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Nexus Mods Profile

About Utyran

  1. There is no point in buying them off of because they can not influence the economy by any law! Dont you get that in your head? They can't do it as they can't fly on giant Butterflies. Thats Capitalism. I'am getting bored by socialist thinking. Hey kid, i hate china because i hate communits. They would grab my bussiness and maybee send me to Laogai. But for you, everyone which is interessted in profit is an exploiter and capitalist and such thing. So don't bore me with your lefti micheal moore type of wannabee do-gooder.
  2. How would you act if somebody showes up your doorstep and tells you "Hello Mr.Everymen iam here to grab your property and make your children to debt slaves because i can vote for that to feel myself a better person which i don't be." Better idea: We take you and your socialist buddys, took you on a ship, bring you to a lone island far away and you show us how a universal healthcare system that will be better and cheaper would work. My Land, my property. Don't tread on me doesn't mean i will run away. It means you get beaten and if you try to grab my stuff and die... on a UHC Hospital waiting list ofcourse. No I have a better idea, take your opinion and attitude with you when you go, your time here is now at an end. Buddah
  3. No i don't excuse because you don't need a convictet murder to describe how serial killers work. I, as a german, do live under such a system. And it sucks. As a private patient, i pay even twice. Once for the crap i don't want, secoundly for medicare i could need some day. And than, the media subject to public law, even complaining about the universal goverment medicare, because private medicare patients would be better treated than the flat fare patients. Germans are notoriously socialistic because most of them couldn't take care for their own ass. I wouldn't complain if i would quit this system and just take care of my own bussiness, but i couldn't. Maybee you are just a consumer which dosn't produce anything. But i'am in carge of my own life and fate and such comparisons are so out of the field... Those who pay you moron! Have you ever worked one day in your life?! I don't want that sh**, the school system is a mess! I will never send my children to a public school in this country. Never ever in my life. Its a nest filled with vipers, slavetraders and lies. They are corrupt thungs because they have nothing to fear anymore from the citizen. Three months ago, a policemean threatened me he would crush my nose after i told him and his buddy i wouldn't show them my ID-Card (also wonderfull thing) because iam in hurry and got bussiness to do. They have not enough balls to do something against the real criminals but threat the "middlemen". Iam through with them, they decided which side they stand on. Most district have their own voluntary firefighters. Thats a convenience because citizens could do also productive work and can finance themself. I said it before, i don't want that smile. Why i should "buy" a medicare which i can not choose the kind of treatment. They give me what they think its the best. And when goverment thinks its good, its most of the time the worst for the citizen. The pharma industrial complex looooves UHC. Its like... like a labor rat experiment for them. The pharmacutials arent tested before they enter the market, the market is the test. And as a UHC "Patient" Labor rat, you are force to take that crap because they dont give you anything else. Get that? UHC is crap. I took a private insurance because it sucks so much. Guys, please, this isn't a game. You play russian roulett with your future and those of your children. You steal the freedom of choice from many other generations. They took a giant tax on tobaco and it just let the smuggeling grow. By the way, your proposal is another tyranical step to take more controll and than even kick people out by random. And how do you get informed as the UHC Company if some of the "customers"(They aren't realy customers) smokes? Spy on him? Belive it or not, they createt a term for that in german: Sozialvertraegliches Fruehableben.(socially acceptable perish) The president of the Medical Chamber createt that in 1998. This isn't about helping people, or what the socialists claim, this is about getting in controll about wealth and health of the population. This is sick garbage and i wouldn't take that anymore. Liars, thieves, murderers. Hospitals and clinics are crowded because the people ran to the doctor for every crap. They spread meds like freaking candy and the costs rising sky high! They even introduced a admission for the clinics! They just grab and grab and the services get lower because doctors are overallocated and making misstakes and than people dieing! 17.000 People died last year by mistakes made by doctors. The Berliner Courier titeld "As UHC Patient you are the last moron". So what else you wanna hear? UHC is crap and you should learn how to care for your own. Ratchet the tone down. You've been given one strike for personal attack. -myrmaad
  4. There is no point to buy off an politician if he hadn't the power to influence the market by laws wich protect their monopolies. I don't give a friendly smile about what the Voter wants, i care about what my customers want. Because i'am depentend on their spending. I get my income from their money, not from a goverment which pays with taxmoney taken by force. Big Monopolies fear free markets because of that. They want power, competition is very bad for them. Absolutly. But it is a right to fit for your own with your own labor. To fish and pick fruits for food. Hell yeah!
  5. No thats a damn lie, you sir, are liars and i'am getting sick of that. It makes me sick, its a infectious mental disease. Its a Tax, Its a Tax, Its a Tax, Its a Tax. Its THIEFERY !!! Get that mamas boys? Their is no good king and distributor which takes care of you. And i don't wanna care and pay bills for people which are snowboarding, smoking or endangering their healt in other way, and think that i would pay for sideeffects. So get off my property!
  6. Yes. Why? Reproduction rate in western nations is 1.3 to 1.4 Children each family. Thats ... thats just down the road to a society collaps. And hey, every man wants to spread his gens, right? And for those sissys which complaining about children: Hey, you were also some a time ago. s*** your dipers and made stupid gaga sounds. And you can make so much things wrong with children, but you can also do so much right. Which planet do you life?
