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Everything posted by ZabuzaXtreme

  1. Wow it worked,all i need is to change the bUseWaterLOD and the fSurfaceTileSize settings.Thanks man Kudos for you !!!
  2. Well i do what you have instruct and the result come up in a weird way. When i was in a far distance away from the land i could see water but the other were just plain blank.Whenever i go near the water disappear.Do you think it has to do with the open cities mod or is the game ?
  3. Hello,i bought a GOTY Oblivion edition because my old oblivion that i bought doesn't function properly but i have one things that bug me is the dissapearing water.It never happened to my old oblivion but it happened to the GOTY edition @_@ . I don't put so much mods though so what really happened ? Can anyone reply to me ?
  4. Well can anyone help me ?? This issue starting to get on my nerve :(
  5. I think i have some technical problem with this game.Don't know if you guys have experienced it or not but i am so frustrated about this issue.Everytime the music tends to start,i got hang ( stuck ) for 7 second.Ok,i have patient with waiting for 7 second but as i progressed my adventure furthur,it get really annoying.Everytime i have detect an enemy i hang for 7 second and then the music began and when i have finished the battle i need to wait for another 7 second for the battle music to finish and finally i need to wait for another frickin 7 second for the other music ( like Explorer Music ) to began.So that a total of 21 second i need to wait whenever i have detect an enemy and finish them off @_@ Got any solution to this problem or i need to show you a video if you're not clear enough ?
  6. The armor is called Lancer Dread. No idea 'bout the sword though, sorry. Edit: @ZabuzaXtreme: The race is x117 Mini Lop-Eared elf, though the first one is a version with Moonshadow elf textures/face mesh on it. I know that mini lop-eared elves are included in MBP, and I think Moonshadow elf version is included in it as well. Here's a link to the one I'm thinking of: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368 thanks you for helping me :)
  7. Can anybody tell me what mod is this : ? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/30707-3-1283285233.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38585-1-1306926747.jpg It look like a child race mod but i can't it find it anywhere :(
  8. Same result as always even though i download the buffer purge mod.Arggggh,but i realized that i need the ULC compatible patch to reduced crash,maybe that the main problem @_@
  9. i got a lot of mods in my oblivion folder and since nehrim is link to the oblivion folder ( like some kind of connection ) wouldn't that messed up my oblivion games ? I try deactivate all the oblivion mods at my nehrim launcher,played for a while and start my oblivion and guess what ? It crashed everytime whenever i start even though i activate all the previous mods i have deactivate @_@ I wonder if there is someone can make nehrim like Shivering Isle,like it takes place in the dungeon and when you venture far enough that where the nehrim story started :D
  10. lol i have been using that two mods quite long ago,my main reason is that when i entered the text document load up all the mods are jumbled up like the stated above but when i go to my fallout 3 load order it organize properly @_@
