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  1. It was a pretty robust method. I used a bunch of X-markers. My train then held an array that referenced each of those markers. It would loop through the array. Moving to the next marker once it completed moving to the current one. It SORT OF worked, but it was very clunky. It was a bit of a bodge! Scriptname CMR:CMR_TrainOnly extends ObjectReference {Script which actually controls the trains travel } ObjectReference[] Property TrackPoints Auto ObjectReference Property PlayerXEntryMarker Auto ObjectReference Property PlayerXExitMarker Auto Float fMonorailSpeed = 500.0 Int iTrackIndex = 1 Function RunTrain() Debug.Notification("Function: RunTrain called.") ;Move train to start Self.MoveTo(TrackPoints[0]) ;Move player in to the train Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(PlayerXEntryMarker) ;Start moving the train towards the first track point Self.TranslateToRef(TrackPoints[1], fMonorailSpeed) EndFunction Event OnTranslationComplete() Debug.Notification("OnTranslationComplete event called.") FindNextPoint() EndEvent Function FindNextPoint() Debug.Notification("Function: FindNextPoint called.") iTrackIndex += 1 ;Check to see if there are any more track points. Otherwise, end of line If(iTrackIndex >= TrackPoints.Length) EndOfLine() Else ;Move to the next track point Self.TranslateToRef(TrackPoints[iTrackIndex], fMonorailSpeed) EndIf EndFunction Function EndOfLine() Debug.Notification("Function: EndOfLine called.") iTrackIndex = 1 Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(PlayerXExitMarker) EndFunction Thanks for the reply,. I wish I could understand all that stuff. I've only just started modding so scripting is a bit beyond me at the moment. What I tried to do to get my light source moving was took a npc (eyebot) and set a patrol for them. I was going to try attach a light to it but it wouldn't do the patrol outside my floating house mod. Maybe it the markers don't work in an LOD Worldspace. ( I staged it in the Commonwealth LOD for the skyline) Anyway I haven't moved forward from that. Maybe I should learn scripting haha.
  2. How did you make it move? I'm trying to get a light source to move on a path or patrol but have not figured out how to do it.
  3. Well managed to create an Eyebot NPC and got him doing a basic patrol around the apartment but when I move him outside floating just away from the balcony he doesn't do anything. Floats there at least but seems to ignore the Patrol Package I gave him. Thought it might be a NavMesh issue but I actually haven't NavMeshed anything in the Dwelling yet but he still did the patrol. So I dont know. Maybe the Exterior LOD Worldspace is not an area it can operate or navigate unless there is a cell to work off. Might have to think of another way to do my lights. What about explosions? Not sure how to use Special Effects yet. Is there a way to make them go on a loop or something if you could place them outside in the air? I know it's not a matter of just dragging them into the Cell as I tried that.
  4. Haha, I'm sure scripting isn't a scary as it sounds but I fear it may be a little beyond me at this stage. Only tried the CK for the first time a week ago. Never the less I will prevail and try to make something good.
  5. Thanks BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah for the reply. Eyebot idea might work. I have no idea on how to adjust motivations for an Eyebot let alone height settings or even attaching a light for that matter but I will research it and post back here anything interesting I find. I just wish there was a way to simply move a light on a path. Interestingly I tried putting a Vertibird in my cell and applying a patrol but it just did it's own thing. I have a lot to learn I feel. Thanks again.
  6. Hi guys, bit of a newbie to modding but taking to it like a Swan to rad infested waters. Probably jumped in at the deep end but I'm building a player home which is positioned floating above the Commonwealth Exterior LOD Worldspace. (purely for the aspect you see from the balcony). I've been racking my brain and trying to research different ways to create a moving light source outside the apartment. Kind of like a low flying plane or something going past. At first I thought I could maybe attach a light source to a MrHandy NPC and set him on a patrol outside but he just drops to the ground. Doesn't stick in the air with the Patrol Markers. I did actually try putting a light source on patrol but obviously it didn't work. As far as I know the only other non static floating objects are birds and the Virtebirds. Not really sure how to delve into how they work but would appreciate any shared knowledge on getting a light source to follow a patrol path at altitude. Thanks so much in advance.
  7. Hi guys, new to modding but having fun creating my first one. A player home. Found this question whilst searching for a similar solution. BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah's idea works. I just had a look at the race track and checked how they did the paths for the different robots. Theres a whole bunch of idles that go around the track and each robot in the race is linked to the first one which the next and so on. Anyway I set up a few IdlePatrols in sequence and reference linked the actor to them. Trick would then be reskinning the actor as BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah says. My challenge is different. I'm looking for a way to have lights go on patrol or rather move along a designated path. Can't figure it out for the life of me. I first tried to get a MrHandy and set him on a patrol which worked inside but my Player Home is floating above the Commonwealth and when I set the patrol out of the interior he just constantly drops and jitters. Thought maybe if I could get him to float (why I chose MRHandy. Hes got a thruster right?) I could attatch a light to him somehow. I did try sending a light on patrol but no success. Not sure why but assume it's because it's not an actor. No AI or something. Don't know. If you have any ideas let me know. Anyway thought I'd write what I discovered just to let you know the theory is sound.
  8. I used the method spacetimebender describes here (thank you :) and it works for me, to a certain extent though I am using it for a house mod and am having issues with the door not sticking with the rest of the assets. It appears to in CK but when in game the door is separated from the build. Not a major issue while testing but will need to get that sorted. Anyone know how to control the Exterior Worldspace weather so it is constant? I looked through all the tabs in the Cell Lighting "Show Sky" but they all have a variable weather pattern. Ideally I want it to be constant dusk and raining for my Player Home but I'm using the Commonwealth LOD Worldspace and the closest I can get is FXWeatherMarsh but it doesn't rain using this. Would love to have the Glowing Sea as an option but it's not there. Any thoughts would be appreciated. It's my first attempt at modding anything so I think I've bitten off more than I can chew haha.
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