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  1. Should not matter how you do it, as long as you ensure that your normal map ( _n.dds) has an Alpha channel and then, when you save the normal map, you save it as DXT5 Interpolated Alpha type or any other type that will leave the alpha channel intact. okay well whats the difference between the gloss you get with the alpha in the normal map and the specular map? and thank you btw, that helped me, i finally got a bit of gloss!! :D also, what textures need alphas?
  2. Thanks for replying! Should I use the add alpha layer mask option for the normal map? or should I start with the dds that has a layer mask and just make the normal map from that?
  3. I've been using the creating an armor mod for skyrim tutorial on the wiki site and I now know how to make the standard dds file and the _n file for my mesh. However I'm at a brick wall. I've tried everything to try to make a texture that is both of these things ---> Shiny and Transparent. So far I have been able to get transparency by adding an alpha mask layer to my dds file. But the shinyness is eluding me. If I use a cubemap it adds reflections but not exactly, "shininess". Please help! I've tried everything but I'm very bad at texturing! :( Thank you so much for your time!
  4. I've tried to follow this guide before and it doesnt work for me. First of all I get different settings in nifskope when I get to the part after the export from blender. Secondly I've never painted weights by hand or have the slightest clue what I'm doing. I'm asking for another way because surely there is. Thank you though, this guide just never seems to work for me :(
  5. Could anyone give me a short walkthrough of a method to create the _1 nif from the _0 one? Ive tried my method from fallout 3 but it doesnt work for skyrim apparently, everything between the light and heavy is terribly messed up. Tutorials or expert advice would be amazing thanks! Oh and I'm using blender for 3d modelling. Thanks again!!
  6. Hey so I have been working on some textures on a glove mod, trying to get used to it. I'm trying to use the main dds, _n, _e, _s, and _m textures to try to make a shiny metallic glove, similar to the metal body mods. So far the only texturing I have done that was successful was in fallout 3 and that was because all the gloss/transparency etc was done in nifskope. Would anyone with enough skill be willing to talk me through a good way of making say a texture of something that would be reflective, glossy, like polished metal? All my attempts at anything have created a dull matte finish. I can't seem to get a gloss let alone reflectiveness :( Also, maybe a better way of asking is, if I were to take an existing say...body texture and fill it in with just a solid color, what steps would I take from there to get the textures to work as I need them to? I'm having the hardest time finding tutorials that work for me :(
  7. lol no worries, i actually got a working nif! only one problem..... everything between the _0 and _1 mesh (in game) is messed up.... -.- any ideas on how to fix that? I could upload the working ones? bump
  8. lol no worries, i actually got a working nif! only one problem..... everything between the _0 and _1 mesh (in game) is messed up.... -.- any ideas on how to fix that? I could upload the working ones?
  9. I have, to this point, created my _1 mesh with the same procedure as my _0 mesh, I open the body in blender, duplicate the body, seperate it into two different pieces (the body and the glove) I "ShrinkFatten" by a scale of .01 and then I follow a tutorial to export (with materials and uvs etc) back to nifskope. This all works as I want it to and my mesh works as I had hoped in game. However if I have my character's weight set at anything in between the heaviest and lightest the weights and bones of the mesh get really crazy with body parts sticking out and the skin VERY convoluted. It seems I've done somethign wrong making my _0 mesh because everything in between the _0 and _1 meshes is convoluted. Could anyone point me to a tutorial or give me a process by which I can properly make the _1 mesh? I'd be greatly appreciative! :D
  10. Okay, I'll do that and post the link however I figured out my initial problem. I was using the GND mesh for the Creation kit AA file or add-on file. I was supposed to use my _0 nif for it haha. So now the body mod under the suit shows up but the suit is invisible when equipped :( Also when I move the body weight in the race menu the mesh gets really weird and messed up in between the heaviest and lightest weights. I'm not sure what I did wrong with the weights. I'll upload the file and I'd appreciate the help! I feel like I'm getting close at least! http://www.mediafire.com/?suap2v6opt7hfwu Also anyone that can get this working or tell me how I can....I'd be greatly appreciative, thanks! :D
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