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  1. Yes, they ave spear mods, but, and heres the big BUT, for people like me, you need SI or knigers of the nine for them to play right. plus, bethseda didint concentrat on the armys thing. Me, personaly would like to make a battle to my tastes, but sadly, every time I try with the CS, when i play the game, theyre all nude 0.o.
  2. Oblivion can-to take 25-35 vs 25 35 45 man battles, and more. just reduce graphics, get rid of the grass, and have fun
  3. They really shouldn't. The reason is that people like me, dont have the best computers in the world, so downloading a BETA would be like downloading World in Conflict. (if youve ever tried to download the demo, you know what im talking about) So, that being said, most people wouldent even be able to download it without wasting 2-3 hours just to download a beta. And another thing, to top it all off, the game comes out in about 4 months.
  4. Mine will be a man who was framed for 1st degree murder, and was trying t cross the borders of skyrim undetected to start over, but was ambushed by guards. After killing 5 guards, they quickly knocked him unconcious, and sent him to prison.
  5. i Hear yah man, id like to see many more things, believe me.
  6. For me, it depends on how i feel, sometimes im good, loving kind, but others, get the F*ck out :devil: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :excl: :wub: 8) 8) :mad: :yes: :wub: :huh: :pirate: :pirate: :pirate: All mine will be is a Nord, or whatever that guy was on the intro, with the armor. and also, just because he said (Todd) that the level cap was 50, all that is is the cap for quick leveling, then it gets really long and hard to level.
  7. I would like to find a HUGE battle, not like that little S*ity B.S. you saw in oblivion. and spears, corpses, limbs, heads, well, leave out the heads. and you could fight battles that were at least very small schirmishes. 1 bad thing in oblivion that i hope changes. EDIT: "TURN UP, THE RA-DI-O! I NEED THE MUSIC, GIMME SOME MORE!!!!!!
  8. Write what you hope to see in TES:V SKYRIM here. What i personnaly hope to see, and no doubt anyone who has and sence left in him, would want to see something like deadly reflexs from oblivion, exept with better animations, and easier to activate special moves to cut your enemies to bits :). Post whatever you hope to see in skyrim.
  9. "Turn up, the ra-di-o! i need the music, give me some more! i have high hopes, cause all of my money on-hand is going into this....although, if it isnt THAT good, leave it to the community to make mods >:)
  10. I, personnaly, would not make a game with such a so called "huge" oblivion crisis, when there was not 1 battle, not like the battle of bruma, like a REAL battle, not some dumb idiotic 15 vs. 15 battle, and guess what? i dont give a **** if the game engine cant handle 25-30 man vs 25-35-45. man wars. An danother HUGE flaw, and i mean HUGE HUGE HUGE FLAW!!!!!!! is where are the spears? i mean, wtf man, cant you at least have spears? if not major battles like, for instance, take a fort, and fort, why are there no soldiers protecting cyrodil? In my whole short life, i have never ONCE heard of a crisis supposedly as big as the oblivion crisis, where countries didnt protect their f***ing COUNTRY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? gosh, the game is ok, could be better graphics, thats why im glad for skyrim, but please, someone make a mod where at least a few forts still stand. in a crisis klike that, its ok for a fe fallen forts due to daedra invasions. but seriously, coiuld someone make running forts and actual battles usng spears and swords and bows? Is it really that hard? im working on another medival mod, so dont look at this and say, ' why arent you doing something?' cause im busy, im tired, and im ticked :/. thanks for reading. PM me if you will answer the call.
  11. Nice...Although im not much of anything, i am making a similar mod though...exept with different factions...
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