  11. Btw is there anyway that i could check the mod list i have downloaded them like a read me file so i can post here ? Well i able to find one list order file but it messed up just look : Oblivion.esm ¶\h ȈAll Natural Base.esm üŒ Ȉnpc with jobs.esm B㯠ȈCM Partners.esm ˆ¦Ó ȈHorseCombatMaster.esm Îi÷ ȈUnofficial Oblivion Patch.esp - ȈLoadingScreens.esp ,:ª ȈAll Natural.esp rýÍ ÈˆImmersive Interiors.esp ¸Àñ Ȉ&Immersive Interiors - Lights Addon.esp þƒÈˆEnhanced Water v2.0 ND.esp DG9ȈIdle Dialogue.esp Š ]ȈMIS.esp Ð̀ȈMIS Low Wind.esp ‘¤Èˆ MIS New Sounds Optional Part.esp \TÈȈRainbows.esp ¢ìȈAll Natural - Real Lights.esp èÚȈWindowLightingSystem.esp .ž3Ȉ!Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp taWȈChaseCameraMod.esp º${ȈClocksOfCyrodiil.esp èžÈˆNWJtamriel.esp F«ÂȈDropLitTorchOBSE.esp ŒnæȈGet Wet v0.92.esp Ò1 Ȉ&Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp õ- ȈStreamline 3.1.esp ^¸Q ȈMap Marker Overhaul.esp ¤{u ȈDLCHorseArmor.esp ê>™ Ȉ DLCOrrery.esp 0½ ȈDLCMehrunesRazor.esp vÅà ȈDLCSpellTomes.esp ¼ˆÈˆThieves Arsenal.esp L(Ȉ Thieves_Arsenal_Patch_033010.esp HLȈAlluring Potion Bottles v3.esp ŽÒoȈHentai Mania.esp Ô•“ȈApachii_Goddess_Store.esp Y·ÈˆDLCFrostcrag.esp `ÛȈ Lost Paladins of the Divines.esp ¦ßþȈxuldarkforest.esp ì¢"ȈxulStendarrValley.esp 2fFȈxulTheHeath.esp x)jȈXulEntiusGorge.esp ¾ìȈxulFallenleafEverglade.esp °±ÈˆxulColovianHighlands_EV.esp JsÕȈxulChorrolHinterland.esp 6ùȈ!xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp ÖùȈxulBravilBarrowfields.esp ½@ȈxulLushWoodlands.esp b€dȈxulAncientYews.esp ¨CˆÈˆxulAncientRedwoods.esp î¬ÈˆxulCloudtopMountains.esp 4ÊÏȈxulArriusCreek.esp zóȈxulPatch_AY_AC.esp ÀPȈ#xulRollingHills_EV_withoutWheat.esp ;ȈxulPantherRiver.esp L×^ȈxulRiverEthe.esp ’š‚ȈxulBrenaRiverRavine.esp Ø]¦ÈˆxulImperialIsle.esp !ÊȈxulBlackwoodForest.esp däíȈxulCheydinhalFalls.esp ª§ÈˆxulAspenWood.esp ðj5ȈxulSkingradOutskirts.esp 6.YȈxulSnowdale.esp |ñ|ȈxulCliffsOfAnvil.esp ´ ȈxulSilverfishRiverValley.esp xÄȈ&Lynges Unlimited Death Reload Time.esp N;èȈ%Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp ”þȈRealisticForceHigh.esp ÚÁ/ȈSpellSinger.esp …SȈMidasSpells.esp fHwȈ300ft_crime_detection-7319.esp ¬›Èˆ!DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp òξȈ2Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs.esp 8’âȈOblivion XP.esp ~UȈ_Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.esp Ä*ȈCM Partners.esp ÜMȈMoonshadow Elves - Sc.esp PŸqȈ_Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp –b•ÈˆSynx.esp Ü%¹ÈˆCM Partners Special NPCs.esp "éÜȈCM Partners NPC.esp h¬ ȈCM Partners More NPCs.esp ®o$ȈCM Partners Marker NPCs.esp ô2HȈCM Partners Extra NPCs.esp :ökȈ0Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer.esp €¹Èˆ<Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer NIF REMOVED.esp Æ|³ÈˆEvantal's Dual Wielding.esp ǹdȈ$_Ren_BeautyPack_full_anime_voice.esp ôÏdȈCM Partner Isabell.esp !V˜eȈElzMoreVoice.esp $N¤afȈGDSkingradCathedral.esppeSóíȈParaClothes.espx²ÚwGʈMiniMap.espŽ8ÿô͈ UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.espj?€,ô͈Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.espj…Å£,ô͈ and i don't have time to arrange it properly because i got way too much mods Z_Z
  12. Haha just relax and read them carefully. Try your best to understand. Modding in Oblivion is really like that because we're often pushing the game to do things it was never designed to do. So there's lots of instructions, disclaimers, compatibility/incompatibility and bug reports, and so on and so forth. Bethesda probably didn't even know we'd go so far with the modding. They probably thought we'd just add new weapons or put little gameplay tweaks here and there. But it's cool. If you take your time and learn to follow written instructions, your life in modding Oblivion (and playing other games and doing other computer-related things for that matter) will get much easier. Thanks for the encouragement :D I see what i can do to fixed my problem ( still need to re-download some mods though since it has some missing meshes and textures :( ) Maybe i will put some screenshot to see if there is any mistake in using TES4 edit.
