Haha just relax and read them carefully. Try your best to understand. Modding in Oblivion is really like that because we're often pushing the game to do things it was never designed to do. So there's lots of instructions, disclaimers, compatibility/incompatibility and bug reports, and so on and so forth. Bethesda probably didn't even know we'd go so far with the modding. They probably thought we'd just add new weapons or put little gameplay tweaks here and there. But it's cool. If you take your time and learn to follow written instructions, your life in modding Oblivion (and playing other games and doing other computer-related things for that matter) will get much easier. Thanks for the encouragement :D I see what i can do to fixed my problem ( still need to re-download some mods though since it has some missing meshes and textures :( ) Maybe i will put some screenshot to see if there is any mistake in using TES4 edit.