  7. Hey, look at the numbers just for a moment. In Europe they throw 40% of the Food, which produce was financed with subsidies(Taxpayer money) ends up in the garbage. And there are people everywhere which just take it when it was thrown away, not because they are poore, but because they are angry about that. And there is my advice for the "poor" which have conveniences which couldn't even enjoy a king hundret years ago.: Learn how to Survive, learn to watch out for your own. But, as Victor Hugo said, Adversity makes men and prosperity makes monsters. Lazy, fat, greedy and effeminate monsters. There are enough mechanisms in the constitution and the BoR to keep corporate power in line by checks' date=' balances and competition. What createt the great depression? Monopoly on Money, FED Paper Money. What did J.D. Rockefeller said about competition? Its a sin, because it ever allows one party to get strong enough to enforce power. But they protect their monopolies [u']now by law[/u].
  8. No GD because it would be my money. What what kind of guileful question is "be allowed to die". Same kind of question like "does your mom still have sex with dogs". Doesn't matter if you say yes or no, its a catch question. First, they wouldn't starve. First because there are food banks, because the western market throws 40% of its food directly into the dumpster( I don't support food banks because it cements a system of dependence.). Secoundly there are charitable Doctors which treat people for free, because the have the time and money which they made with their private patients. And if you such a angel who cares about the poor, help them by yourself. But don't just sit on your butt and support more taxation just because it makes you feel like a better person. There is no need for more socialism and goverment running redistribution. Healthcare is no right, healthcare is a service which someone must work for. And my two cents about the public healthcare. I don't want that low standart "medicare" medikill services, because the doctors are way to much in stress, make more misteaks and treat you like crap. I want to be treatet like a customer! And wouldn't pay for people wich smoke, eating fast food crap every day and don't give a smile about their healthcare. And it would also mean, that i must pay two times for healthcare. First for the public with my taxmoney, which services i don't want. Secoundly for my private healthcare. So i have to pay twice which reduce my wealth and brings me nearer to the poore line.
  9. Combat troops... and hes continuing replace them with National Guard Troops for garrison duty. Looks like somebody lives under a rock. Do you know that the Bill Clinton administration shiped light water reactors to north korea?
  10. @Telyn & AurianaValoria1 Trie to help is nice but, its more about cloaths. @alonsomartinez you offered your help on this medieval clothing request http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/410941-mens-medieval-clothing/page__view__findpost__p__3401187 Do you think you could make a some changes on a mesh which already exists , that way i described? Pics http://www.picfront.org/d/8icP http://www.picfront.org/d/8icQ http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/l9oe0fbt/gambibambi.jpg http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/ix8dg32e/secoundstep.jpg The folder path for the last ones are cloths\lowerclass\02\ male shirt The robes from the first pics are included in some mod, i forgot which it was, but if you interested an you help me, i send them to you. In the end, the mesh should look like that (I will do the cloath textures of course.) http://www.a2armory.com/images/medievalcostumes/men/lionheartgambeson.jpg I would send you an private message, but the messenger said that does not work. If someone could tell him, that would be nice. Its just that i will finialy get something done.
  11. See whats happend? We argueing about nothing, wasting a lot of times and before something is done, the threand is buried under requests which aren't even worth reading them because people didn't even provided their own help.
  12. So chance the underarms texture or replace them with the Chainmail arms and the skirt part. No big deal and not even worth argue about. Also, i want that as resource because it could be used in Skyrim too. Because people jelling for fitting shoes is also a very reason why i hate the request categorie and as good as no modder does a view on that. Start with the basic things first, and the very problem at this point is, that we don't have even the resources. By the way, is there any better idea how to create that Mesh than my Robe Idea? Could be save a lot of time and work.
  13. I can't understand why you making schemes about that now if the basic thing isn't even available. For what in the world should we need a new scriptet equip system? Hey, a Gambeson was mosty weared under the armor. So why should there be a need for what you are describing. I see no seanse in this idea and even more no practicability. So why should i even try to do this unnecessary script work? There is absolutly no need for that. It doesn't make sense that way are you describe. Maybee alonsomartinez is realy so friendly to create such a Gambeson Mesh, that would be released as resources and everyone could do what ever he wants to do. But at the moment we just wasting a lot of time, debating on details which are insignificant.
  14. Just one version with the opportunity to remove the underarms is enough, I do the rest. Textures and the NifSkope add things. And that is BS from the word go. And why should that be needful?
  15. What? Does that matter? Thats totaly insignificant. Seriosly pale, whats the Point? Wanna wear it over an armor, use nifskope and replace the arms with the one of the Steel armor. Or whatever you want. You thinking totaly the wrong way how to do such things. Set the Akteon as Amulet to wear it over the other things doesn't make sense at all. It should use the Upperbody slot like the other cuirass parts. By the way, debating everything that refers to the Construction Set part of the Work is extraneous, because every moron can chance which Bodyparts this would affect. So maybee you should thinking for a moment.
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