  13. lol my english is fine ( not great,not suckish),it just that i don't like reading long paragraph words cause i don't want to waste my time figuring so long on how to fix some mod issue.Still maybe you could help me in this issue ? Hmm i do some observation and it appeared that when i create a new character it appear to crash often ( about 15-30 minutes ) than my old safe ( 1-3 minutes ) @_@ Is my old safe corrupted and how can i fix it ? Also how to disabled autosave ? I heard that it can causes crash to the game also ( if you got many mod ) if you can't clearly understand what i have meant,i can give you an example :)
  14. @UNKNOWNYMUS oh,i was hoping that mods will ignored crashes Z_Z
  15. @Telyn I followed the instruction which you have given me but it still doesn't fixed anything,is there an easy instruction rather than that ? It quite confusing for me ( apply filter,removed to indentical record,test games = same result ) :( I just want a short instruction that doesn't include long sentence because it confused me to see so much words.
  16. Hmm i do some observation and it appeared that when i create a new character it appear to crash often ( about 15-30 minutes ) than my old safe ( 1-3 minutes ) @_@ Is my old safe corrupted and how can i fix it ? Also how to disabled autosave ? I heard that it can causes crash to the game also ( if you got many mod )
  17. hmm i try the weOCPS but the result still the same,it just that my frame rate drop a bit so i have to removed it.When i use the BOSS,it say that some files need to be cleaning.Is that what causing the crashing issue? If so then you guys know how to clean those mods ?
  18. Okie thanks :D You guys are very helpful xD
  19. Well i have been meaning to use this 2 mods since my oblivion keep crashing every 15 second -__- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22282 ( weOCPS) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 ( UOP ) but i am afraid that it will mess up my game,do anyone experienced in using this mod with having no problem at all ??
  20. I see that there are thousands of people registering in Nexon and helping people with their problem too so i though they could help mine cause i think there possible that 1 person could help me. Anyway i installed a lot of mods so i don't know which one conflict against the movement animation @_@ I have also sorted them all out with BOSS so they don't messed up [X] Fallout3.esm [X] Anchorage.esm [X] ThePitt.esm [X] StreetLights.esm [X] BrokenSteel.esm [X] PointLookout.esm [X] Zeta.esm [X] Lings.esm [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm [X] LingsDLC.esm [X] HairPack.esm [X] FNNsys.esm [X] Inventory Access.esm [X] iHUD.esm [X] CRAFT.esm [X] CALIBR.esm [X] xCALIBR.esm [X] Project Beauty.esm [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm [X] EVE.esm [X] Apocalypse Armory.esm [X] FOOK2 - Main.ESM [X] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESM [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm [X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm [X] LingsFinerThings.esm [X] Companion Core.esm [X] RobCo Certified v2.esm [X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm [X] RRCompanionVault.esm [X] RRGuards.esm [X] EnclaveCommander-OA-Pitt-Steel.esm [X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm [X] Shojo Race.esm [X] EnhancedChildren.esm [X] AliciasCuteShop.esm [X] RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm [X] Ambient Temperature.esm [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp [X] FireLightFix.esp [X] DarNifiedUIF3.esp [X] Ambient Temperature HUD.esp [X] Ambient Temperature - OA.esp [X] Selective Fire.esp [X] Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp [X] Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp [X] DynamicCrosshair.esp [X] eyes_hairpack_en.esp [X] hair_add_npc.esp [X] Shojo NPC.esp [X] TakingOutTheTrash.esp [X] no blur on hit.esp [X] LongerDeathCamera.esp [X] Sprint Mod.esp [X] RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp [X] RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp [X] RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp [X] RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp [X] RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp [X] RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp [X] RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp [X] RH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.esp [X] RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp [X] CivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.esp [X] UPP - Pack 1.esp [X] UPP - Pack 2.esp [X] UPP - Original Perks.esp [X] UPP - Quest Perks.esp [X] NightmareRealm.esp [X] Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.esp [X] BlackWolf Backpack.esp [X] BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp [X] BlackWolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.esp [X] RRWastelandPosters.esp [X] RR_Refurbished.esp [X] FPS Grenade Hotkey.esp [X] FPS Grenade Hotkey - Zeta addon.esp [X] FPS Knife Hotkey.esp [X] NPC Response Expansion.esp [X] DCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.esp [X] megalight.esp [X] AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp [X] 99+2.esp [X] FOOK2 - Main.esp [X] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp [X] Apocalypse Armory.esp [X] Apocalypse Armory - CALIBR.esp [X] Apocalypse Armory - xCALIBR.esp [X] Apocalypse Armory - DLC Enhancements.esp [X] Apocalypse Armory - Optional Historical Names.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp [X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp [X] Alt Start Weapons - FWE.esp [X] WeaponModKits.esp [X] WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp [X] WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp [X] WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp [X] WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp [X] WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp [X] WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp [X] Apocalypse Armory + WMK.esp [X] ColtM4Carbines.esp [X] InverseCombatKnife.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esp [X] 3EFdrg.esp [X] Dogmeat Leather Armor - no crafting.esp [X] Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp [X] SchoolUniforms.esp [X] Tactical Vest CIRAS.esp [X] kikaiEquipment.esp [X] Powered Power Armor.esp [X] PPA - Operation Anchorage.esp [X] PPA - Broken Steel.esp [X] PPA - The Pitt.esp [X] PPA - Mothership Zeta.esp [X] Tactical Vest CIRAS - Vendor Restock Script.esp [X] NAPA.esp [X] F3Eyelashes.esp [X] Friendly Portable Turrets.esp [X] Childhood Beginning.esp [X] Companion Core DLC Addon.esp [X] RobCo Certified v2 Version Updater.esp [X] RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp [X] EVE.esp [X] EVE Operation Anchorage.esp [X] Apocalypse Armory + EVE.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp [X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp [X] LingsFinerThings.esp [X] bittercup_comp.esp [X] 1PipboyPDA.esp [X] KillableChildren.esp [X] KillableChildren - MMM.esp [X] KillableChildren - CotW.esp [X] UsableCigarettes.esp [X] Easier_hacking_5_8.esp [X] CrossRepairWeapons.esp [X] Slower Degradation (-50%).esp [X] lessviewdistance.esp [X] Realistic Death Physics.esp [X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp [X] Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp [X] Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp [X] Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp [X] Fellout-Full.esp [X] Realistic Interior Lighting.esp [X] Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp [X] Realistic Interior Lighting - OA.esp [X] Realistic Interior Lighting - PL.esp [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp [X] muzzle with 100 radius lightening.esp [X] F3UmpaAnimation.esp [X] The Groovatron.esp [X] FNNsys - FWE.esp [X] Sydney Follower.esp [X] Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp [X] CRBSOR.esp [X] KDS Optional Tree Addon.esp [X] MMM, FOOK2.esp [X] MMM, FOOK2 - DIK.esp [X] MMM, FOOK2 - Natural Selection.esp [X] Shojo Neko.esp [X] Sydney Follower - Recruitment Fix.esp [X] Sydney Follower - FWE Dialog Fix.esp [X] BetterBittercup.esp [X] FinalFantasy_hairandraces.esp [X] GLOVES for Manicured Nails.esp [X] FACE2.esm [X] FACE2 -1- [Riven's Eyescapes] Eyelashes.esp [X] CP - FACE2 [Eyelashes] Enhanced Children.esp [X] MadokaMagicaSeihuku.esp [X] Chimera.esp [X] Blowback_v1.esp [X] R18PN Fiona Armor.esp [X] HelmPOV.esp [X] Rivens_Eyescapes.esp [X] CINEMATECH.esm [X] Music On Birthday Party.esp [X] FastTravelIndoors.esp [X] The5 Visors Mod F3.esp [X] TheFingerOfGod.esp [X] Kirina_Shilo_2.esp [X] KDS Restoreout.esp [X] RR Companions 100 Follow Distance.esp But about the deactivating all the mods,i need to see if i can find other solution.If it doesn't solve the animation movement problem,i do what you post.
  21. How could this happened ? Could anyone tell me ? All the character in Fallout 3 now hover like a complete maniac and the only thing to reset the animation is having a dialog conversation with them but how about to those who don't have dialog conversation ? I don't want my game to become a big buggy game. Please help me,any expertist or any people who experienced with this bug before.
  22. Well that doesn't help because once i disabled the FWE,i can't even start the game because of constant crash but thanks anyway. I guess i have to stick with FWE =_=
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