's go to work! :)
  11. I tried it with very different values - 0.0 to 10.0 but without effect on inventory and map. It looks like very high setting was used for those objects, but well, I tried I think everything... The problem is that I have changed that some time ago, but I didn't notice this change as I didn't look at inventory earlier. Strange :)
  12. Thanks! Now it looks like it should. One thing left for me. I have changed something and I screwed light on objects in inventory and map at day time. Now they are far too bright. This is how it looks: http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/3751/2012120900045.jpg Where I can repair that?
  13. Thanks guys! You have helped me a lot. Well I have to say darkgondul that Your's ENB suits my taste the best :) Thanks a lot! I have made some changes in ini file to get few things as I wanted but it's based on all Your work. Now I'm going to work on reflection from for example face - but I can't figure value which should be changed as I switched off reflections in general. You can see what I mean on this screenshot. Then I will see how interiors look like as I checked everything only how night and day work with few weather types. http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/3685/2012120900042.jpg This is how my enbseries.ini file looks like now after all my changes:
  14. I'm interested - I just didn't have time to look at discussion earlier :) And I'm looking forward for Your mod to try it too :) I have small question about Darkgondul ENB - It's very nice (v3) but I'm thinking about one small change to apply - as nights are very nice, deep and dark, I would think about increasing brightness at day time it always look like in cloudy weather. And generally I'm wondering if You could think about light sources to make their light more yellow/orange, mostly torches and fire in general, as it's too red in my opinion and it doesn't give enough light. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/706/2012120900034.jpg But I have to report strange bug I found in Whiterun but it seems to appear with all light sources like torches and fire - I have such effects in different colors: http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/2630/2012120900020.jpg http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/9525/2012120900028.jpg It's for sure something with ENB as if I switch it off it disappears. EDIT and one more thing: Can You tell me how curve value works? I mean what is it's purpose and what I can achieve with that?
  15. No problem guys, You don't need to apology :) Reading Your discussion gives me also a lot of tips on how to work on those files. There are so many ENB settings/mods/files to compare, that it's very tricky and difficult to get exactly what someone wants :) I'm very happy that this discussion moved forward like that ;) I'm just after few tests with few ENB's on COT mod. COT is great with it's weather, I agree with that totally, but personally for me it's colors are too cold. Well, I seems that for me more important then realism is to have warm colors :) I will try darkgondul files right now, as I made few tests on dedicated ENB for COT but well... I screwed it with changes I did so I need more practice :)
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